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Old 9th August 2013, 11:23   #13771
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
One of the best messages I've seen!!
Source: Tuner's Edge FB Page.

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Only it forgets to cover its head with the helmet on the go though, typical of many people who have a helmet but fail to use them!
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Old 9th August 2013, 14:10   #13772
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by DRIV3R View Post
Came across this video.

A real eye opener in terms of g-forces in action under impact.
I always wondered why seatbelts are not made compulsory for bus passengers. This proves that they are a must just like any passenger car.
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Old 9th August 2013, 15:46   #13773
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by DRIV3R View Post
Came across this video.
Originally Posted by tazmaan View Post
I always wondered why seatbelts are not made compulsory for bus passengers.
Related discussion : LINK

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Old 11th August 2013, 20:26   #13774
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Couple of weeks back, on NICE road. Looks like the driver decided to take a quick nap this way. And this is a usual thing on NICE road these days.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-dscn4695optimized.jpg
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Old 12th August 2013, 14:17   #13775
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I don't have any other details about this accident. The fatal accident involves the family members of one of our office colleague.
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Old 12th August 2013, 14:42   #13776
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by r_devakumar View Post
I don't have any other details about this accident. The fatal accident involves the family members of one of our office colleague.
OMG !! This is heart-wrenching. What's more tragic is when I think about the parents. I am literally in tears after reading the news article :'-(
Makes me lose faith in The Almighty.
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Old 12th August 2013, 15:00   #13777
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Typical Indian accident - few weeks back near Silkboard Signal

BMTC Bus move right without signal from bus stop

1) Bus brushes the Indicab1 on the right - Damage: Bus body and Indicab 1 front left

2) indicab1 move right to escape - Result indicab2 hit Indicab1
Damage: indicab1 rear bumper (right) and indicab2 front bumper (left)

3) indicab2 moves right to escape - result i20 hit indicab2
Damage: indicab2 rear bumper (right) and i20 front bumper (left) damaged

i20 driver was the poor victim!

I dont know whether to call it a series or parallel accident

and it is a 2 lane road
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Old 12th August 2013, 16:08   #13778
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Latheesh View Post
Typical Indian accident - few weeks back near Silkboard Signal
It's a series accident, you know - the hit got transferred from one vehicle to the other in series

A few weeks ago, I almost got myself into such an accident. I was waiting at the Bommanahalli signal behind a BMTC bus. The bus had its LHS wheels on the drainage cover, blocking the "rightful" path for 2-wheelers. A rick decided that the 3 ft slab was more than enough for his tin-can. He nosed his way through my left side (I had just got my car detailed, so I decided to let him in and not to risk getting a nasty scratch). I always leave a couple of feet gap between my car and the vehicle in front if it's a biggie like a bus or truck. The signal was still red and the thick traffic appeared to have awakened the devil inside the rick driver. Without looking at the sides, he barged his tincan forward and then cut right sharply. Instinctively, I veered right and stopped inches away from another car which was a good metre away to my right side in one of the lanes waiting to turn right towards Bommanahalli.

Before I could even scream, that tincan vanished. Still wonder how that imbecile pulled it off.
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Old 12th August 2013, 16:25   #13779
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Found these pictures while cleaning out my laptop. This happened about a year and half back. A Tata Ace clipped the front-left door of our Altis, while it was parked by the side of the road.

Needless to say the 'Einstein' driving the Ace shrugged his shoulders when we caught him. I mean, how BLIND/DUMB does one have to be in order to hit a parked car on a straight road with low traffic!!?? Was tempted to beat him black and blue, but obviously such a solution wouldn't really yield anything fruitful.

Claimed insurance and got the car fixed at Toyota A.S.S. They managed to miss-match the paint to such an extent that the colour difference was visible even in my poorly lit basement parking slot! They acknowledged the botch-up and agreed to fix it free of charge. They got it perfect on the second attempt. Good response on their part.

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Old 12th August 2013, 16:45   #13780
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

This was one highlight of the weekend and I'll never forget those scenes that happened before my eyes.
No pictures taken but below is the illustration of what happened on 10th August at around 11AM
It was more an exhibition of road rage and heights of idiocy than an accident

I was going out for some shopping and at a particular junction near my house the events unfolded like this

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-chicken-accident.jpg

1. A TVS XL moped with chickens dangling on both of its sides stopped bang at the centre of the road. The idiot driving this stopped the vehicle to answer a phone call. A grey Brio which was behind him had to brake hard to avoid a collision. The furious Brio driver stopped and then turned to the XL driver and gave him a mouthful. By this time I also stopped behind the XL and pressed my car's horn pad. without caring for my horn he took his own time to cut the call. and later started the vehicle

2. By this timeI overtook the XL. Soon after this I saw in my ORVM that the XL guy cut the call, started the vehicle and turned the throttle fully and started to race.
He overtook me and was driving very rash making his way through many two wheelers.
At a speed breaker a little further, the Brio slowed down. This XL idiot wanted to catch the Brio guy and give back what he had got (even though it was his mistake).
In the process the chickens were touching some two wheelers and also that Brio.

