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Old 15th February 2021, 16:20   #1
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India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

India has the highest number of road accident deaths in the world. Despite having just 1% of the world's vehicles, India accounts for 11% of the world's total road accident fatalities.

India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths-roadaccident.jpg

According to the World Bank, 1.5 lakh people die in about 4.5 lakh road accidents each year in India. From 2010-2020, 13 lakh people lost their lives and 50 lakh were injured on Indian roads.

The World Bank estimates that road accidents cost Rs. 12.9 lakh crore or 7.5% of the country's GDP in 2016. These are more than double that of the government's official figures.

A recent study by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways puts the socio-economic costs of road accidents at Rs. 1.47 lakh crore or 0.77% of the GDP. The ministry estimates the cost to be Rs. 5.96 lakh crore or 3.14% of GDP after adjusting for under reporting. It is also said that 76.2% of people killed in road accidents are in the age of 18-45 years.

Source: ET Auto

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Old 15th February 2021, 16:32   #2
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

It really makes sad and angry. Government is not at all serious about improving the situation, be it state or be it center. There are lot many cases which are not reported or handled at local level. But even if we ignore data collection problem, even this number boils blood of me. We are not at all serious about the situation.

We just hear positive talk from authority that they will reduce accidents by 50% by 2025. Earlier target was 2020. Goal post moved as we did nothing. We just hear similar talks but year changed now to 2025.

Situation will be more problematic as we see rise of number of cars on the road. Nothing will happen.
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Old 15th February 2021, 16:44   #3
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

Topic of road safety is now trending, GNCAP on one end and clueless safety brigade on the other end, MSM being in the middle as usual.

Some points I can think of.

1. India has the second biggest road network.
2. India has the biggest population of youth as well as people of working age, only 5% is above 65.
3. Our average age is 29.
4. Our population is expected to surpass that of China in a few years.
5. We own very small percentage of cars yet 90% of the time they are sitting at home.
6. 2 Wheelers and pedestrians are the biggest casualty of road accidents we have, overwhelmingly.

The only way to get out of this mess is economic growth (), being able to afford better modes of transportation with more wheels and better road infrastructure to drive them on.
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Old 15th February 2021, 16:49   #4
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

Nothing is going to change until the people responsible for road transport and safety stop getting chauffeured around. How else can you solve a problem without experiencing the situation day in and day out?

And they all think speed is the only issue which they use as a means to create stupid speed limits in low risk areas so that they can create more revenue from fines thereby nullifying the respect for the law of the land.

The real issue IMO is the lack of training and testing given to our drivers along with senseless implementation of rules.

Last edited by Turbohead : 15th February 2021 at 16:51.
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Old 15th February 2021, 17:00   #5
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

Once you start driving a car you realize a lot of things which weren't clearly visible to you or you were taking it for granted:

1. How people walk in the middle of the road, leaving tiniest of scope for you to drive ahead. Even at night time on an unlit road.
2. How bikers freely ride cutting across everything thinking that the cars users will "adjust". Don't even get me started on the "go-kart" 3 wheelers.
3. How people throwing stuff from other vehicles can prove hazardous to the cars behind.
4. How your always on High-beam plus the new all LED blinding lights make the oncoming traffic go blind.
5. How everyone is so reluctant to wear a seat-belt as if it's a leash around their neck.

I literally pray before going out for a drive and feel a sense of accomplishment when I return back without any incident. Yes, I am a pretty new driver.

I always thought why the hell do people have to honk so much until I myself was in the situations where people, cows and even dogs and cats don't give two hoots about an approaching car!

From being a staunch opponent to honking, I now honk all the way to glory at every turn, intersection, steep incline, public traffic (not in car traffic where it's of no use) and even when reversing when people just don't bother to check as if a car cannot move backwards.

No surprises for that news then. We take our own lives very lightly.

Last edited by Aditya : 16th February 2021 at 22:30. Reason: As requested
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Old 15th February 2021, 17:36   #6
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

We know that the infrastructure will take a lot of time and the policy to make that happen are too slow. Many people who are driving and riding today neither have the patience on the road nor know the pain of getting a driving license, forget about empathy and caring.

Few countries have strict rules for issuing a driving license, for example Sweden. One of my friend had to spend 6 months to get one.
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Old 15th February 2021, 18:37   #7
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

It's the small things.
Root causes.
Unscientific infra designs, chalta he attitude and lax policing.

Just an example of a city street
- Footpaths would either be broken or enroached upon or filled with hawkers.
- Pedestrians as a result are forced to walk off the footpath.
- If vehicles are parked on the side, then they are further forced to walk on the road.
- Auto-rickshaws and taxis slow down to pick up their fare.
- Bus drivers in their half a century old designed vehicles try to avoid all this rush and drive in the middle of the road straddling two lanes.
- Cars try to stick to either lanes, but can't even have a proper traffic flow as there will be an abrupt opening in the median for U-turns without any traffic signals or lanes for it.
- Motorcycles try to fill all the gaps in this mess
- Jaywalking pedestrians

Same scenario in highways.
You have your 11%.

And authorities call it a day after beating some low hanging fruits. Crackdown on modifications and revenue generating speed cams.
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Old 15th February 2021, 19:22   #8
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

Originally Posted by Kosfactor View Post
The only way to get out of this mess is economic growth (), being able to afford better modes of transportation with more wheels and better road infrastructure to drive them on.
Economic growth is the only way to reduce deaths due to accidents. Refer to the fatality rates worldwide in the map below (Žion=World ).

Its evident from the map that death rates have a strong correlation with the economic prosperity of the country. As the country's prospers people will afford safer cars, demand improved infrastructure from governments, will follow the rules better and there will be better enforcement of traffic rules.

