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Old 15th March 2014, 10:53   #15121
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Gannu_1 View Post
If it is unavoidable, it is best to drive slowly to be on the safer side and engage into some random conversations with the co-driver so the driver wouldn't fall asleep.
If the driver is feeling sleepy, conversation doesn't help much.

A cup of tea will be refreshing as well.
This helps, but for 20 minutes. After that, fatigue and sleepiness takes over again.

If the driver complains of tiredness/fatigue, a stopover at a roadside restaurant/dhaba and a quick 20-minute nap - never hurts.
Works 100% of the time, and is the best solution. Even a 10 minute nap helps.

The problem with "solutions" like tea/coffee, conversations & opening windows to let in fresh air is that the driver's eyes are open, and the brain still has to do "work".

To get rid of sleep fatigue, the eyes need rest - even if it is for just 10 or 15 minutes.
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Old 15th March 2014, 17:49   #15122
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
To get rid of sleep fatigue, the eyes need rest - even if it is for just 10 or 15 minutes.

A majority of motorist overrate the effect of tea / coffee on a fatigued driver. Consuming snacks along with the beverage - which is more often than not - coumpounds the problem

And at the same time a majority of motorist underestimate the benefit of a 15 minute nap.
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Old 15th March 2014, 19:20   #15123
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
If the driver is feeling sleepy, conversation doesn't help much.
This helps, but for 20 minutes. After that, fatigue and sleepiness takes over again.
To get rid of sleep fatigue, the eyes need rest - even if it is for just 10 or 15 minutes.
Originally Posted by Zed View Post

A majority of motorist overrate the effect of tea / coffee on a fatigued driver. Consuming snacks along with the beverage - which is more often than not - coumpounds the problem

And at the same time a majority of motorist underestimate the benefit of a 15 minute nap.
Very very good points. I have personally experienced this. On my way back from Coorg, was feeling very drowsy; tried the coffee, after 10 minutes was back to the same self.

Although I was driving in a rather sedate manner, could feel that I was late in decision making and with my better half by my side; I pulled over to the first decent locale I could find and took a decent nap (30-40 minutes or so). Best thing you can do.

One important - thing It's not that I had not slept the previous night, but felt that my mind had a lot of loose connections - and definitely not the optimum condition to drive.

The thing about me, my coaches have been the TBHP Members and I follow most of the advice like a virus. I have practically learnt driving by reading a lot over here. Again, can't be thankful enough to this wonderful community.

Last edited by pratyush6 : 15th March 2014 at 19:22.
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Old 15th March 2014, 21:35   #15124
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Originally Posted by pratyush6 View Post

The thing about me, my coaches have been the TBHP Members and I follow most of the advice like a virus. I have practically learnt driving by reading a lot over here. Again, can't be thankful enough to this wonderful community.

There are so many informational threads over here that take your driving to the next level.
I even impart the knowledge I've got from T-BHP to all of my friends and family.
A must read are the safe driving series threads.
(I now know how to stop a car without brakes [engine braking ]
Move a car with a disengaged clutch wire.
Drive in fog,night and rain
All thanks to the awesome community here )
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Old 17th March 2014, 03:15   #15125
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Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
If the driver is feeling sleepy, conversation doesn't help much.

This helps, but for 20 minutes. After that, fatigue and sleepiness takes over again.

Works 100% of the time, and is the best solution. Even a 10 minute nap helps.

The problem with "solutions" like tea/coffee, conversations & opening windows to let in fresh air is that the driver's eyes are open, and the brain still has to do "work".

To get rid of sleep fatigue, the eyes need rest - even if it is for just 10 or 15 minutes.
I agree. Fatigue will impact the driving performance badly. I have experienced it a few times and its scary! Conversations and quick breaks have helped me in the past for some distance / time. However, the best thing as you suggested would be to provide some rest to the brain/body. I highly rely on power naps during my long trips now. In my case its usually longer, considering my sleep cycle/style but serves best.
With fatigued brain, it tends to process information slowly, the body reflexes don't work as normal, impacts psychometric coordination and alertness reduced when compared to a fresh mind. With all of these impacted, luck is usually not your side! If you feel you are fatigued (be it night or day), take a good rest for night/day before you are back to the wheels again. Rather than acting when you start feeling fatigued, always start fresh for a long tour, keep the body hydrated and control the diet in such a way that you can go good distance before you hit it.
Your body gives enough time and signals to tell you it needs rest, don't ignore, you will not risk yours and other co-travelers' life by taking some rest.

btw, just a few minutes back saw the news about another accident in Delhi, a Chevy Cruze driven really fast in the city, hitting an auto rickshaw, dragging it to some distance (and not stopping!) also hurting some people waiting at the bus-stop/roadside, killing the driver of auto and another young chap who was on his way to his examination and injuring few others! Forget about the roads, the bus-stops and footpaths are not so secured these days!

Last edited by Ketan : 17th March 2014 at 03:21.
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Old 17th March 2014, 08:37   #15126
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Ketan View Post
I agree. Fatigue will impact the driving performance badly.
With fatigued brain, it tends to process information slowly, the body reflexes don't work as normal, impacts psychometric coordination and alertness reduced when compared to a fresh mind.

