Re: Govt. could defer some new automotive safety regulations I can fully understand the pain experienced by the automakers and support measures announced by the govt. to help them in this difficult time. That said, we must ensure that we do not go back in time, that is efforts made to make transportation a little bit safer in the country with the highest accident-related deaths should not take a backseat.
Essential safety features which despite the new regulations aren't the most advanced in the world should not be skimped on as a cost-saving measure. There must be plenty of other areas where we can reduce costs without compromising basic safety. The idea should not be to endanger the people of the country to save the auto industry.
Measures like reduction in tax, elimination of import/other duties on safety equipment etc. should be considered before axing much-delayed safety norms. I hope that is the direction the govt. will take although, through experience, I'm also skeptical. Given how labour laws were randomly axed, the treatment of citizens during the pandemic, etc, the interests of the actual people of the country seem to be the last thing on their mind.
We always pay for everything, including for a duty hike at a time when oil was at historic lows, which apparently made India the country with the highest tax on petroleum. Why not utilize that extra % revenue (I realise that total revenue is down due to low consumption) for supporting the automakers? I still hope we retain most of the new laws that protect the people of the country!
Last edited by aaychat : 27th May 2020 at 12:01.
Reason: spell check