More importantly, people will have the mental bandwidth to drive safely as they prosper. When our mind is occupied with other problems, our driving behavior degrades drastically. It happens to the best of us. Imagine the plight of a common man who is trying hard to make both ends meet and is always in a hurry.

I wish there was an easier solution to this problem but there is none. Please drive safe and show empathy to our fellow road users.
Attached Thumbnails
India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths-deathratesroadincidents.png  

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Old 15th February 2021, 20:32   #9
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

Originally Posted by k10_nag View Post
More importantly, people will have the mental bandwidth to drive safely as they prosper. Imagine the plight of a common man who is trying hard to make both ends meet and is always in a hurry.

I wish there was an easier solution to this problem but there is none.
Education, prosperity are not related with self-discipline. Lets assume that given the huge number of vehicles (we must include all things on wheels plying on road as they form a real picture of traffic motorists face) space on road is a constraint. But what if we are disciplined on the road ? Will the movement of traffic be faster ? Less stressful ? Till self-discipline starts to flow in our blood, we will always needs a huge force of traffic cops. Its draining resources too. The social and economic condition also contributes like you mentioned, a guy trying to make ends meet will always be in hurry. How can we reduce this stress ? The third big factor is poor roads. Mix all the factors and what we are staring at is described in this thread title itself.

With current set of problems, there cannot be a method for easier and quicker solution. We need to undo some basics like driving on wrong side of the road as if its a fundamental right of a person. The condition and plight of traveling in India by road is vicious cycle, leading us from one problem to another.
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Old 15th February 2021, 20:44   #10
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

I believe one of the factors is improper road infrastructure and lack of awareness. It is kind of hard to bring road infrastructure similar to Western Nations here overnight. But it can be brought about gradually.

For now the solution to all this is to have discipline and a little bit of common sense. Yes, there will be that occasional freak accident, but for the majority, most can be avoided by maintaining a composed driving / riding style. If everyone on the road from 2 / 3 wheelers to car to buses, trucks and pedestrians practice discipline and a presence of mind, that fatality percentage can be brought down significantly.
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Old 15th February 2021, 21:03   #11
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

In my opinion, as soon as possible, something needs to be done about balded out tires on vehicles, especially 2wheelers. Something on the likes of embedded spikes inside the tires, like those on brake pads, so that when the tread depth goes beyond a certain safe limit, the spikes get exposed and make a screeching sound against the road while the vehicle is moving. And ABS, ESP should be mandatory.

I see way too many commercial vehicles and cheap commuter bikes on roads with super unsafe tires. Imagine a loaded bus minus ABS, coming down a flyover with bald tires trying to brake hard.

Plus obviously, the licensing regulations and driving tests need to get WAY stricter. The bribes paid by driving schools to grease the palms of the inspectors are a major reason why dangerously inept drivers are on the road currently.
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Old 15th February 2021, 22:03   #12
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

In my view, the driver education is the most important thing that could prevent or reduce the road accidents in India.

- Lack of understanding of traffic signs along the roads.
- People don't know when not to overtake, when not to speed, most of which would be indicated via these traffic signs which people don't understand in the first place.
- These are part of driver education in the western world where people do it religiously to receive the driver license, whereas in our country, the agent will be filling it up for you.
- And the blatant breaking of known signs like Red/Amber lights.

Understanding of one's own vehicle too can reduce the road accidents to a certain extent.

- Most of the people do not know the right time to change the car/bike tyres.
- Filling up of air in petrol pumps after a long drive/ride which is highly dangerous.

Also, I assume 2 wheelers constitute the major part of the road accidents in India. Lack of protective gear, not the full gear, even the negligence of basic helmet is one of the most important cause of most deaths.
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Old 16th February 2021, 09:20   #13
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

The Indian government should really invest in driver education programs and eliminate corruption from RTOs. If people are educated, they'll be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. They'll make up for the deficiencies in infrastructure with defensive driving. Haven't the majority of BHPians had many accident-free years/kms?

I'm in no way suggesting that imperfect infrastructure is okay.
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Old 16th February 2021, 10:19   #14
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

IMO, major accident causes are due to the lack of proper planned infrastructures and strict laws. Some scenario in which I had close call due to bad infrastructure and law.
  • Improper and unscientific lane marking , unmarked divider.
  • Lack of proper over-bridges for people crossing.
  • Lack of proper fencing on highways.
  • Stupidly designed roundabouts
  • Potholes on highways.
  • Poorly designed manholes which stick up like an old Egyptian pyramid
  • Totally unscientific speed breakers.
  • Parking on highways.
  • For government Traffic rules are just a medium to earn money through fines, most traffic cops sincerely don't care if anyone break traffic roles, they only care fines and Bribe. Really respect those few who really do know their responsibility and duty.
  • Improper implementation of Traffic signals.
  • Lack of proper road signs.
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Old 16th February 2021, 12:07   #15
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Re: India tops the world with 11% of global road accident deaths

This is expected when more than half the drivers have no civic sense or even driving licenses for that matter.

I was yelled at for saving the life of a couple who decided to casually make a u-turn on a single lane highway. No signals, nothing! They suddenly decided that they missed a turn, slowed down from 60 something to 20 and tried to make a u-turn just like that. I literally stood on my brakes to avoid hitting them. When people are least bothered about other road users, things like these are bound to happen. What if there was a truck in place of my car? The outcome would’ve been very different.

This is not the only incident, I came across lot of bikers with earphones plugged in with their phone placed on the fuel tank. They casually fiddle with their phones without even noticing that they are veering into the fast lane. Even worse, car drivers stopping in the middle of the road to check directions on their phones.

Even if the government provides the best roads in the world, there would be no change if people are this careless or stupid. I agree that infrastructure deficit contributes to accidents, but if people have this “if I die, I die” attitude, things would remain the same.
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