Agree 110% to this. The human body keeps giving signals when under stress or fatigue.

It is important to recognize these conditions before they take a toll on the driving. Few things we can do to remember and try to follow no particular rank or order just quoting what struck my mind

1. Start the drive with a fresh body and mind
2. Plan the journey (as far as possible) and have 2 pitstops to refresh
3. Try to have a driver in your group
4. Avoiding night driving if you feel you cannot do it/ feel uncomfortable
5. Keep plenty of water to hydrate yourself in the journey
6. Ensure mobiles are fully charged
7. Drive at a consistent speed (occassional speedburst is ok)
8. Believe in God and trust your instincts

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Old 17th March 2014, 09:51   #15127
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Last Friday (14th March 2014), I was coming back from a team lunch around 2:15pm and for a change was on my Bullet rather than my car. I noticed a crowd opposite to Cosmos Mall (on the Kunadalahalli Road).

Parked my bike on the side and went there to see if somebody needed any assistance. To my sheer horror, I found three men on two bikes involved in a ghastly accident. It seemed as if something had hit them from behind.

One of the guys was all right (the farthest from the impact). However the other two were lying there in a bad shape. Some of their colleges were already on the spot and took them to some hospital.

The condition was horrible, one of the guys 'felt' lifeless while the other had broken writs and and ankles and what not. There was so much blood that I was astounded.

Later found out from bystanders that a speeding truck had rammed them. No way I can confirm the sequence of events. Was absolutely shaken to the core. I had passed the same spot, not even 30 minutes back and normally that is my route. I am still unable to forget the whole incident.

I hope they make it. My prayers are with them.

No pics - as neither did I take one, nor does such a thing deserves to be put on this forum and can be fairly graphic.

Last edited by pratyush6 : 17th March 2014 at 09:55.
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Old 17th March 2014, 10:31   #15128
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by pratyush6 View Post
I hope they make it. My prayers are with them.
I read in a local newspaper that two employees of Intel corporation (adjacent to Hypercity) were killed when a lorry hit their bike. I guess its the same incident. The two techies had gone out for lunch and the accident happened when they were returning to office. According to the reports, one person expired while shifting to hospital and another person expired that night in hospital.

Last edited by guyfrmblr : 17th March 2014 at 10:38.
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Old 17th March 2014, 15:19   #15129
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Originally Posted by guyfrmblr View Post
I read in a local newspaper that two employees of Intel corporation (adjacent to Hypercity) were killed when a lorry hit their bike. I guess its the same incident. The two techies had gone out for lunch and the accident happened when they were returning to office. According to the reports, one person expired while shifting to hospital and another person expired that night in hospital.
Yes.. its the same incident.

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Old 17th March 2014, 15:33   #15130
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Sometime back a new Swift with TN 11 plate rear ended a stationary Hyundai staff bus in the Chittlapakkam – Chrompet bridge road just in front of the panchyat office. This is considerable damage to the left side of the A pillar as the car had gone under the bus. Looks like a clear case of over speeding. To all those who are not familiar, this road is a two lane undivided road.

Was not able to snap a picture as there was a huge crowd.
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Old 17th March 2014, 15:37   #15131
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Happened late last night. Eyewitnesses say the BMW was racing with an R8 driving at speeds of about 150 when the BMW guy lost control & turned turtle.
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 17th March 2014, 15:51   #15132
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by trinity0114 View Post
Happened late last night. Eyewitnesses say the BMW was racing with an R8 driving at speeds of about 150 when the BMW guy lost control & turned turtle.
With due respect to the departed soul, I would stress on this

Please drive safe.
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Old 17th March 2014, 16:17   #15133
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by guyfrmblr View Post
I read in a local newspaper that two employees of Intel corporation (adjacent to Hypercity) were killed when a lorry hit their bike
Originally Posted by csentil View Post
Oh God! That is a very cruel way to go. Sends a shiver down my spine. It looked as if they were hit from the back - just don't understand what they could have down to save themselves.

And yet, most of our Rossis on the road, do not care. You do not want to end up as a statistic. This is what makes me furious when even the so called educated youth these days will go any length to justify a ride and forget about safety.
Just about today, on an relatively empty road, I had a gang of bikers trying to be very aggressive towards me by regularly trying to cut me off after I overtook them (correctly) on the Old Airport Road
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Old 18th March 2014, 09:55   #15134
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Noticed a banged up Tata Winger at the exit of the flyover just before EMC2/Total Mall while driving towards Marathalli. Looked liked it had rear ended some vehicle, had quite a bit of frontal damage with a broken windscreen and was lying perpendicular to the road on the left side. Not sure what exactly happened and no pics either as i was driving.
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Old 18th March 2014, 13:17   #15135
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by guyfrmblr View Post
I read in a local newspaper that two employees of Intel corporation (adjacent to Hypercity) were killed when a lorry hit their bike. I guess its the same incident. The two techies had gone out for lunch and the accident happened when they were returning to office. According to the reports, one person expired while shifting to hospital and another person expired that night in hospital.
These folks were colleagues of mine. Until last July, one of them sat opposite me till I moved to another building.

What I heard was a truck swerved to avoid something and rammed into them, they went under and the rear wheels crushed them. The driver never knew he hit someone until the rear wheels went over the bike.
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