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Old 9th May 2013, 10:53   #13186
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

There is a chain accident on top of the fly over opposite Intel on ORR, Bangalore, resulting in a pile up of traffic
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Old 9th May 2013, 11:07   #13187
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos


A 24 year old biker dies when his bike rammed into a stationery bus.

Full article:

Three persons were travelling on a bike at Vikroli when the rider rammed the bike into statonery bus. While the rider is dead, two pillion riders are seriously injured. None of them were wearing helmets.

I think it is fairly common to see three people riding on a bike in India, which is legally not permitted. It is hightime that someone need to run a public awareness campaign on dangers of three people riding on a bike. Also helmets rule need to be made strickly implemented.

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Old 9th May 2013, 11:42   #13188
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Just read this sad news in the Chandigarh Tribune today. There was an accident involving a tipper and a Honda Activa at sector 79 red light in Mohali. The tipper swerved hard to avoid the Activa resulting in toppling over the Activa and crushing the mother-daughter duo riding the scooter. Needless to say their bodies were crushed beyond recognition. Now the saddest part-Constable Gurnam Singh of the Punjab Police was one of the first people to arrive on the scene. Gurnam came to know the accident involved his wife and daughter only after the mangled remains of the scooter were removed from under the tipper and he recognized the registration number. Sadly the girl Amandeep Kaur was supposed to get married on the 12th of this month. It is not known whether the tipper jumped the signal or the Activa. May their souls rest in peace and for Mr. Gurnam Singh, it was reported that he remained stoic throughout this incident and only broke down after the accident site was cleared. May God give him all the strength to overcome this grief.
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Old 9th May 2013, 23:04   #13189
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Originally Posted by RSimonS View Post
There is a chain accident on top of the fly over opposite Intel on ORR, Bangalore, resulting in a pile up of traffic
I checked with my colleagues coming to office later in the day. No one reported seeing this accident.

I returned home around 5pm, towards Silkboard lane and both the flyovers were having normal traffic.

Do you have any other info on this one ?
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Old 9th May 2013, 23:13   #13190
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by idea View Post
Saw this on Amravati - Nagpur Highway near bazargaon on 5th may 13.
The tyres of the truck looking very clean and shiny, are those wet/oily, was that the reason behind toppling?
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Old 9th May 2013, 23:33   #13191
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Jignesh View Post
It is hightime that someone need to run a public awareness campaign on dangers of three people riding on a bike.
Most People are too thick skinned to respond to campaigns.

The ONLY way is to tighten the law and bring in a "non bailable - no mercy" law a.k.a foreign countries. I heard from a friend that in one of the gulf countries, an indian crossed the road on a freeway, where crossing is prohibited. He was hit by a vehicle and was dead on the spot. It seems many indians protested for action against the vehicle, but the Govt clearly allowed the driver to walk away, without any charges as it was the fault of the person to cross the road in a no pedestrian zone.

We need rules like this to prevent accidents. Campaigns, Asking school children to hold posters at signals, is a waste of energy and time IMHO.

One day at Oberoi Mall Junction at Mumbai, A 2 wheeler who jumped the red light was hit by a Swift VDI driven by a person who looked a typical IT Joe, who had a clear green signal. Needless to say the public blamed him.
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Old 10th May 2013, 10:32   #13192
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Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
One day at Oberoi Mall Junction at Mumbai, A 2 wheeler who jumped the red light was hit by a Swift VDI driven by a person who looked a typical IT Joe, who had a clear green signal. Needless to say the public blamed him.
Hello Scorpiobharath,

Yes that is the attitude that need to change in India, immediately. I have seen even traffic police generally blaming driver of "larger / bigger" vehicle for accidents. But at the same this rule is not applicable to VIP vehicles.

Hello All,

Another biker killed yesterday in Ahmedabad -

Mr. Rakshit Mehta, 53, & his wofe were travelling on bike when they collided head on with a car, following some mis-understanding about who will go first. His wife is seriously injured & also the car driver is injured in this accident.

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Old 10th May 2013, 12:07   #13193
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw this accident on NH4 (near Davangere), 5 vehicles were involved. Photo taken on Tuesday (7th May).

1. Small carrier vehicle
2. Crane
3. Two Wheeler
4. Chevy Beat
5. Truck

Could not get any details, as cop (two guys standing there), were not allowing anyone to stop by.

Saw Four more that day, could not get any photos.

