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Very sad to read the news about Harish.
May his friends and family find the strength to get through this tragedy.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 3188865)
Yesterday I lost one my close friends Harish in a terrible road accident.
His mistake-he was following rules!

Terrible story man. Makes me sad and angry. Sad because an innocent life is lost, angry because he will remain just another statistic for cops, govt and others. While his family has been completely torn apart.

I am ashamed to see this city go to the dogs. Every single day, I see hundreds of vehicles jump signals & drive recklessly. And this is a city which is India's technology hub, city of engineers and what not.

I used to ride my Bullet to work for about 1.5 years and often said to everyone, "My bike is so heavy that you really don't have a chance to weave in and out of traffic" as an excuse to keep driving in one lane. I have had two instances where I thought God was kind enough to me; where I escaped without a scratch when buses jumping signals and driving rash were about to kill me. When I got married, I made up my mind to get a car and got it as soon as possible, as its simply not worth saving the time or the money when compared to safety.

In this city, almost everyone wants a bike to save time. I have colleagues who have to travel hardly 5-6 kms to work (I travel 25k) and they still use a bike/scooty when a bus would take maybe 10 mins more but would be 100% safe. However to see someone following the rules and then getting run over is simply mind numbing.

Guys, there is absolutely no point of:

1. Going fast when lights go yellow
2. Jumping a red light
3. overtaking from left
4. honking incessantly
5. Taking/Texting (yes, I have seen learned people do that) while driving/riding
6. Going fast so as to reach home/office 10 mins, (hell make that 1 hour) early.

It's simply not worth it. Not worth now, not worth ever, not worth in am emergency as well (you don't want another emergency to add to the existing one). Drive safe.

May Harish's soul rest in peace and God give his family the courage and help to overcome this loss.


Originally Posted by pratyush6 (Post 3189501)
Drive safe.

May Harish's soul rest in peace and God give his family the courage and help to overcome this loss.

It seems 'Drive Safe' won't work in such chaotic city. It should be ' For Your Safety Do not Drive'.

Indeed very Sad.

This is so sad , I feel so bad for his daughter. Such a terrible loss for his family. Hope god gives them the strength to move on.

I can't express how angry I am at the driver

Truly sad.

Hope the family pulls through.

Hemanth it's really heartrending to see this. Hope God gives his family the strength to pull through this.

Incidents like these make me think about following rules in this country. At the risk of receiving a lot of criticism, I sometimes feel it's safer to go with the flow and be safe rather than follow rules and get punished.

We talk about following rules and being safe. But in reality, what has this poor soul gained by doing it?

I face at least one scenario every day where I am alone at a red light and people are going past breaking the signal all around me. Apart from being looked at as a stupid moron, my eyes are always on my mirror as I'm scared of being rear ended and killed. I am scared to stick to the left lane as I might be pushed off the road by a rash driven cab/bus.

Considering all the antics people do on road, sometimes I feel it's much better, easier and more importantly safer to sail with the tide and be one among the law-breakers. :Frustrati

An eerily similar incident like the one mentioned by Hemanth happened couple weeks ago at Chennai. A young, recently married guy working in an IT company who had recently become a father was run over by a dumper-truck on the SemmanChery road just near the Bollineni Hillside township where he was living. Sad to know of so many human lives that are lost on our roads daily.

2 days back two of my relatives died in an accident in Kazhakootam.

The accident took place at 3:30AM. Mr.Sugathan, his daughter and her Father In Law were on the way to Trivandrum airport in a Ambassador taxi, when an Innova carrying staff of UST, Technopark crashed into them. Mr.Sugathan and Mr.Sivarajan (both sitting in the left side of the car) succumbed to death on the spot. His daughter Mrs.Sethu underwent surgeries, yesterday, and is recovering in the ICU. The driver is in a critical state.

As far I could know, it was entirely the fault of the Innova guy. The left side of both the cars look the impact of the hit. The driver of the taxi is an elderly man and is known to be a safe driver.

May their souls rest in peace.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 3188865)
Yesterday I lost one my close friends Harish in a terrible road accident.
His mistake-he was following rules!

I really don't know what to say. May his soul rest in Peace and the family have the courage to bear the loss. My heart goes out to the daughter who did not get time to spend with her father just because of some idiotic driver. :mad:

My uncle had a close shave once while waiting at a signal. While waiting to take a right, a truck driver brushed entire left side of his car. I thank God that nothing happened to the occupants, even-though the car did take a hit. Complaints to the police, as expected, did not reap anything.:Frustrati

Happened at Coimbatore last midnight. I guess the Swift DZire was also involved. Octavia VRS.

A Trailer kills 54 year old man in Mumbai


Mr. Jagdish Puttiya, was trying to cross the road while it was raining heavily & the trailer driver could not see him crossing.

The driver is been arrested for rash and negligent driving but do punishments actually happen?

Pity to see that such accidents (where innocent people lose lives) do not find place in newspaper headlines.


Its very Sad... I have known him from the past 8-9years and he has been a real gentleman. Very silent and cool person to be with. A Very hardworking guy. I am still not able to digest the face that he is no more.

Few of my friends told me that he had stopped his bile to attend to a call on his mobile when this tragic accident happened. Feeling very sad for his family members especially for his Wife and kid.

His wife was not informed until the last moment and what a petty she could
not even have a gimps of her husbands face as it was covered fully.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 3188865)
Yesterday I lost one my close friends Harish in a terrible road accident.
His mistake-he was following rules!

Really sad to read this. May his soul rest in peace. This is what you get for following rules in our country :Frustrati.

Last month I had to drop my mom to the airport at midnight. THe signals on airport road work throughout the night. None of the taxis and lorries were stopping at the signals. As a law abiding citizen I decided not to jump signals and stopped for a couple of signals. The speed at the which vehicles zipped by me from both sides made me fear for my life. I then decided that if I stop again somebody is surely going to rear end me. By the time I reached the airport I had jumped some three signals. Felt miserable but sometimes we have no choice.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 3188865)
Yesterday I lost one my close friends Harish in a terrible road accident.
His mistake-he was following rules!

Really sad incident. May he rest in peace and god give strength to his family members.

I remember a similar incident some years back in Pune. The culprit that time was also a dumper truck and a couple lost their lives. They were also waiting at a signal when this truck ran over them from behind.

Damn frustrating when it is seen that the authorities are hand-in-glove with those responsible for such mishaps.

I am also a stickler for following rules (signals) and I do feel scared for my life when vehicles literally zoom past me. Earlier some vehicles used to stop seeing me and then the rest had to comply but even this is becoming rarer nowadays.


Originally Posted by Santoshbhat (Post 3190160)
By the time I reached the airport I had jumped some three signals. Felt miserable but sometimes we have no choice.

We always have a choice. Stop on the extreme left lane. Simple. :)

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