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Old 8th July 2021, 13:11   #16
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

I think all will agree with me that while not accurate measurement, it will help catch some overspeeders.

1. If they take more than 99 minutes, they may or may not be guilty,
2. If they take lesser time, they are guilty for sure, can anyone challenge this?

So, at least 50% (assumed figure) of the guilty should be caught. That's still reaching somewhere, right? Why be negative? Not all will be aware of the rules, isn't it?

A better idea could've been use of AI to read number plates and have speed traps set up with cameras at 1 km gap to measure speed, but that's for the future sci-fi movie, not present.

Originally Posted by Agarwal_Aayush View Post
I do not see anyone benefitting here other than the restaurant and café owners just after the toll.
People will stop at the cafe's just to kill time in order to increase the time between the two tolls and blast there cars to glory. It is gonna remain the same as it has been till now until and unless people realize that speed thrills but kills. Even though intention is good but execution is very poor IMO.

Yes the "Accidental car statues" can deter few drivers but that's it, most of them will still drive at very high speeds.
Are you sure about this? When I rode on Yamuna expressway to get to BIC, I saw that it was fenced on both sides, with only few exits leading downwards on the sides. And I didn't spot many dhabas there, but this was in 2015.

Last edited by Samarth 619 : 8th July 2021 at 13:13.
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Old 8th July 2021, 14:43   #17
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

Originally Posted by Samarth 619 View Post
Are you sure about this? When I rode on Yamuna expressway to get to BIC, I saw that it was fenced on both sides, with only few exits leading downwards on the sides. And I didn't spot many dhabas there, but this was in 2015.
Over the years, three official restaurants & rest areas have come up on each side. They see fair amount of crowd, even in this COVID situation.

Also, there are unofficial dhabas and small shops at highway boundaries (in the farms), frequented by truck drivers.
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Old 8th July 2021, 14:48   #18
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
They do the same thing on the Mumbai-Pune expressway and it was mighty effective. Overnight, you'd see 99% of vehicles cruising at 90 - 100 kmph. Of late though, there have been many speeding cameras come up. The way they flash when capturing a violator is more than enough to deter everyone else. That, and of course, the 1000 buck fine.

IMHO, this will be a stop-gap measure until they put up speeding cameras all over the Yamuna Expressway.
Absolutely correct here GTO.

It used to be just the time taken to finish the BOM PNQ express way earlier, but now it's also exceeding the speed limit at any of the various speed traps.

Although thanks to Bombay not having any good race tracks around, people consider the INR 1000 fine as a surcharge to speed all the way to their destination.
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Old 8th July 2021, 15:42   #19
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

Things that are not clear:-

(1) The constitution of these time booths? Whether these shall be automated or manned by personnel? And if manned by personnel, what about absentees and laggards amongst them, who may not and maybe present respectively.

(2) Does it mean that the speed cameras are ineffective in checking over speeding and rash driving by erring drivers?

(3) In normal car and vintage car rallies, if the speed between two laps is more than normal, the car waits to mark time in a serene corner on the route before arriving at the time booth. Can such time-passing be checked and circumvented?
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Old 8th July 2021, 19:57   #20
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

The Best way is to reward people here is by reducing toll for people who do it above 99 minutes and penalizing people for time right at the toll booth for those who do it under 99 minutes.

For eg : If someone does it in 80 minutes, make that person wait for another 20 minutes and then release him.
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Old 9th July 2021, 08:34   #21
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

Originally Posted by wildsdi5530 View Post
With more and more people preferring private transport rather than public transport for the very obvious advantages, one of the most important is the time saved.

Flying to Chennai from Bangalore will take 2 hrs from Bangalore to the airport, 20 mins flying time and 20 mins into Chennai. Coming to Trains it will take at least 6 hrs of travel time not including in city travel. By car door to door should take 4-5 hrs for the 300 kms.

I know the govt is really trying to speed up travel by introducing Bullet trains and Hyper loops. This will definitely boost their coffers.

But ridership in these bullet trains and in airplanes will depend on reduction of dependence on private vehicles. While the fantastic rise in fuel prices is surely discouraging the private vehicles, it was still making financial sense. Hence the increased tolls on all roads.

