Originally Posted by Ketan You may be walking with your family around the safe areas/gardens in your residential area, its different than walking to bus-stop everyday from home, get a bus, change the bus at another stop, walk to another stop take another to get to your final destination that may be another few mtrs/kms away from the bus stop.
I too walk with my family on regular basis inside the layout I live in, but I cant compare that with what we are talking about here. You rightly indicated that 'No one in India cares about pedestrians'
Coming to your point where you stop for others to cross the roads (I'm not getting in details whether its a cow or dog  , but human lives, definitely got priority), It would be interesting to know where did you learn that from? Quite a few of us do that and I follow that most of the times. I have had lessons in the school about crossing roads only at Zebra crossings and a couple of more such but nothing more than that (our education system needs improvements too), I learnt it by looking at others who are following it strictly, mainly in the US and other countries. That changed a bit of my behavior, for sure. We can be an example in our own country to help others.
Mannubhai was talking about the modern cyclist, I have not seen a modern 'modern cyclist' waiting besides (Sony world signal), and seen many cyclists jumping that same signal a many times, but I'm just trying to look at that single example that can make a positive impact and we want to see more of them.
You said, 'generally people, dog, bulls, cows don't use pedestrian crossing'.
So, coming back to the original question, 'pedestrians and cyclist not honoring laws'. right area of focus (they have different needs at this time, the infrastructure), it has to be us motorists to improve the current state. |
I walk on the roads in HSR Layout and Koramangala or Lavelle Road or Vittal Mallya Road or somewhere like that and even in these so-called higher end areas there is no respect for an elderly person walking on the road as a normal pedestrian.
In this country unlike anywhere else in the world, the person in the vehicle takes priority. The bigger the vehicle or the more expensive the vehicle, the greater the priority accorded to them. Each of us feels superior to the other, depending on our "status" that day - if Im on a bicycle or if I am walking, I am considered inferior to the bloke in a Maruti 800. If driving a Merc, I am superior to the Maruti. If driving a Volvo Bus, I am the King!
This apparently is the general feeling and seems to be the general belief of most people in India, who use the public roads!
Coming to pedestrian crossings and over bridges. There are over bridges provided in Indira Nagar and again near the Leela hotel in Bangalore. Practically no one uses these. Most people prefer to cross the road wherever they like. No one uses pedestrian crossings either.
In fact, on most roads in this country you will find that the pedestrian crossing has been pretty much obliterated.
I generally stop on the road to allow people to cross because I ve seen my Dad do it since I was a kid. I would like to continue this practice.
To me the life of a dog or a bull or a cow is as important as that of another human. I will not say that human life takes priority.
I have seen these new generation recreational cyclists happily cutting the traffic lights on the roads especially at Sony World Koramangala, India Garage Victoria Layout and Indira Nagar after the bridge. These recreational cyclists are wearing first class expensive protective gear, sports glasses, riding fancy bikes etc. I imagine they are from highly educated backgrounds and work in some fancy multi national or IT company or other similar. I would imagine also that they have travelled abroad a number of times. Yet, in this country they break the law...
To me this is not ok.
However much as a motorist and as suggested by you, I may bow my head and look after my fellow men, I will not accept blatant law breaking on anyones part.
As an aside, a few weekends ago, I was floating about in Indira Nagar near Hum India.
A young couple came flying by on a Yamaha RTR motorcycle, overtook a big bus with a very narrow margin for error and the bike slipped when the rider was "banking".
They fell flat on the ground, the bike went flying and both of them were completely stunned.
They were really lucky they escaped with minor injuries like scratches. Since neither of them wore a helmet I am really happy that they did not hit their heads on the ground anywhere.
I gave them a talking to but they looked blankly at me and went off immediately, picked up their bike and rode off. The Bus had stopped. The driver looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, smiled and went on...
Ridiculous! A Yamaha costs at least 1.5 lacs. Yet this young couple does not have the sense to spend money on proper protective gear and a base level helmet?
I am speechless!