Team-BHP - Road Rage - Understanding, Avoidance and De-escalating Situation

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Originally Posted by paragsachania (Post 4600780)
We (including myself) have always felt why employees are silent when their Cab/Bus drivers break rules.

Yea, have often wondered that myself. In the stretch that I drive, I typically see few rashly driven Samsung R&D buses. I have almost never seen those buses being driven sanely!

Guess the employees will wake up to take action only if they are jolted with some untoward incident/accident.

Meanwhile, the drivers will go unchecked till they are met with angry crowds that may have been rubbed the wrong way.

Again a great and informative topic. Road manners in india has always been shabby at best. I too am an Indian so I'm sure that does apply to me to. But the difference between people is are they conscious about it or not. There is a Latin maxim in law that says, "ignorantia juris non excusat". Which implies ignorance about prevailing laws is not excusable. I try to keep myself educated and aware. I also am very conscious about all road manners, ethics and disciplines. I take pride in it. But like someone mentioned, being human has its flaws, we tend to get irrational when we are mad at something or someone and then those ethics and stuff takes a step back. I hence urge all the able motorists out there to keep calm and sane. A lot can be saved. Drive safe, drive right.

I don't know if this the right thread to share this, but this is specially for Mumbai folks and even more for people who travel by Aarey Colony road.

Today evening, one of my friend who is a fashion blogger and me went to click her pictures to Aarey as it has a very rustic and jungle type feel to it. We entered this lane which passes through a village to check out if we can find some by lanes which are good for a shoot. As we passed the village, we realized its a dead end ahead so we took a u turn and were getting back to the main road from where we entered this village type road which btw had Best buses passing through it.

2 boys, like 22-23 on a Dio came from the opposite side, stopped next to my window and asked me to roll down my windows, as soon as I did he said

"Kya dekh ke nahi chala sakta, bahar nikal"

I don't remember even coming close to any biker ever since I left home, forget this guy

I just rolled up my windows and proceeded further, checking my rear view mirror and this guy was talking to some villagers who looked like proper goons to me, then like those road side romeos who drive Dio's at machine gun speeds, he came from behind, signaled me to stop from my side, I just ignored and then he came in front of my car and braked, I just honked and came so close to his bike that he moved to the side out of fear, and then rammed the accelerator so that I reach the main road which too had quite less traffic but was still a main road.

He was still following and then I saw a police patrol bike coming from the opposite direction, I stopped him by waiving my hand and he stopped and asked 'What happened', I told him the story and he said 'Yes, they have heard of these incidents and not to worry and asked me where I was going, I told him we were searching for some place to click pictures'. I told him the guys who were following were right behind me, they must have taken a u turn seeing you.

He guided us to this Arrey Colony guest house road which is a mountain road and has quite a lot of family crowd coming there for walks and runs.

Meanwhile a couple of kids like the Dio guy were passing by and he stopped all of them and asked me 'was it him? was it him? and since it was not them, I replied in a negative.

He then rode the bike in front and asked me to follow him till the gate of the Arrey colony guest house road and asked me to call '100' if I saw them or if anyone troubled us.

I never knew Bombay has this side too, I mean, I always though Mumbai was as safe as a safe in a bank, you could wander around wherever you wanted and people would welcome you with open arms, but here people were quite obnoxious, after the Arrey Colony Guest house place we just wandered around this place called New Zealand Hostel road which the cop had told us was good for clicking pictures, and people almost behaved with us like the sentinelese people would behave with outsiders, quite arrogant and unwelcoming.

Never am I going to this place again.


Originally Posted by locusjag (Post 4499939)
but I feel that I should share it here where our people would expect to find this - an outrageous example of roadrage.

Bumped into this thread very late. But hats-off to you for handling this situation very nicely.
As many people said, these guys are brought up in a low socio economic background and ready to do anything. They will bring people down to their level and beat you :deadhorse. It's better to avoid these idiots.

When my friend started making his living in Chennai, he encountered such guys. They scold all bad words and finally if they come to know that you are not a tamilian, they will tell...outsider should come, see and should go on..
These illiterate guys are not aware that we are living in a connected world era and still they talk about outsider (an Indian - south Indian) living in Chennai.

I am sure this happens in most places within India. We Indians unite only when we move outside India, the sad truth.


Originally Posted by deemash (Post 4611766)
Bumped into this thread very late. But hats-off to you for handling this situation very nicely.
As many people said, these guys are brought up in a low socio economic background and ready to do anything. They will bring people down to their level and beat you :deadhorse. It's better to avoid these idiots.

Hey, thanks sir. Just so that people know what we're talking about here - it is this grisly episode caught on my dashcam here-

And I'm still conflicted about having run back then from this potential fight. On one hand, Lord Krishna's sermon from the Gita comes to mind - if we run from fights that have to be fought, that's a sin. And on the other hand, I am conflicted (yes, a conflict within a conflict!) between thinking we law-abiding citizens should teach law-breakers a lesson and that it is not our job to do so.

