Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Jignesh (Post 3022589)
A Car (Call Center Indica) hit six women who got down from Best Bus & were crossing the road. The Taxi driver was overtaking the bus & could not notice the women who suddenly energed from front of the bus.


I wonder in such cases as well is the driver booked for negligent driving/murder? As per what i remember the driver was not breaking any rules and not speeding.


Originally Posted by bisasa (Post 3023155)
Sad that the girls were hit by the car fatally. People think that crossing the road from the front of buses aids them. But seems to be an idiotic thing to do, though it is the norm in our country.

Passing a stationary bus: look for legs, hoot, slow down, give it a wide berth.

Aged 15, I got off the bus, going home from school, walked around the front of it and stepped out to cross the road. A passing car shaved me so close it took the coat I was carrying out of my hand. I never did it again (nearly never had the chance!) but always try to remember that others do.

Note to all who get off from a bus and want to cross the road:

If you get off the bus and go stand in front of it waiting to cross, you will
1. hold up the bus, which wants to move forward
2. be invisible to traffic overtaking the stationary bus

Just go behind the bus. Both problems solved! But then, doing that requires having common sense. And we all know how difficult it is to master that dark art.


Originally Posted by KiloAlpha (Post 3023354)
Note to all who get off from a bus and want to cross the road:

If you get off the bus and go stand in front of it waiting to cross, you will
1. hold up the bus, which wants to move forward
2. be invisible to traffic overtaking the stationary bus

Just go behind the bus. Both problems solved! But then, doing that requires having common sense. And we all know how difficult it is to master that dark art.

If you go behind the bus, you will be invisible to traffic coming from the opposite direction. The simple solution is to wait till you have a clear view of traffic from both sides before you cross. But then, for Indians on the road, waiting is a dark art that is difficult to master. :D


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 3023286)
Passing a stationary bus: look for legs, hoot, slow down, give it a wide berth..

To give a wide berth one would need to come on to the right lane. At this point do note that there is a good possibility of people from the right side of the road wanting to cross the road and catch that bus that is about to take off. Such people are in a greater hurry to cross the road as all they think at that point is "I do not want to miss that bus and wait for another ___ mins for the next bus" . Best thing to do when you see a bus stopped to pick up and drop passengers, is to slow down to a controllable speed and honk to grab attention of people.

What about people who tend to jump out of the bus suddenly. Like at a traffic signal, when the other lanes are still free, but the bus has slowed down?

And what about those thousands of people who insist that the bus stop really serves no other purpose than to post advertisements and always stand on the road, effectively closing out one lane?

As much as I understand the plight of pedestrians in India (no footpath, dirty footpaths etc.) jaywalking must be dealt with, as its only getting worse.

^^ It’s pretty easy. A little bit of patience is all we need. If I am behind a bus, I normally get very cautious, and if it stop for a pick-up/drop-off, I normally stop behind and wait instead of navigating through the folks jumping in and out. Overtaking will happen only if the road in front is open and the bus is moving in regular speed. Of course, you will get honked/shouted at by the traffic behind, and that’s where a car with good noise insulation will help :)


Originally Posted by Santoshbhat (Post 3023462)
To give a wide berth one would need to come on to the right lane.

I'm assuming space to do so without crossing the centre line

At this point do note that there is a good possibility of people from the right side of the road wanting to cross the road and catch that bus that is about to take off.
It's nice to let them! All in all, the total message is: Bus mean pedestrian danger. See bus, think pedestrian --- there, I've invented the slogan :)


Originally Posted by mav2000 (Post 3023476)
What about people who tend to jump out of the bus suddenly. Like at a traffic signal, when the other lanes are still free, but the bus has slowed down?

And the ones who don't even wait for the bus to stop. Ant the buses that don't even pull in to the left lane at a bus stop.


As much as I understand the plight of pedestrians in India (no footpath, dirty footpaths etc.) jaywalking must be dealt with, as its only getting worse.
It's amazing how often the footpath is ignored, and groups straggle out into the road? There are places in this city where road/flyover design has utterly ignored walkers, and there is no space at all for them --- but when there is a good pavement, and it has not had a market built on it, Why don't people use it?

