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Old 6th December 2012, 10:30   #12361
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by A350XWB View Post
Was it today? I drove through there at around 7:05 in the morning and did not notice anything. Or was it under the fly-over?
Yes, it was today early morning around 1 in the morning. It was on the two lane narrow road that goes under the flyover bridges.

A bike and a hatch can hardly be accomodated on that narrow lane, it seems someone pushed him throwing over to the opposite lane or he may got into that state while overtaking a car, he wasnt lucky when he thrown to the other lane a big oncoming vehicle ran over his head it seems, I didnt see major damage to the bike nor do I see any wheel marks or any of his body parts got any scratches hence speculating. bottomline, a life lost. People around area heartless too, driving by without bothering much. I stopped besides the Tata showroom towards Sarjapur junction at the end of the flyover and called PI Rajesh (I had only that number saved for emergency, remember the mugging issues around this area!), he said he's got transferred to some other ara but he will inform the local police station soon. After a few minutes, I see lots of people/vhiecles gathered on the bridge and watching the scene from the bridge and other vehicles passing by etc, while I took a U turn to the service lane and, parked there one good soul with his friends stopped and started taking a closer look and also trying to divert the traffic, only now when I got down and went to find that his head was completely crushed/missing along with the helmet, I realized he's dead, only a few pieces of that cheap looking helmet with thermocol inside were around. Really bad scene it was!

Last edited by Ketan : 6th December 2012 at 10:46.
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Old 6th December 2012, 14:28   #12362
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Mangalore: Four Injured as Speeding Jeep Rams into Bus

Mangalore, Dec 6: Four persons including children were injured in a jeep-bus collision at Kallapu near here on Thursday December 6 morning.
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Old 7th December 2012, 09:13   #12363
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Early morning accident on ORR just before Whitefield VW showroom. Happened few mins before I reached the spot. The Tata Sumo coming down from flyover had a tire blowout and hit a Tata Winger before loosing control and jumping divider. There it hit an incoming Innova. Both vehicles had heavy frontal damage. Luckily all passengers escaped with minor injuries.
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Old 8th December 2012, 11:00   #12364
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Originally Posted by rohanjf
Today morning, a guy decided to take his brand new Ertiga (with ribbons on bonnet still intact) on unfamiliar and narrow village roads. He missed a sharp left turn and went off the road into a ditch. He hit his face on the windshield and cracked it (I don't care what happens to his face). A 108 ambulance came to pick him up.

He was possibly misled by the speedbreakers installed at all other sharp curves on that stretch.

For those familiar with rural areas in south east Bangalore, this happened in Mullur village.
My guess is that this new driver might not have understood his LUVs handling properly and must have gone in a bit too fast into the curve. He must have braked when he realised this in the middle of the curve and hence understeered off the road.

Also braking in the middle of a curve is always a receipe for danger. Always slow down before entering a curve.
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Old 8th December 2012, 20:53   #12365
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Also braking in the middle of a curve is always a receipe for danger.
Many people just do not know that. Had a colleague in London who wrote off a company car finding out.
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Old 9th December 2012, 12:09   #12366
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by speedsatya View Post
Also braking in the middle of a curve is always a receipe for danger. Always slow down before entering a curve.
Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Many people just do not know that. Had a colleague in London who wrote off a company car finding out.
It's safer to try that stunt in a car equipped with ABS/EBD. The system will ensure that the car holds the intended line - most of the time!
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Old 9th December 2012, 12:13   #12367
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Container truck accident near Hoodi Circle, Bangalore on the road towards ITPL. This accident is result of pathetic condition of truck being used to ferry heavy loads on public roads. Trailer got detached from truck and container fell down on road.

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Old 9th December 2012, 15:50   #12368
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
It's safer to try that stunt in a car equipped with ABS/EBD. The system will ensure that the car holds the intended line - most of the time!
It is safer not to try the stunt at all. Sometimes, though, a curve turns out to be longer or sharper than we thought (Be prepared, but sometimes we fail). and a little dab at the brakes is necessary. If we had, at least, the foresight to change to a lower gear before the corner, the engine braking might well save us. ABS etc is for emergencies and should never be figured into our driving style.