On the whole, discretion is better in cases of roadrage if you ask me. Let's say I went Rambo on the guys (I can't really, since I am a soft person) and if one or more of them were to be killed or maimed by me in my anger - my career, financial and overall well-being would have been jeopardized. And killing someone in self-defence is not straightforward in the eyes of the Indian law....and I'm fantasizing that I could ever become a Rambo. What's more likely is an obituary for me in the newspapers if I try to fight someone lol:

So yeah, I don't know what's going to happen in our tightly-knit and increasingly angry world. God help us.

I really want to convey my utmost gratitude to ajmat for this thread. This thread has been a life altering one for me.

Earlier I used to get really angry and frustrated when somebody drove rashly or behaved in an irrational manner. Like violating right of way, not following lane discipline, unnecessary honking etc.

I used to have a false sense of responsibility of teaching a lesson to these offenders. And in this process I myself became a participant of road rage.

For the longest time, my wife tried to convince me to do otherwise. But I argued that if we won't tell such offenders that they are wrong then who will. But she always remained scared that something might happen to me and her if the situation got out of control. We could end up getting physically assaulted. And now it's even more critical as we have a 1.5 year daughter.

But this thread really opened my eyes. I realized that my only responsibility was to take care of my family and myself. It was not by job to beat some sense into anybody.

When I discussed this new found realization with my wife, she was very annoyed at first. As I expected her first reaction was "I have always been saying this to you but you didn't pay any heed to it. And now after reading an article, you realized I was right".

I politely apologized and told her that it wasn't just any article. :)

Slightly OT but still a Rage (but not on the roads):

This behaviour is not limited to roads or to any particular state/driving situation. It happens to be a general mindset of some fellow Indians. I am an NRI and visit home twice every year but I feel and experience degradation in behaviour from year to year. Sometimes, it makes my heart long and other times makes me feel like giving up my indian citizenship for once!


Originally Posted by locusjag (Post 4611776)
... On one hand, Lord Krishna's sermon from the Gita comes to mind - if we run from fights that have to be fought, that's a sin. And on the other hand, I am conflicted...God help us.

Ignore and move on (said in Tamil: Dhustanai kandal doora vilagu)! Fights are to be fought that are worth fighting. Not the ones where you will end up losing no matter what you do.

Have you not experienced this in a temple? From my recent experience in a temple (in Karnataka), yes, heard it right in a temple, We bought the special entrance ticket and since we were the first in the line (less crowd) we got to stand upfront. A well dressed, posh looking young guy came with his mother and stood beside us. He was forcing his way to the front, to that extent he was sticking on the back of my wife standing beside me. Upon confronting this act, he was unashamed to tell me to learn kannada and then speak. His mother remained mum althrough his act. Guess, wealth and education does not bring manners. What's worse is, everything happened inside a temple right in front of the God! Made me think, if i should have put my prayers in kannada too, for God to even consider it!


Originally Posted by deemash (Post 4611766)
When my friend started making his living in Chennai, he encountered such guys. They scold all bad words and finally if they come to know that you are not a tamilian, they will tell...outsider should come, see and should go on..
...I am sure this happens in most places within India. We Indians unite only when we move outside India, the sad truth.

Sir, see above. Road is just the place we tend to meet a lot of people quite a lot and hence the reactions. The other places including places of worship are not free from such acts.

What a sad turn of events - Assam’s Dibrugarh recovering from road rage triggered mob violence


According to officials, the incident began when Chetia, who was driving to Assam Medical College Hospital (AMCH) in his car along with his mother and pregnant wife, was stopped by some persons who were coming from the opposite direction.

Accusing Chetia of driving with his high beams on, causing difficulty to motorists coming from the opposite side, the group allegedly thrashed Chetia before letting him go.

While Chetia was returning using the same route with Ahmed after dropping his mother and wife at AMCH, he saw the same persons and got into an altercation with them.

Things worsened with the group allegedly beating Chetia and damaging his car, which bore an Arunachal Pradesh registration plate.

Chetia and Ahmed allegedly responded by attacking the group with sharp weapons, injuring five of them. Injured were rushed to AMCH where two of them died.

Just wanted to share an experience. Yesterday around 5 pm, I was coming back home when an uncle in a Hyundai Accent just cut into my lane. I wasn't behind him and was almost running parallel to him. I braked (could not brake harder because there was a chance of someone rear ending me) and honked really hard. He did stop his move and I just went ahead, considering that it was over. But at the next signal, this gentleman comes and almost stops his car right infront of my car and gets out shouting something. As a habit, I did not get out of the car and just rolled down the windows by an inch. Meanwhile, a young boy, maybe around 16-17 gets off the Accent. The uncle was upset about the fact that I didn't let him go, honked hard, and because of this, he could not get through the green signal. I was polite and tried to explain the situation but he began shouting and cursing following which the things did intensify. Till then there were many people who gathered around our cars. Atlast, I had to get off the car and the young boy, with almost half my body size comes too close to me and I ask him to stay away and in the due course, the uncle too tried to push me. By now, my anger was at the peak and I did warn them to stay away or the result won't be good. I asked them to be polite but they didn't change the way they acted. :Frustrati So seeing no other option, I responded to their actions. The lad again came closer to me and I gave him my kind of physical therapy after taking him in front of the uncle so as to prevent the uncle from striking me. It was just a brief procedure and didn't last for even half a min. Following this, I just had a strong grip on the boy's hands and in my native language (which happens to be Jhajjar vali Haryanvi. If anyone knows a little about Haryanvi, he/she will be aware about different versions of Haryanvi across different districts of Haryana stupid:) just told him that do not try to cross the line with me and if they continue to make a scene out of it, I will call the police and I have the recording of the entire episode along with the GPS speeds at the time everything happened and almost pushed the teen towards his car. They didn't utter a single word after that and went back to their car.