Which brings me to... Why do people walk over flyovers? :Frustrati

The solution to the road crossing issue is as below:
1. If you are driving behind a Bus that is coming to a halt at a stop, you may overtake it.
2. But do so at a very slow speed. Less that 20kmph is recommended.
3. And as you near the front edge of the bus, keep your eyes on that corner and look out for darting people with your right leg ready on the brake.
4. The fix lies with the vehicle driver because he/she is least inconvenienced. Not much time will be lost if you slow down for 3-4 seconds. Also in my book, pedestrians have the right of way over vehicles.
5. If an accident happens, it is the vehicle driver who will be faulted no matter what. So be cautious and avoid trouble.

Note from Moderator : Guys, please refrain from off-topic discussion. The last few posts are going haywire and is diluting the purpose of this thread which is "Pictures of Accidents in India". Thanks for your understanding

Hello Friends,

Further bad news - day before yesterday a unknown vehicle hit a bike at Powai & both the riders - Brother & Sister are killed in this unfortunate accident:


Originally Posted by amitwlele (Post 3023198)
I wonder in such cases as well is the driver booked for negligent driving/murder? As per what i remember the driver was not breaking any rules and not speeding.

Hello Amit,

Yes. The driver is booked for accident & as per the last news we heard, he was in police custody. But this seems to be a norm in our country. The vehicle driver is booked for the offence for sure, without analysing who was at fault. Now it is on him (& his lawyers) to prove that he was not guilty.


I was waiting at signal (one close to jakkasandar bus stop) for signal to go green and this Santro guy kept honking as soon as there were 5-7 seconds to go before green, I waited till it went green and slowly took off but this guy is still honking, I stopped to find out what he wants and he banged in and broke my registration plate (I was riding my bike) - I didn't stop suddenly, I never started off, I was waiting behind one vehicle on signal and my bike has moved barely 5-6 feet. I don't know what hurry he was in, but ended up wasting sometime on arguing etc. First, he said its not my mistake, I told him I wont let him go until cops come and decide whose mistake it is, and then he says, if its a mistake then he is sorry for that etc, No cops around at that time around 7.30am on Jan 26. I thought I will let it go. I made him stop for good few minutes, he accepted his mistake and I felt like my ego was satisfied just by him accepting his mistake and we made a move after I took a quick snap of his registration plate on my phone camera.

I have experienced this feeling, sometimes I get aggressive on roads when other cars/vehicles cuts wrong way, but if someone shows the hand accepting his mistake immediately, its like satisfying your ego and I also wave my hand and that surely feels better. Strange, how we inflate our ego on roads too!

Renault Duster demo car turned turtle while on test drive near Marthahalli Bangalore last Thursday. Sharing a pic captured by my friend Sivasankar R who works nearby. Luckily no one got hurt.


Originally Posted by mpksuhas (Post 3025653)
Renault Duster demo car turned turtle while on test drive near Marthahalli Bangalore last Thursday. Sharing a pic captured by my friend Sivasankar R who works nearby. Luckily no one got hurt.

This is simply amazing. The Duster is one of the widest cars in its segment. To get into such an ackward position of head over heels, the driver must be doing some crazy stunts or he must have been a novice, not knowing to drive within the limits of the car. It would be interesting to see how the car withstood this accident. Was there any damage to the body? Did the sheet metal bend anywhere etc?


Originally Posted by mpksuhas (Post 3025653)
Renault Duster demo car turned turtle while on test drive near Marthahalli Bangalore last Thursday. Sharing a pic captured by my friend Sivasankar R who works nearby. Luckily no one got hurt.

This is what happens when people who have no clue about driving dynamics try to "test drive" a car assuming they can try whatever rubbish they want since it is a demo car.

Have sat with some guys sharing a test drive and was petrified as to why anyone would try such stupid stunts.

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