Of course, none of that allows for a human running into the road. That, we and the car's equipment have to handle as best we can to save life.
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Old 10th December 2012, 08:28   #12369
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

It's safer to try that stunt in a car equipped with ABS/EBD
As ThadE said, ABS/EBD at the end of the day cannot defy physics which revolves around speed and corner. You enter a corner at high speed, your option is to hope the car stays put and you dont brake aggressively. aggressively No Acceleration can help and sometime acceleration can actually help control some movement. But braking hard is a disaster waiting to happen.

I would repeat any speed above 100 on a normal road, you are pushing your luck every KM/H you add. Our roads, our brains and our public view of roads have not changed though we have power to even purchase a bugatti. Even our race tracks are not international standards to test cars let alone roads
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Old 10th December 2012, 13:51   #12370
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Four students killed outside Chennai after bus hits reversing truck
Chennai: Four students standing on the footboard of a bus died in a freak accident at Perungudi, outside Chennai this morning.

According to police, the accident occurred when the city bus drove past a truck that was reversing.

The students on the footboard got caught between the truck and the bus. Three of them died on the spot and the fourth student succumbed on the way to the hospital.

The police have identified the victims as students of a local polytechnic.
source : Four students killed outside Chennai after bus hits reversing truck
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Old 10th December 2012, 14:44   #12371
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by ankan.m.blr View Post
Four students killed outside Chennai after bus hits reversing truck
Chennai: Four students standing on the footboard of a bus died in a freak accident at Perungudi,
source : Four students killed outside Chennai after bus hits reversing truck
Thats a tragic waste of precious life. Imagine the plight of their parents .

I have seen so many college/school kids hanging on to the foot board, even if there is more than enough space inside the bus. I keep a safe distance from these buses not knowing when one of the footboarders is going to land on my car.

Same time I also see many bus drivers/conductors, refusing to move until the door is closed. That avoids footboard heroism(stupidity).
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Old 10th December 2012, 15:05   #12372
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Four students standing on the footboard of a bus died in a freak accident at Perungudi...
Major rant alert.

I am so fed up with the media using this this language. What is "freak" about this accident? A freak accident is when an aircraft wheel lands on a car.

Footboard travel is so obviously dangerous that such an accident cannot be called "freak" in any way. The amazing thing is that it doesn't happen every day.

The language that the media uses is very important in shaping public attitudes to safety on the roads. Another example is, vehicle hits stationary object; stationary object blamed. It is all responsibility avoidance.

OK, I know a lot of this is language... the writer is not very good at language, and thinks that freakaccident is just the normal way of putting it. Sorry, but I don't see why an English language publication should not employ people well qualified in English langiage. If a call centre can do it, then why not a newspaper or TV site? (Oh, and I have similar complaints, sometimes, about my home-country BBC!).

Attitudes have to change for roads to be safer. The media should help ...not hinder.

(Maximum smiley allowance. I could put a whole line of them)
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Old 10th December 2012, 15:57   #12373
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

This is a common scene in TN in morning and evening, both urban and rural.
The importance of the door in a bus is seldom realized.
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Old 10th December 2012, 16:44   #12374
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by ramzsys View Post
This is a common scene in TN in morning and evening, both urban and rural.
The importance of the door in a bus is seldom realized.
This is the same bus which was has featured earlier in TBhp. Refer the follwing link - by V1kram

Amazing coincidence that the same bus is now featuring in the Accidents in India thread within a couple of months of its hitting the road - now posted by you!
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Old 10th December 2012, 18:20   #12375
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this Omni and an Alto collided and both vehicles got damaged on the right side. The habit of sticking to the right instead of the left is the reason and both were at fault.
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