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Old 3rd November 2008, 15:58   #496
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How about people driving diagonally through the oncoming traffic to get to the other side of the road instead of watching both sides and making a sharp turn?
In some cases, people drive on the wrong side of the road for good distance and cross to the other side when they see an opportunity.
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Old 4th November 2008, 14:06   #497
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Originally Posted by Guna View Post
How about people driving diagonally through the oncoming traffic to get to the other side of the road instead of watching both sides and making a sharp turn?
In some cases, people drive on the wrong side of the road for good distance and cross to the other side when they see an opportunity.
In Pune is this happens a lot. Even though the rules are strict, very few people follows them in Pune.
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Old 4th November 2008, 14:59   #498
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no need to spot one...i am one
yes if its a crime to do a freakin 160-180kmph in thrissur - phalghat road then yes i am a bad driver..lolz. and yes at times i do zig zag a hell lot on the dangerous side of 140kmph!! .

spottin one is a good idea....lolz
peace out.. haha ..
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Old 21st November 2008, 13:20   #499
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I don't know if this has been mentioned in one of the posts (didn't read 'em all), but is it really a challenge to spot a bad driver? I think as a general rule, in this country, it is far more difficult to spot a good one.
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Old 21st November 2008, 16:36   #500
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There are these BEST driver's in Mumbai whom you can find on every traffic signal doing excessive race. and troubling any vehicle who is little ahead from them.
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Old 21st November 2008, 16:44   #501
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A sumo decided to take a U-Turn today morning on top of the Masab Tank flyover.

Blocked an ambulance which then used the loud speaker to make sure he moved.
Ambulance got away.
But the Sumo was stuck at an awkward angle.

The sumo finally had to drop the idea for a U Turn and carry on straight.
Left a long pile up on the opposite side.

The next U Turn is about 1 km away.
The Sumo was trying to avoid that.
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Old 22nd November 2008, 15:45   #502
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Originally Posted by bblost View Post
A sumo decided to take a U-Turn today morning on top of the Masab Tank flyover.

Blocked an ambulance which then used the loud speaker to make sure he moved.
Ambulance got away.
But the Sumo was stuck at an awkward angle.

The sumo finally had to drop the idea for a U Turn and carry on straight.
Left a long pile up on the opposite side.

The next U Turn is about 1 km away.
The Sumo was trying to avoid that.
This is indeed a common thing. People can go on the lower road (not the flyover) and take a u turn a few meters ahead, but want a royal shortcut to take the U turn right on the narrow flyover, blocking all traffic. I remember there were 'no U turn' boards on most flyovers when they were opened.
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Old 22nd November 2008, 19:45   #503
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BEST Bus drivers in mumbai. They will stop in the middle of the road at the bus stop even when there is space to get to left side near the bus stop. Traffic behind them has to wait tell they move forward.

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Old 23rd November 2008, 08:38   #504
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I seriously have a grouse against people who don't understand that the left is the blind spot of a driver and that is why there are rules against overtaking from the left. Some time ago, I had my left wing mirror shattered (not just broken) by a maniac in an esteem who overtook me from the left at upwards of 140.

Another grouse is against alto/800 drivers and motorcyclists who believe they can squeeze through the tiniest available gaps. I have lost count of the number to times that my mirrors have been hit by these people, and always when I am standing still in traffic.
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Old 25th November 2008, 17:31   #505
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Noisy Drivers

On a lighter note.
Bad Drivers = Noisy Drivers
1) Those that Honk the Horn too much.
2) Those that cause the Bang sound (accompanied by a nasty jerk to your car) when they Bang your car.
3) Those who scream out loud at your (and in general make a lot of noise). When you bang them. (It's never our fault.)
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Old 27th November 2008, 13:33   #506
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Anybody heard of the word "THANNI LORRY", literally translated in English as "WATER LORRY".. these are a special breed of water tankers(drivers) who drive recklessly on the streets of Chennai and compete with each other. They get paid extra for every additional trip..Safest way is to give way, let them overtake and BE ALIVE.... I have had personal harrowing experiences with these guyz.
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Old 11th January 2009, 19:04   #507
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I second that teknophobia, I do have a grudge against Wagon R's who think they can squeeze in every available inch,in fact a red wagon r clipped my right fender when I had actually stopped - the Wagon R came from the perpendicular road from the left and joined the main road.

Indeed motorcyclists are like the road ninjas and driving in Bengaluru roads is a bit like wrestling for space!

One more bad driver I spotted was a lady driver in a Cielo Automatic who was backing up despite my horning trying to park her car, luckily the guards stopped her and directed her , even then she probably felt she was taking up a lot of road and time to park so she drove away to come around once again and try her luck in the same spot. Happened near the Empire restaurant on Church street.
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Old 11th January 2009, 20:12   #508
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Originally Posted by rammishra View Post
BEST Bus drivers in mumbai. They will stop in the middle of the road at the bus stop even when there is space to get to left side near the bus stop. Traffic behind them has to wait tell they move forward.

Woow Same here in Bangalore. BMTC Bus Drivers they stop in the middle of the Damn Road & all the Vehicles get stuck till they move forward & the way they drive phew... better to give them the way rather than get hit.

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Old 4th February 2009, 20:36   #509
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Hate drivers who can't stick to their lane especially on a curvy road , say there is a road which curves toward the right you'll see so many of them (especially Santros and Wagon fact all the tallboys) driving at +80 speeds and moving to the lane left to them and this can be so dangerous especially on empty roads when everyone is just zooming around.
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Old 4th February 2009, 23:48   #510
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99.5% of the 2 wheeler drivers in India are bad drivers. not an assumption but the universal truth.
they don't see the indicator given by cars while turning left even after that they overtake from the left and Bang into the vehicle.
i have noticed this while driving a 2 wheeler even i tend to do drive like a nub.. that's why i hate driving 2 Wheeler's
who is to blame?
India on a whole actually..
the licensing system is so pathetic that a 15 year old kid can fake his certificates to get a DL.
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