When this didn't promote airline and train travel, even the bottlenecks at toll gates failed to increase travel time sufficiently to deter people from driving. Hence the unreasonable speed limits.

30kmh Speed limits on deserted stretches, monster speed humps on highways, Z - barricades, speed traps, are all just to promote public transport. Ever notice how taxis and commercial vehicles are exempt from traffic violations?

But this is a wasted effort. For a generation previously owning and driving a car was the ultimate aspiration. Back in the 1940 very few people knew how to drive. Youngsters nowadays seem to have no interest in cars. I guess by 2040 very few people will know how to drive.
Hi, I don't follow your argument, please could you clarify if you are for or against this rule?

On a general note though, am just amazed at the extreme cynicism whenever any new policy is rolled out.

Indians aren't some genetically modified people that we are hard-coded into disobeying all laws. These have always been a function of infrastructure and the sheer lack of it.

Simple case in point. Even 10 years ago roadside peeing was The norm. Why? Because the toilets in our highways were like gas Chambers. To enter was something only the bravest did.

Now? At least in TN, Kerala and Karnataka and Guj (where I do all my highway driving) super clean toilets are freely available and roadside peeing has exponentially reduced.

This is one example! As our infra catches up, as enforcement improves we too as a people will fall in line.

Another example was the death trap that was the ECR in Chennai till Mahabalipuram Absolute death trap, morons thinking they are speed racers etc. Then two things happened.

The road was widened into 4lanes, signage made world class a few speed traps created and now the majority of cars follow speed norms.

Last edited by Stribog : 9th July 2021 at 08:41.
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Old 9th July 2021, 10:00   #22
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
I wonder which official thinks up this sort of solution to solve speeding problems?

So I can drive at, say, 200 kmph for 20 minutes = 66.6 km (round off to 65 km).

Then for the next 100 km I can drive at 75 kmph (justifiably sticking to the right lane, because all Indians do that, and getting excellent FE), to effectively cover the distance of 165 km in 100 minutes.

Voilà, no fine.

Yet, for all of those 100 minutes, I am a menace to each and every other driver on that road, whether while rocketing past at 200 kmph, or dawdling along on the 100+ kmph overtaking lane at 75 kmph.
The above is caused due to the half-baked implementation plan in this particular case. If they are treating 165 kms as a single section then this is not a good idea.

The Point-to-point/Average Speed cameras in New South Wales have the shortest distance (between two points) as 1 km and the longest to be at 94 kms. In fact, most are under 20 kms. Victoria for example has multiple speed traps/sections in a long highway.

Optical registration plate recognition technology is used abroad. I'm not sure if that's applicable in the YE or do they use manual gate keepers like in a Time-Distance rally?

IMHO speed-cameras are revenue generators and they aren't the solution for road crashes. Road safety needs several more fundamental changes.
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Old 9th July 2021, 13:06   #23
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

I thought they had installed speed cameras at regular intervals on the Yamuna Expressway. Had an incident way back in 2016 when a car with the same last four digits as mine was captured speeding but I was stopped by the police. I was shown images taken from speed cameras. Have those cameras stopped working?
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Old 9th July 2021, 14:46   #24
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

They highway management and the authorities did install speed cameras but people could easily bypass them as they were identifiable from a long distance due to the fact that they were installed on high iron masts. It seems they even experimented with hand held speed guns to catch those who start speeding after crossing the fixed cameras but perhaps even that did not show the intended results and that is why they have now come up with this rule.
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Old 9th July 2021, 19:47   #25
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

I don't know if anyone has experienced this but I have and it's quite worrysome. When I am on a long deserted stretch in an air conditioned car which is quite capable of doing 140+ all day long , doing a 100 or an 80kmph is very boring and takes a lot of effort staying awake since you're just cruising doing nothing. This is the reason why I gave up zoom car since I very nearly steered the car on the railing since I was cruising at 80 on a highway as per the speed limit.
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Old 9th July 2021, 20:01   #26
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

The Government really needs to figure out what speed limits they think suit expressways across the country. The variety of speed limits does nothing but confuse people and make it easy to collect speeding fines.

