Originally Posted by Raghuwire You need to think from the perspective of the truck drivers to really understand why they drive on the right most lane. Most of thoppur section is 4 laned highway. Even while going at 40 kmph, a fully loaded vehicle takes time to stop. Errant car drivers, cutting across, bikers suddenly entering and changing lanes, parked vehicles, pedestrians, animals, and God knows what else always pose a threat to trucks. There is no way they will risk driving on left continuously. I work with trucks for a living and regularly assess truck accidents for my employer. Most of the accidents post inspection is usually the fault of the smaller vehicles. This will only increase if they drive on left roads. Anyway most trucks on highway go at atleast 60kmph unless there is a large ascent. Cars are driven at 100 -120 on a speed limit of 80, so you can't blame trucks for being slow. |
Hi Raghuwire, I beg to differ on the above you have mentioned and let me explain the same.
1. " perspective of the truck driver"- This leads to personal perceptions and all of us have a different one and rules are framed for this specific reason, and to ensure that we have a safe roads for all road users and not an individual one but what we see on the highway is exactly opposite.
2. "Errant car drivers, cutting across, bikers suddenly entering and changing lanes, parked vehicles, pedestrians, animals, and God knows what else always pose a threat to trucks"- This point is most crucial and you are absolutely right on that but to reflect it only on trucks in not fair. Imagine what the cars who are driving at national highway speeds or more have to deal with and is it right and appropriate? Now, the left lane is specifically designated for slow-moving, loaded, heavy, and two wheelers so that they can be more watchful and also due to their relatively slower speeds can anticipate the sudden entry and exit. Also, it is totally inappropriate that bikers, errant car drivers, parked vehicles, parked and moving animals

, one-way jay drivers(which is so rampant on highways within TN), and others are educated, warned, penalized for their noncompliance which has led and leading to so many accidents as we speak. The trucks are leading a cumulative effect in the way and manners other vehicles are driving on these 2-laned motorway which is causing many skirmishes and headaches which is not at all justified.
3. "Most of the accidents post inspection is usually the fault of the smaller vehicles." - This again cannot be a reason for right lane driving and needs to be analyzed deeply as most instances it will be due to the cumulative effect risen from the above over long periods of time. I will be completely wrong if I say that all small vehicles are law-abiding drivers and of course they are at fault too but to blame them totally is again not fair. Most accidents occur when person enters the highway with city road mannerisms and also they try the city snake move

4. "Anyway most trucks on highway go at atleast 60kmph unless there is a large ascent." - You forgot to add to this, abruptly changing lanes, not giving way for vehicles when they horn during overtaking, not looking into the rearview to allow smaller vehicles moving at national highway speeds to overtake, suddenly coming on to the highway from their parked position or from lay-bye, competing with fellow truck in slow-driving contest

, and so forth. Again, I don't blame the entire truck-driver force because in my past 34-year experience of driving I have seen some phenomenal truckers who have managed to save lives, manage their own, and create a safe environment on the highways.
5. "so you can't blame trucks for being slow"- Well, they are being slow on the right lane which is not right, and there is a driver who follows rules and is on the left so how can one expect other smaller vehicles driving at national highway limit to overtake. If you now look at the highways, there are more trucks on the road all along the day which was not the same pre-covid. If anybody else has noticed this or not but logistics have grown tremendously post-covid leading to lot more trucks of all sizes and at all times.
Again, all of the above are my observations over the past 30 years of driving and having driven extensively on the highways so do take them with a pinch of salt if and when needed. Cheers