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Looks like some folks in my part of Delhi did not receive fresh milk straight from the dairy this morning, and a poor milkman suffered a lot of losses.
From my dashcam.


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 3245852)
Looks like some folks in my part of Delhi did not receive fresh milk straight from the dairy this morning, and a poor milkman suffered a lot of losses.

That's really sad! That black SUV guy did not even bother to stop and take a look at the scene. I don't know how people can overtake in such a fashion and that too at the wrong side of the road. So much for the civilization levels in the country.

Glad that it was a sensible driver like you behind the milkman, driving at slow speeds. Things would have been totally different if it had been a speeding lorry or a bus.

People could have even easily mistaken that you hit the milkman if only he had not been conscious after the accident. Dashcam is a great boon in such situations. Happy to note that the milkman did not suffer any grievous injury.

BTW.... did you make note of the SUV license plate?


Originally Posted by Warwithwheels (Post 3245867)
BTW.... did you make note of the SUV license plate?

No, and the camera resolution didn't make it legible either.


Originally Posted by Warwithwheels (Post 3245867)
That's really sad! That black SUV guy did not even bother to stop and take a look at the scene. I don't know how people can overtake in such a fashion and that too at the wrong side of the road.

Cyclist is riding leisurely as if his backyard. Though the SUV was being driven rash , here the cyclist is to be equally blamed. Hope he learns this lesson and rides closer to the road shoulder in future. About The SUV driver , he also would have to pay similar to repair the dent / scratch caused by this incident


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 3245852)
Looks like some folks in my part of Delhi did not receive fresh milk straight from the dairy this morning, and a poor milkman suffered a lot of losses.


Originally Posted by Warwithwheels (Post 3245867)
Glad that it was a sensible driver like you behind the milkman, driving at slow speeds. Things would have been totally different if it had been a speeding lorry or a bus.

It's his lucky day in a sense that you were behind him. That was quite a good example of defensive driving from your side. I don't know about Delhi, but I do get into scenarios where I have to pass from the left in Bangalore. I agree it's the mistake of the SUV driver, but I can't understand what the milk man was doing at that point, coming onto the middle lane unaware of the SUV behind him.


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3245881)
Cyclist is riding leisurely as if his backyard.


Originally Posted by sbkumar (Post 3245886)
...I can't understand what the milk man was doing at that point, coming onto the middle lane unaware of the SUV behind him.

Look carefully - the extreme left lane has been recently dug up and repaired badly. It's rough and bumpy, and the cyclist was obviously avoiding that patch - his cans of milk would have fallen off anyway if he rode further to the left! I know only too well how bad that patch is, because I cycle on this stretch early morning almost every day.

Which SUV was that SS?

And honestly, I think the SUV just nudged it, though even that is wrong on SUV's part.


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 3245895)
Look carefully - the extreme left lane has been recently dug up and repaired badly. It's rough and bumpy, and the cyclist was obviously avoiding that patch - his cans of milk would have fallen off anyway if he rode further to the left! I know only too well how bad that patch is, because I cycle on this stretch early morning almost every day.

I did notice that. The cyclist isn't even turning behind to watch out for other vehicles. I feel both are equally at fault

@Warwithwheels and @SS Traveller, I agree to the thought of sbkumar and speedsatya. Its evident from the video that in no ways XUV could have overtook from the right because of the bus and the ikon. Only fault of the car was the speed at which he/she overtook. On the part of the milkman considering his literacy levels of road sense one can say it was his fault. They just venture out on the roads as if strolling in the park. He should thank his stars to have been saved and surely would have got his due lesson.




Originally Posted by Sheel (Post 3245898)
Which SUV was that SS?

That's a XUV500.

Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3245900)
I did notice that. The cyclist isn't even turning behind to watch out for other vehicles. I feel both are equally at fault


Originally Posted by ad3952n (Post 3245904) no ways XUV could have overtook from the right because of the bus and the ikon. Only fault of the car was the speed at which he/she overtook. On the part of the milkman considering his literacy levels of road sense one can say it was his fault. They just venture out on the roads as if strolling in the park. He should thank his stars to have been saved and surely would have got his due lesson.

Do we need to pinpoint precisely whose fault it is? An accident is, well, just that - an accident.
Accident: an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity.


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 3245852)
Looks like some folks in my part of Delhi did not receive fresh milk straight from the dairy this morning, and a poor milkman suffered a lot of losses.
From my dashcam.

Sir first of all good on you to be aware of the events. Nothing beats defensive driving with anticipation for anything to go wrong. Secondly I find the XUV more at fault. Comes at a good speed on the right most lane. Gets impatient, switches to the middle lane. The cyclist makes a mistake by slightly dwindling to his right but the SUV should have anticipated that, instead he sneaks into the left most lane and knocks the poor man from his daily earning.

We're not a cyclist friendly country and let's face it not everyone can afford bikes. We need to be sensitive to cyclists on the road. As you pointed out the left lane is uneven and dug up maybe the car owner should have taken a lesson from the Innova who was patiently trailing the bus.


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3245881)
Cyclist is riding leisurely as if his backyard. Though the SUV was being driven rash , here the cyclist is to be equally blamed. Hope he learns this lesson and rides closer to the road shoulder in future. About The SUV driver , he also would have to pay similar to repair the dent / scratch caused by this incident


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3245900)
I did notice that. The cyclist isn't even turning behind to watch out for other vehicles. I feel both are equally at fault

XUV is at fault without any doubt, of the three lanes , the cycle wala is cylcing in the left most lane.


Originally Posted by AbhishekB86 (Post 3246057)
As you pointed out the left lane is uneven and dug up maybe the car owner should have taken a lesson from the Innova who was patiently trailing the bus.

Agree with you.


Originally Posted by ad3952n (Post 3245904)
On the part of the milkman considering his literacy levels of road sense one can say it was his fault. They just venture out on the roads as if strolling in the park. He should thank his stars to have been saved and surely would have got his due lesson.


He is lucky for sure, but that doesn't absolve the driver of that XUV. Let us all be a little tolerant towards others in the society.


Originally Posted by ad3952n (Post 3245904)
Its evident from the video that in no ways XUV could have overtook from the right because of the bus and the ikon. Only fault of the car was the speed at which he/she overtook.

Come on. I read that as "he couldn't have overtaken from the right, so he did so from the left which is OK only if he had done it at a lower speed". Really!!

And what's with all the comments that blame the milkman here? Suppose a cyclist who ventures onto a "no cyclists allowed" road, is knocked down by a car - then by your argument there is no guilt on the car driver's part?? Thank god our judiciary doesn't take this view! :-)


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3245900)
The cyclist isn't even turning behind to watch out for other vehicles.

He is riding straight. Even if he did watch the SUV, what could he have done? No way he could have avoided getting hit.

Agreed that the milkman did deviate on to the middle lane man a bit. But we must remember that it is not an easy task to cycle in a straight line, especially when you have tons of milk cans tied up all over. My sympathies to the milk man who has lost the day's income.

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