This is something that I never imagined will happen with me. The teen, who was almost 3-4 years younger than me decides to fight, maybe just because they were two and I was alone, did had an impact on me. People nowadays are so frustrated that they almost make even very small things such a huge affair. Even I could have acted a little sensible but that time, I couldn't think of anything else. Maybe if I would have not responded, they would have done things to me. But at the end, I did realise how dangerous things can become and in today's time, anything can happen anytime. If one decides to be polite and kind, people do think of him/her as weak and do try to bully them. I have observed it so many times. But this doesn't mean one becomes Rowdy because that will escalate the situations in no time.

Hi Everyone,
I would like to share a small incident which I had faced during my travel from Bangalore to Pune. The incident happened at around 5 PM, when I had crossed Kolhapur on the way to Pune from Bangalore. I was driving my Alto XCite that time and was driving at a speed of 100 - 110 kmph. I was chatting with my wife and son who were accompanying me for this family reunion in Pune. It was in the month of December, 2015. Suddenly a white colour Chevrolet Beat car overtook me, came in front of my car and pulled sudden brakes. Even if I was extremely surprised, somehow managed to bring down the speed of my car and avoid any mishap due to this. I slowly drove by the left side of the Beat. Two middle aged men were sitting on the front seats (one of them driving). I asked them why they were doing this, what they want. The person sitting besides the driver said, I am blocking their way since long. I said I have no idea and have never noticed their car at all and if at all I was doing that, then it was completely unintentional. I should mention here that I had Llumar Steel 5 on my windows, which were quite dark. I again apologized and requested them to go ahead, as I never intend to race with anyone on the way. They then started and left ahead of me. To my surprise, after a few kilometers, I again caught site of the car and finally overtook them at some place, where they were pretty reluctant about it. Not sure what their intention was.


Originally Posted by indranilmuk (Post 4625081)
It was in the month of December, 2015. Suddenly a white colour Chevrolet Beat car overtook me, came in front of my car and pulled sudden brakes.

Similar experience, on the Mumbai-Pune expressway earlier this year. Overtook an SUV (can't remember what model, looked boxy so might have been a Mahindra TUV, I think). A few km later, he abruptly cut in front of me, quite clearly to teach me a lesson. Was going to pull up alongside him and ask what the heck, but fortunately noticed the 'Police' sticker on the back, as well as three men inside. Just let it go and overtook him with a lot of distance to spare eventually. Perhaps, when I overtook him first I misjudged the distance from the vehicle ahead of him and cut in front of him, but at the time didn't think much of it. Or maybe he was pissed that a humble hatchback overtook his 'mighty' SUV, that too an out-of-state car! Anyway, not surprised at the behavior from our 'nation's finest' though! :)

Similar experience - I was going from Silkboard to Ecity and took BETL elevated way. I was maintaining consistent 80 kph speed and all of a sudden a white Manza came behind and started honking like there is no tomorrow. I ignored it first after checking the speed but he continued honking. I strategically moved to left lane after sometime, he gave me an earful and continued driving fast (may be ~ 120kph). I told my co-passenger that we are going to see that Manza again in few seconds. There he was, caught by cops waiting with speed detector, and I knew they were going to be there to catch that idiot!

This a common practice in foreign countries. It goes by the name of 'Brake Check-Insurance Fraud'.

I was prepared for much, much worse. Considering the particular stretch of the highway you've mentioned, I had a feeling this was going to end up in a bad case of road rage.

What actually happened isn't even remotely it. A lot of people drive like buffoons, this is just one example.


Originally Posted by indranilmuk (Post 4625081)
I asked them why they were doing this, what they want.

Not the best idea to engage with someone who's driving funny. Esp. when with family.


I should mention here that I had Llumar Steel 5 on my windows, which were quite dark.
Umm, not the best idea when that's illegal?


Originally Posted by Rshrey22 (Post 4625145)
This a common practice in foreign countries. It goes by the name of 'Brake Check-Insurance Fraud'.

This is very useful information. I didn't knew about this before.


Originally Posted by libranof1987 (Post 4625219)
I was prepared for much, much worse. Considering the particular stretch of the highway you've mentioned, I had a feeling this was going to end up in a bad case of road rage.

True. My wife was very skeptical about the heat inside and she has travelling sickness, so had to take that chance. Believe me it was a nightmare journey just for that throughout. Now I have exchanged it with Honda BRV, I have not used any sun film, but have bought detachable magnetic curtains, which I learnt after reading forums in Team BHP :)

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