3. What happened next was unbelievable.
When the TVS XL came besides the Brio's passenger's window (with the chickens brushing the side), The Brio driver went crazy and turned his car to the left and almost run over the TVS XL.
The "Pocket Rocket" TVS XL was on the ground and so were the chickens and the driver.
The Brio driver came out and started a quarrel. this happened exactly in front of a Police station.
I just continued and didn't think of even stopping there

I just couldn't believe my eyes. The Brio driver exhibited one of the craziest road rage behavior I have seen. He left no difference between himself and the idiotic XL rider.
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Old 12th August 2013, 17:10   #13781
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
This was one highlight of the weekend and I'll never forget those scenes that happened before my eyes.
No pictures taken but below is the illustration of what happened on 10th August at around 11AM
It was more an exhibition of road rage and heights of idiocy than an accident

I was going out for some shopping and at a particular junction near my house the events unfolded like this

Attachment 1124507

1. A TVS XL moped with chickens dangling on both of its sides stopped bang at the centre of the road. The idiot driving this stopped the vehicle to answer a phone call. A grey Brio which was behind him had to brake hard to avoid a collision. The furious Brio driver stopped and then turned to the XL driver and gave him a mouthful. By this time I also stopped behind the XL and pressed my car's horn pad. without caring for my horn he took his own time to cut the call. and later started the vehicle

2. By this timeI overtook the XL. Soon after this I saw in my ORVM that the XL guy cut the call, started the vehicle and turned the throttle fully and started to race.
He overtook me and was driving very rash making his way through many two wheelers.
At a speed breaker a little further, the Brio slowed down. This XL idiot wanted to catch the Brio guy and give back what he had got (even though it was his mistake).
In the process the chickens were touching some two wheelers and also that Brio.

3. What happened next was unbelievable.
When the TVS XL came besides the Brio's passenger's window (with the chickens brushing the side), The Brio driver went crazy and turned his car to the left and almost run over the TVS XL.
The "Pocket Rocket" TVS XL was on the ground and so were the chickens and the driver.
The Brio driver came out and started a quarrel. this happened exactly in front of a Police station.
I just continued and didn't think of even stopping there

I just couldn't believe my eyes. The Brio driver exhibited one of the craziest road rage behavior I have seen. He left no difference between himself and the idiotic XL rider.
On a lighter note
Do not know who chickened out. Poor chickens were already roasted.

Yes but as always said- Words hurt but do not maim ;; road rage such as these can also maim life to big extents.

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Old 13th August 2013, 00:08   #13782
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

On a trip to Chennai last weekend, I was witness to a near fatal accident. This happened right in-front of our car and had it not been my BIL's final second maneuver, sheer luck and GOD, it was death right in-front of our eyes. We were on Sardar Patel road on the way towards Guindy. Right next to us was a local bus on which a number of school students were riding on the foot-board. All of a sudden, one of the kids started moving from the front to the rear opening while hanging on the windows bars. He was using his hands and legs to push himself up and towards the rear. We watched in horror and started honking for the bus to stop, but in vain. Towards the middle, he lost his grip and fell. Our hearts were in our mouths. I saw the rear tyres of the bus missing his head by inches. My BIL swerved to the left and avoided him too. We stopped and waved the bus to stop. By this time, the boy had got up and started running away. All his friends followed him. He had hurt his head and blood was oozing out. Police had arrived by now, but there was no sight of the boys.
The Police were helpless, saying such incidents keep happening, especially with kids and they can't do much. Its the parents who are to blame.
We left from the spot, but all having lumps in our throats.
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Old 13th August 2013, 00:47   #13783
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Kids haven't got a clue about such dangers: it's all a joke to them. When driving near a bus with kids hanging on the outside, the question shuold always be there: "what happens if somebody slips or looses their grip? Could I stop?"

It should not be our job to keep them alive, but as parents, teachers, bus staff, police, are either not doing, or trying and failing, we just have to accept it.

Well done to your BIL for keeping that child alive.
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Old 13th August 2013, 07:43   #13784
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Well done to your BIL for keeping that child alive.
More so, well done to get out of a royal mess that would have become. Irrespective of your intention and your ability to stop the car to save the boy, had you ran over, the police would have taken you for a royal ride.

our law determines the size of the vehicle as the culprit. I have got myself a car DVR just in case to ensure i have some evidence to protect my innocence.

Your BIL was lucky first to save the boy secondly to save himself from our police.
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Old 13th August 2013, 11:40   #13785
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by RajaTaurus View Post
^^Agree with you. Slowing down is not an option in all instances and many a time it could lead to a disaster in itself, especially if the braking distance is too short and you have fast vehicles behind and on your sides. IMO, last line of comment by "Lapsi" is a bit over the board.

Well said, I had to face a similar incident nine years back when I was learning to drive in a driving school's 800. A truck was trailing us and there was a considerable distance between the car and the truck.

I saw a puppy trying to cross the road and I had to stop suddenly in the middle of the road to let a puppy pass and we got rear ended by a truck. The truck driver thought that I was merely slowing down. (I should take blame for coming to a dead halt in the middle of the road)

The result, broken tail lights, a minor dent and an angry driving school teacher.

Fortunately, the puppy was still alive and teacher started arguing with the lorry driver.

But what could have happened if it was a two wheeler instead of the truck, it could have been a bad accident. So my point is “Slowing down/stopping is not an option in all instances”
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