Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Vishbull_6157 (Post 3161868)
Some pictures of an accident that happened this morning in Borivali west IC colony.

A lady in an i10 rammed into a rickshaw. The Rickshaw driver died on the spot. Pictures taken by some local residents.

From the pictures I think this happened near Mary Immaculate Girls High School. If yes then there is a blind curve and both vehicles would have negotiated the curve at good speeds. RIP

Check this out guys. Exactly what I said.

Saw this today morning near Kulai, Mangalore at 8 AM.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_0706.jpg

The truck (MH-09 registered) was driving on the wrong side and the Nandini Milk Mini truck( which was coming on the "right" side) rammed the truck. Can't understand why was the truck driver driving in that lane. There were no signs of the truck having jumped the road divider.

Looking at he condition of milk truck's cabin, teh driver may have suffered fatal injuries.


Originally Posted by BLACKRiVAL (Post 3162609)

If What is being said by TOI is true, the instructor also needs to be questioned and charged, if the original driver holds a learners license only. He allowed the lady to drive fast in the first place and top of it could have been a cause of the accident by trying to yank the hand brake while the car is on a curve.


Originally Posted by DWind (Post 3162847)
If What is being said by TOI is true, the instructor also needs to be questioned and charged, if the original driver holds a learners license only.

It says quite the opposite:

"(Neeta) Purohit [...] holds a permanent driver's licence [...] out of practice for sometime, had got Mohammad Yunus to help her hone up her skills."

Proving that driving too, needs to have certain CPE requirements.

3 die as i20 rams into a slow moving truck on YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY , 3 others injured out of which 1 is said to be critical. 6 were travelling back to Delhi when they met with the accident at 11pm. According to the report, the FRONT and RIGHT of the car was totally smashed.
The Driver steered to the LEFT but ended up smashing the truck from behind.

When these will truckers learn that the extreme RIGHT lane is for high speed traffic.

TOI Report :


Originally Posted by sinharishi (Post 3163604)

When these will truckers learn that the extreme RIGHT lane is for high speed traffic.

TOI Report :

What kind of speeds would this car be doing if it couldn't be stopped in time to avoid a truck ! Also there were 6 people in a car meant for 5 people but can seat only 4 comfortably.

Car driver does a mistake ,kills people and now , cops slap rash and negligent driving charges on the poor truck driver ! Most countries have a law which always puts the responsibility on the one who rear ends , but here , we have this stupid rule where the blame is decided based on 1- Size of the vehicle 2- Cost of the vehicle in case of 2 similar ones involved in a crash


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3163686)
What kind of speeds would this car be doing if it couldn't be stopped in time to avoid a truck ! Also there were 6 people in a car meant for 5 people but can seat only 4 comfortably.

Car driver does a mistake ,kills people and now , cops slap rash and negligent driving charges on the poor truck driver ! Most countries have a law which always puts the responsibility on the one who rear ends , but here , we have this stupid rule where the blame is decided based on 1- Size of the vehicle 2- Cost of the vehicle in case of 2 similar ones involved in a crash

The car could have been doing high speeds. And yes it was occupied with 6 people who were all 20 +, got to blame the driver for that and the NOT so STRICT laws of our country:)

For the trucker, i beg to differ. Couple of weeks back i myself was on the expressway and noticed the same thing trucks plying on the extreme right.
You can find a few tankers on the extreme right lane which are often used to water the plants on the divider during the day and are visible from quite a distance(IMO,still a scary sight).
The same week i was on Delhi-Chandigarh highway where 80% of the heavy vehicle traffic were on the extreme right and they refuse to give way for the traffic going faster than them.

When they decide to halt they risk the lives of people travelling at relative high speeds on the middle lane and left lane(When forced too) and out of nowhere they change lanes without indications to come to a halt. :deadhorse

i recommend every close ones of mine to be on the middle lane if you are on the 3 lane highways in this country. The right lane is prone to slow moving heavy vehicles and the left lane to the traffic from the opposite direction,tractors,carts,parked vehicles with their hazard lights off.


Originally Posted by sinharishi (Post 3163604)
When these will truckers learn that the extreme RIGHT lane is for high speed traffic.

I'm guessing when the rest of us learn lane driving, parking our vehicles properly and keeping the slow lane clear for them to drive :)


Originally Posted by sinharishi (Post 3163604)
When these will truckers learn that the extreme RIGHT lane is for high speed traffic.

It is not, you know. The extreme right lane in a multi-lane carriageway is meant for overtaking and is open to all kinds of allowed traffic on that road. It most definitely is not meant for speed trials.


A lady in an i10 rammed into a rickshaw. The Rickshaw driver died on the spot.

