Team-BHP - Bad Drivers - How do you spot 'em

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Spotted this baddie today morning. Look closely the pillion is very much there behind the barrel.


Originally Posted by AlphaKilo (Post 2842922)
OT: sorry to nitpick, do you mean by 50kmph or at 50 mts distance? because actual meaning of "klicks" in military terminology means 1000 mts or 1 km. I hope that solves the confusion to avoid any further confusion.

no, I am very much civilian so was talking about speed :) 50kmph.

spotted this Nano zip-zapping through traffic and speeding on the IRR this morning; don't know if this is a member. this fella was anything but driving safe.
Bad Drivers - How do you spot 'em-_mg_6986.jpg
do us all a favour - remove that sticker from your car!

3 interesting experiences today:

1. On Sarjapur road near Wipro, a lady was riding her Scooty in the middle of the right lane, while an autorickshaw was going slowly in the left lane. The lady was as fast as the autorickshaw. Moreover, she had her small daughter sitting behind her and clinging on to her. I waited for a few seconds, then honked a couple of times. She did not budge. Luckily the autorickshaw pulled over, so I could move to the left lane (the lady showed no signs of moving out of the right lane). While overtaking, I noticed an even smaller boy in front of her. So much for safe driving.

2. Within a minute or so after that, I was in the right lane and a totally modified Zen was in the left lane. Suddenly, a small head popped out of the driver window of Zen. The driver was happily carrying his child (less than a year old, for sure) on his lap. Needless to say, he wasn't wearing seat belt. Oh, I almost forgot. He was talking on the phone too. I am bad at multitasking, so he can take up my job I guess.

3. Near Sarjapur road fire station, there was a huge pool of water (thanks to last night's drizzle - yes, I said drizzle), and one Etios guy was struggling to drive through it. I went ahead from his left side, where the water was deeper. But I don't think I splashed any water on the Etios, since I kept enough distance on my right. My Palio anyway doesn't care how deep the water is.

When I took the left turn on to a narrow road after 3-4 KMs (at Kodathi to go towards Gunjur), there he was, following me so closely that I pulled over where there was space on the left and he sped ahead. I hoped to never see him again.

Sadly, there was not so much traffic (since it was 11 am already), and I found him 2-3 cars ahead at the next bottleneck (Varthur). Then these 2 - 3 cars between us went in another direction, and I ended up right behind him. Seems like he thought I was stalking him. He again started driving rashly, but I ended up right behind him at every traffic stop till my office.

I have no clue what instigated him. Was it my 'Live to Drive' sticker? I ended up getting on his nerves without even trying a bit!


Originally Posted by rohanjf
3 interesting experiences today:

I went ahead from his left side, where the water was deeper.

I have no clue what instigated him. Was it my 'Live to Drive' sticker? I ended up getting on his nerves without even trying a bit!

I think he didn't like it when you went ahead of him from the left side. His ego was hurt may be,so he tail gated closely till u gave way.

When he saw you behind him again, his ego kicked in and made him drive rash JUST to stay ahead of you.

People and their silly egos i tell you!

Disclaimer: my guess work could be totally wrong though!

Spotted a really bad and crazy driver. I was driving through a 'not so crowded' city road when I saw this Innova flashing it's lights coming well over 80km/hr. When I plan to move to the left lane, he decided to overtake. A wild swing and his innova was in the left lane and overtook me. A Santro, driven by a lady almost had a shock of her life when he started honking and flashing. When she didnt let him pass, he overtook the santro very carelessly. While doing so he almost hit another car in the left lane and think he almost drifted since he was driving so fast. Checked the plates online and guess what, it's a MLA's car. There was nobody inside expect the driver when this happened. This is not the first time, I have seen N number govt cars being driving like this.

Wish I could do something like this when they drive like crazy. Pull up in front of them and do like the one in the video lol:stupid:

Russian Driving Lesson: Merging - YouTube


Originally Posted by naveen.raju
Checked the plates online and guess what, it's a MLA's car. There was nobody inside expect the driver when this happened. This is not the first time, I have seen N number govt cars being driving like this.

I have seen so many cars in Bangalore belonging to politicians who drive so rash and some times does not allow us to overtake. They think they have some kind of immunity from legal offences.


Originally Posted by naveen.raju (Post 2843558)
Checked the plates online and guess what, it's a MLA's car. There was nobody inside expect the driver when this happened. This is not the first time, I have seen N number govt cars being driving like this.