In one of the accident's, one lorry had toppled near Chitradurga. Nearby villagers were looting all the goods. I stopped for a minute to check, one of the guys asked me if I can call cops, as people are stealing goods.
Hope the cops also did not play their hands in stealing
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Old 11th May 2013, 16:10   #13194
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@ Thevara bridge, Ernakulam

The little ship lost the control and hit on the new bridge.
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Old 12th May 2013, 19:30   #13195
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I was at a mechanic's shop this afternoon when I heard a loud bang. A Wagon R took a left turn at high speeds from Palam Extension into the Sector 7 road in Dwarka in Delhi and the driver lost control. He climbed on to the pavement and smashed into a parked Alto and a Santro Xing and the car turned over to its left side.

What happened next was a little chaotic. People there were trying to break the windshield and side mirrors to get the occupants out. Me and a mechanic saw that there were 3 kids lying on top of the driver and asked people not to try and break the windows.

Some 10 folks together lifted the car and asked the driver to attempt to open the door. He finally managed to.

The 3 kids were between the age of 4-8 and were shocked and in tears. They were taken to the a nearby dhaba and I took the youngest one to inspect injuries if any. There were none. Although the driver had minor cuts on his hand.

What I really don't understand is the following :
a) The driver took a sharp left at speeds that are dangerous on this road.
b) Why were 3 kids seated in the front seat
c) The man didn't look like the father. Why were kids given his responsibility if he does indeed drive like that
d) None of the occupants were wearing belts.

I must say the only reason he's alive is because the Alto took the impact of the car. If there were no obstructions he would have run into a dhaba/mechanic's shop and had a very good chance of killing people.

Upon hitting the car his car climbed the pavement.

Unfortunately the Xing and the Alto owners weren't present at that time. I was parked behind the Xing till 5 minutes before the impact when the mechanic asked me to bring the car closer to his shop since it was raining.
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Old 12th May 2013, 20:16   #13196
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I traveled to Shravanbelagola and back today morning from Bangalore today morning and as usual, saw 2 trucks off the road on NICE road and a car-truck collision, a banged up A-star and a tractor which was overturned, on the Mangalore highway. But on my return, I was in for some really horrible sight. On the nice road, between the Mysore road exit and PESIT exit, going towards Mysore side, was a bike (a blue TVS Victor, IIRC) fallen in the middle of the road and lots of people gathered around. There was a body, lying by the side of the road and covered with blood. In all probability, it was the guy on the bike and he was not moving. Horrible sight. Couldn't see a helmet also. I don't know whether any other vehicle was involved. This happened on the newly concreted section.
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Old 12th May 2013, 21:13   #13197
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

NICE Road again(near electronic city toll). Saw this accident yesterday around 4:00 PM. A scorpio went off the road and hit the pillar of the over bridge. Not sure how he managed to do this on a straight road.
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Old 13th May 2013, 10:32   #13198
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Dumper driver losses control of his vehicle at Mulund toll plaza - kills a 51 old man.


Babu Ghodeswar, a resident of Mulund Colony, was cleaning the booth when he was hit by the dumper around 9.30am. He fell to the ground and the dumper drove over his head. Ghodeswar, who was a sweeper at the toll naka, died on the spot

Hope the victim's family gets some compensation so that they atleast are better off financially.

Recently there are many accidents in Mumbai caused by dumper drivers. I think either the drivers are not trained to drive these heavy vehicles or the vehicles are not maintained properly.

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Old 13th May 2013, 11:16   #13199
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I saw a major accident on Hosur Road near Chandapura on Saturday evening at around 18 30. A bus (similar to SRS used for office transport, white and blue) had toppled on the NH approaching Chandapura.

The whole traffic towards Hosur was being diverted on the service road as the ambulance was using the main road. Could not take any picture, but from the sight of it , looked ghastly. Does anyone have more info?
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Old 13th May 2013, 11:34   #13200
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by MotoNanu View Post
I saw a major accident on Hosur Road near Chandapura on Saturday evening at around 18 30. A bus (similar to SRS used for office transport, white and blue) had toppled on the NH approaching Chandapura.

The whole traffic towards Hosur was being diverted on the service road as the ambulance was using the main road. Could not take any picture, but from the sight of it , looked ghastly. Does anyone have more info?
It was in yesterdays newspapers.
It was a private bus ferrying garment factory workers from Blore to Hosur area and its axle broke which resulted in the crash. No one was killed, but many injured.
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