It seems she was learning to drive , the trainer was besides her. We will know the actual story tomorrow in the news papers, I guess
As per the newspaper's, the lady had a valid permanent driving licence and the instructor was a driver of her neighbour who she asked to come along with her as she was not confident! A permanent driving licence holder who is not confident?!

IMO, the RTO officer who passed her in the driving test should be sacked. All the chaos in our country is only because none of these government officer's / bureaucrats are ever held responsible for anything ever.


Originally Posted by amit (Post 3163761)
A permanent driving licence holder who is not confident?!

It also says she was "out of practice for sometime" (but doesn't specify how much that time is). Looks to me like someone who took a license a long time back, didn't drive at all, and now wanted to get back on the roads.


Originally Posted by amit (Post 3163761)
IMO, the RTO officer who passed her in the driving test should be sacked. All the chaos in our country is only because none of these government officer's / bureaucrats are ever held responsible for anything ever.

Suppose what you suggest is implemented - every time a driver causes an accident, the RTO officer who issued him/her the license is sacked. Do you reckon any RTO officer will issue permanent licenses from that point onwards?

Making bureaucrats "responsible" is the surest way of ensuring nothing will happen at all. Because then it is in their best interest to do nothing and hence be responsible for nothing.


Originally Posted by IronH4WK (Post 3163751)
I'm guessing when the rest of us learn lane driving, parking our vehicles properly and keeping the slow lane clear for them to drive :)

I agree,and i feel its pretty weird when someone says that a crash happened in india,just because the vehicle was in a incorrect lane.If driving with eyes wide open at sane and controllable legal speeds there is no way,one will rear end a slow moving vehicle at a high speed and the expressway provides one with a fair amount of space to usually over come a driving error.The truck driver was at mistake here,i agree,but probably he was never taught about lane manners.Now coming to expressway,having driven on it twice,i must say people over estimate their cars,and push them to the extreme,it is pretty normal to find a Santro going at 140 or a i20 doing 160-170.


Originally Posted by sinharishi (Post 3163740)
i recommend every close ones of mine to be on the middle lane if you are on the 3 lane highways in this country. The right lane is prone to slow moving heavy vehicles and the left lane to the traffic from the opposite direction,tractors,carts,parked vehicles with their hazard lights off.

Also advise them to not make any assumptions while driving on highways. Indian driving public is highly ignorant about traffic rules and etiquette as nobody has taught them. Trust only your eyes, expect the unexpected, maintain safe distances from moving or stationery objects and staying alert is the only way we can survive on our highways.

The right most lane is only for overtaking. No matter how fast you are driving , you should stick to the middle or the left lane. I believe the i20 driver was tailgating a big vehicle and made a blind lane change to overtake that vehicle. There was probably a very slow moving vehicle in the right lane which did not give him enough time to slow down his car. Overloading also probably played its part as the heavier car probably did not respond quickly to the braking input. If he had maintained a good distance from the vehicle in front he would have easily sighted the slow moving vehicle and could have avoided the accident.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 3163794)
It also says she was "out of practice for sometime" (but doesn't specify how much that time is). Looks to me like someone who took a license a long time back, didn't drive at all, and now wanted to get back on the roads.

Suppose what you suggest is implemented - every time a driver causes an accident, the RTO officer who issued him/her the license is sacked. Do you reckon any RTO officer will issue permanent licenses from that point onwards?

Making bureaucrats "responsible" is the surest way of ensuring nothing will happen at all. Because then it is in their best interest to do nothing and hence be responsible for nothing.

For how long should you and me be out of practice to need a instructor to help us get back to driving? Who are we kidding? This is a clear case of a person being issued a licence without any kind of test and therefore the accident that happened. This accident happened due to lack of confidence. A permanent licence holder should never say he needs practice! Almost everyone in this country gets a licence first and then learns driving. That's exactly what was happening in this case as well. Which permanent licence holder will panic on seeing traffic and press the accelerator instead of the brake?

Anyway, if she was practicing to get back on the road then she should have done so through a driving school where the instructor also has control's to stop such things from happening.

Any officer who has tested a driver rigorously and then issued him a licence has no need to worry if an accident does take place. For decades there has been no fear or responsibility attached to our beauracrats working. People are dying because of this, high time they are held accountable for what they do. That's how government department's across the democratic world work. I am not suggesting anything out of this world. The chaos you see on our roads is purely because of the ease with which anyone can get a licence here. If our roads are designed and made scientifically and licensing systems are tightened up then we will easily see a HUGE drop in the number of accidents on our roads.

It's high time we citizens and this country realised that corruption kills.

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