Originally Posted by HighOctane (Post 2843582)
I have seen so many cars in Bangalore belonging to politicians who drive so rash and some times does not allow us to overtake. They think they have some kind of immunity from legal offences.

We face so many instances of the above case all over the country. In fact we have another thread for this

A case of bad owner - Woman attacks traffic cop for parking penalty | Deccan Chronicle


Originally Posted by msdivy (Post 2844702)

:eek::Frustrati Is she mad or is she under influence? Come on! Even if the Police personnel were wrong, she can't just pounce upon them like this. As we have been discussing such a angry behaviour for sometime in the thread now, this comes up as a good example to show the need for anger management.

A very valid proof that money cant buy you everything. Commonsense being one of them.

I hope they charge him for 2 parking slots.

Shot at forum parking.


Originally Posted by mannubhai (Post 2844914)
A very valid proof that money cant buy you everything. Commonsense being one of them.

I hope they charge him for 2 parking slots.

Shot at forum parking.

It is obvious that this owner does not want other vehicles in the proximity of his expensive vehicle.

My 90 year old neighbour has an excellent remedy for such parking-impaired morons...he breaks an egg on the windshield of the vehicles that are parked wrong in front of his house. Try getting out of that mess :)

Appearing for the defense they say in court ;)

The trouble with parking pics like this is that the photographer may not have seen the vehicle parked, and that the space available may have been different. Already the car to the left is touching its line --- although not far enough over to justify the next car straddling the next line.


Originally Posted by HighOctane (Post 2843582)
I have seen so many cars in Bangalore belonging to politicians who drive so rash and some times does not allow us to overtake. They think they have some kind of immunity from legal offences.

Well don't they? They are above the law for all practical purposes. We can harp about laws and punishments on the forum but the reality is that you can't do a thing to them.


Originally Posted by mannubhai (Post 2844914)
A very valid proof that money cant buy you everything. Commonsense being one of them.

I hope they charge him for 2 parking slots.

Well its always tough to take a call in such cases since you never know how the other cars were parked when this guy parked his car.

On the other hand I would cut him some flak too. Afterall most people in India are too careless specially when it comes to other people's property. I am dead sure the 2 cars on either side of his car would not hesitate even for a second in banging there doors into his car while getting in or out. In such a case, given that this guy loves his ride like we do and the cost of getting a scratch removed, he is not very wrong in ensuring that his car is safe.
Infact its a good idea that the malls should come up with whereby they can charge you for 2 spots. I am sure a lot of people driving those expensive cars would opt for it. stupid:

Did not want to hijack the accidents thread. Wanted to post this since i saw an Infant bus that made a minor accident today because of the driver's mistake on the ORR. No one even bothered to say a single word, this happened to a AL bus with atleast 30-40 people sitting in it. The bus in a bitter maneuver to overtake an auto hits it and pushes off the road but fortunately nothing happened to both. So the case ended there and bus continued the hooligan driving.

We keep thinking that these cabs and buses are driven by rowdies. I don't think any of these drivers are even capable of being a rowdie. They are thin, weak kind of guys who at the max can hurl abuses. What amuses me is that everyone complains of the same thing

- no sleep
- continues working hours
- very less salary
- being abused and hurt by the supervisor and bosses always.

(spoke to couple of bus, TT and Sumo drivers)

On the passengers - They are just bothered about how fast they can reach their destination, they will keep quiet even after a major mishap. They think, if they say something, driver might get crankier and i can't reach home early. Even if someone in the crowd got courage to talk, he/she will be asked to keep quiet by the remaining.

I dont know how far this is true. Most of them get weekend off, a very good resting period between 10am-6pm as they are parked inside campus. Salary is always a concern, some claim they get 10k, 7k, 12k and figures in between. No comments ! And we can't do anything about 4th point, does it mean they need to be rude and rash on the road ?

Interestingly, i happened to hire one of these cab guys for a team outing that lasted 3 days. The driver stays near my house and the vehicle a TT. I had certain conditions before the trip viz: driver should wear seatbelt, should not smoke or drink during working hours (meant driving time) and should follow rules and not honk without a reason. And unbelievable, barring a few kms of not wearing seat belts, the guy followed everything what we wanted. Did not even pester for food etc. The transport guy who arranged the TT knows me very well so he ensured the driver was good. He even returned the bills, toll receipts etc.

Same guy was spotted few days after that in HSR layout, no seat belts, honking, bullying. Okay, now where is the real problem ? What changed in him after the trip ? I don't know......Is Bangalore making everyone a bad driver for some reason ?

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 18:39.