For context, the Eastern and Western Peripheral Expressways which connect the major industrial hubs across the perimeter of NCR have a speed limit for LMVs of 120kph. Whereas the Yamuna Expressway is limited to 100kph. As far as I can tell the specifications of the Expressways are identical (rigid concrete block construction, elevated, 6 lane width extendable to 8 lanes).

It isn't even a state issue since the Eastern Peripheral Expressway has its longest stretch in UP and will also be connected to the Yamuna Expressway in the future. It just seems to be a lack of direction and thought in basic infrastructure planning.
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Old 9th July 2021, 20:17   #27
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

On a lighter note Suddenly The Yamuna express way have become a TSD Rally ��
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Old 9th July 2021, 20:34   #28
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

Originally Posted by kiku007 View Post
If they are treating 165 kms as a single section then this is not a good idea.

The Point-to-point/Average Speed cameras in New South Wales have the shortest distance (between two points) as 1 km and the longest to be at 94 kms. In fact, most are under 20 kms. Victoria for example has multiple speed traps/sections in a long highway.
IMHO speed-cameras are revenue generators and they aren't the solution for road crashes. Road safety needs several more fundamental changes.
So the highways in Australia have a speed limit tolerance of exactly 2 kmph on a 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 110 kmph road - (this is not to inform you, but the other members reading this. )

So I got into a discussion some years ago, with a gentleman who had a role in framing speed limit and other road traffic policies in Victoria, about how to overtake a 50-metre-long road train doing 109 kmph on a 110 kmph highway, when the max speed I can risk is 112 kmph (if that). The authorities are well aware of this, he said, and they were trying to use the speed cameras as both average speed cameras, and speed traps. In the event that a camera shows someone doing >112kmph on a 110 kmph highway, and it is evident that he is overtaking another vehicle, the overtaking vehicle's average speed to the next camera would be taken into consideration before sending him a speeding ticket.

The last I know, such an algorithm has not yet been implemented in any Australian State. People still crib about this problem, as is detailed in this article.

Last edited by SS-Traveller : 9th July 2021 at 20:43.
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Old 10th July 2021, 12:47   #29
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

Originally Posted by FordGuy View Post
I don't know if anyone has experienced this but I have and it's quite worrysome. When I am on a long deserted stretch in an air conditioned car which is quite capable of doing 140+ all day long , doing a 100 or an 80kmph is very boring and takes a lot of effort staying awake since you're just cruising doing nothing. This is the reason why I gave up zoom car since I very nearly steered the car on the railing since I was cruising at 80 on a highway as per the speed limit.
Me! Me! Oh, have I indeed experienced this! Story-time:

I used to drive extensively in all the countries in Western Europe when I lived there for a few years. With speed limits being reasonably high (in those days - things have changed now I believe) and me enjoying the relatively low levels of enforcement, my driving was, well - let's just say I was quite familiar with how true or not the highest number printed on the speedometers of my cars were.

After a few years of this experience I moved to Canada (Ontario) where the speed limit was a mind-numbing 100 kmph; and worse, I was informed that enforcement was done in a very sneaky manner by the cops - hiding themselves on the overpasses with speed-cameras trained on the traffic. Hence I was warned to not exceed the speed-limits.

My first drive there was on the highway to a destination around 200 kms away; I rented a car and diligently kept to 100 kmph, stuck to the Right-lane. After about half an hour of doing this (and having to constantly keep checking my speedo rather than keep my eyes on the road) it was getting well-nigh impossible to keep my eyes open.

My only recourse (even though it was not permitted unless it was an emergency) was to pull over onto the hard shoulder (on a six-lane highway with 18-wheeler semis and other traffic rushing past me barely four feet away) and slept for about twenty minutes or so. I was able to continue after that.

Anyway, after being there for a few weeks I came to learn how to identify and reasonably reliably predict possible enforcement zones. And then it was all Blue skies, butterflies flying, birds singing, rainbows all around etc.

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Old 10th July 2021, 13:47   #30
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Re: Yamuna Expressway to be crossed in minimum 99 minutes (cars) | If less time, then speeding chall

@Fordguy @tilt
I have the same issue and its regularly happened when i was driving in US using cruise control and minimal traffic as such having to drive straight with very little steering input.

This has started to happen here in India as well now that i drive automatics and when you get stretches of good road without traffic. Manual transmission is very helpful in this scenario.
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