Team-BHP - Bad Drivers - How do you spot 'em

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I have been thinking about this topic.
One thing apart from the driver is the windscreen that I notice.

If the windscreen is dirty, I stay away from that car.

The car maybe all dented, scratched or dirty.
But if the windscreen is dirty esp in the region covered by the wipers, a red flag goes up.


Originally Posted by David Murx (Post 1214785)
Whenever i see a girl or a lady driving, or an aged person driving, i just try to stay away from their vehicle in order to keep mine in shape. Girls, ladies, aged persons drive in a way that is no where a style of driving. They take turns without switching indicators, they can slow down anywhere they want to, they don't give you way even though they know that they are driving at 20 and you at 40 !! When i was learning to drive at Maruti Driving School, my trainer gave me a tip that whenever you see a lady driving the car, stay away because they take turn anytime without letting you know. And if they bang with you, the fault is yours because people are always ready to help a lady. So for me these people are the bad drivers. :)

agree with your points mostly but not all of them.


Originally Posted by gajsh (Post 1214950)
Pretty much standard advice david, you are absolutely bang on when you mention girls (not all), ladies(most of them) and aged persons(most of them), best is to avoid them, sound advice.

well sometimes with them even sound advice doent work no matter how good or loud your advice is buddy.

It was fun and shock as well when i saw here an interceptor Ticketing a person to cross yellow solid line while driving. The reason to be shocked was that it was the Interceptor itself which made the car cross Yellow Solid line in Middle of the road to overtake as the Interceptor was going too slow in a way obstructing traffic. Really the police here can go any ways to make money.

guess we all just need to look in the mirror!


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 1215117)
David, you stay away from the females and the geriatrics, and don't notice the young alpha male tailgating you at 90 km/h. I am far more wary of the tailgaters than the females and geriatrics who are confused on the road because other drivers crowd them out, unnecessarily honk at them and generally behave badly.

Let's have a little respect for other drivers, leave some room for them to manoeuvre, and not scare them out of their wits with our airhorns and xenons. Only then can WE call OURSELVES good drivers. Not one of us can EVER call ourselves a BAD driver at any point of time.

I do notice the youngsters out there who drive as if they are about to take-off with their vehicle !!! And as far as things are about females and geriatrics, I do respect them but the thing is that many times you come across people that don't drive properly. I know aged person get confused when the other drivers crowd them but in case the roads are clear ahead they don't even speed up a little. And females here in my city drive very badly. You know they just look ahead and don't look sideways to check for the oncoming traffic from side. Today evening only a girl (must be around 20-22) was driving her santro on a road that was being repaired almost at a speed of 60 !!! Now how can you expect someone to go that wild on such a dusty road full of potholes ??


Originally Posted by David Murx (Post 1218101)
...females here in my city drive very badly.

Hey David: Lucky you! :D Keep an eye out for those females aged 20-22 driving badly, but also watch your mirror for someone tailgating you. Gender, I believe, has nothing to do with being a good or bad driver!


Originally Posted by harry10
The other ones who irritate me most is -no left right indication and just turn, common please if you got a damn 10 lac and more bucks to buy a car have some brain how to drive it as well

One of my pet peeves too. I just can't fathom why someone who has a spanking new car does not use the indicators while making a turn. Do they think frequent use will cause wear-and-tear of the indicator stalk ? Or maybe that the indicator-usage will result in lesser FE ?


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller
Gender, I believe, has nothing to do with being a good or bad driver!

True, but there are stuff that each gender is instinctively better at doing - ofcourse exceptions exist. For eg. cooking is something that comes naturally to women. Men also cook, but women just do it as if it is the most simplest thing in the world - and they are quick at that too. Same applies to driving when it comes to men - it is so easy & natural for most men. Ofcourse %age of bad drivers is more among men, since women are relatively more careful drivers.

My practice when it comes to women drivers is simple :
1) If I see a woman driving, I stay as far away as possible. If there is enough space for me to drive past and be gone, that is Option-1 for me.

2) If the road is full of traffic and Option-1 is not possible, I would ensure that they are in front of me and NEVER behind me. When they are in front, I can modulate my driving to match theirs and ensure no incidents. 2 rear-endings by women-drivers has convinced me that it is not a good thing for your car, to be seeing them in your RVM, however pleasing for the eyes the view might be.

3) And if due to unavoidable circumstances I have one of them tailing me, I start praying for my car to be safe and hope for the best.

i just think its the way which women drive which is fundamentally different from what we expect of most drivers, and hence the label. Probably if the majority of drivers out there were women, probably male drivers would be labelled as rash and reckless :D


Originally Posted by supremeBaleno (Post 1218820)

3) And if due to unavoidable circumstances I have one of them tailing me, I start praying for my car to be safe and hope for the best.

If they did crash into your car, you can have some argument, followed by meeting them once in a while. Then get to know eachother. Then slowly
they will get your heart and stamp it under those shiny stilettos.

Just kidding.

generic disclaimer: please delete if its stupid, ok it is stupid. so changing condition please delete only if its offensive, which I believe it is not. :)


Originally Posted by greenhorn (Post 1218828)
i just think its the way which women drive which is fundamentally different from what we expect of most drivers, and hence the label. Probably if the majority of drivers out there were women, probably male drivers would be labelled as rash and reckless :D

The other day, this middle aged women backed a scorpio in such a manner that not only did she knock a motorcycle over, but drove over it.. quod erat demonstrandum.

@SB- ya i think the constant use of indicators might be giving them less FE so they religiously avoid using it and prefer the screaming and name callings from the person behind their car. Whats the harm if you can get 20 choicest abuses in 10 secs and save quiet a few litres of fuel, good deal:D


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 1218447)
Hey David: Lucky you! :D Keep an eye out for those females aged 20-22 driving badly, but also watch your mirror for someone tailgating you. Gender, I believe, has nothing to do with being a good or bad driver!

Not lucky enough, they don't ask me for a lift !!! :D
I agree that gender has nothing to do with it. In fact men are comparatively more rash drivers !!! But still majority of females don't drive properly.

I got fed up with all this what-comes-naturally gender rubbish decades ago --- so I'll just say no more ;) but...


Originally Posted by supremeBaleno (Post 1218820)
3) And if due to unavoidable circumstances I have one of them tailing me, I start praying for my car to be safe and hope for the best.

If I have anybody tailgating me, I slow down. If they overtake, fine, they are out of my hair and no longer a potential danger to me.

If they do not overtake, and quite often they don't, seemingly they just want to drive within sniffing distance, I slow right down. If necessary, I'll stop. Otherwise, I just accelerate and pull away.

Usually, they get the point and stay back.

This is one thing I will not put up with. Otherwise, I am trying (it's tough) to practice 'driving yoga', and not respond to what other road users do. Why damage my nerves, when it has absolutely no effect on them? ---- is what I keep telling myself, anyway!

When I mentioned 'tailing', I was merely referring to a situation where there is a car behind me maintaining a decent gap depending on circumstances. I was not referring to 'tailgating', which is driving 'dangerously close behind' and which is indulged in by rash/reckless drivers, cabbies and call-centre drivers. I am yet to see a woman who 'tailgates'.

Coming to think of the issue, all of us whenever disobey/disregard any traffic law, howsoever small and ridiculous, turn into bad drivers. I guess the only remedy is education and severe punitive action on breaking the law.

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