Came across this thread and thought I'll post my experience:
This happened around 31st May 12 around 9.30 pm while heading to pick up my friend in NGV from HSR Layout. When I was about to near Sony World junction, the signal turned green and me on my bike managed to efficiently dodge the traffic and crossed the signal. A mad biker on my right side thought I was racing with him and tried overtaking me. My bike (Avy 220) had a very good pickup over his bike (don't know which one though) and I hit 50-60kmph in no time with him trailing behind me at a quite a good distance!
When I was about to near the Pizza Hut junction, I noticed a guy coming from the wrong side trying to take a right turn. Seeing me, he stopped right in the middle of the road! Me going at a decent speed and having a very good control on panic braking methodology, managed to stop the bike effectively before a huge impact but still hit him. He fell down with my bike's front wheel on top of the rear wheel. Meanwhile, the mad racer who was racing on my left hand side, switched to right went hit the front wheel of his bike, crashed against the divider and skidded for about 5-10 ft.
Crowd gathered, people rounded me and discovered that I didn't know Kannada. The mad racer stood up and ran away. My bike being heavily damaged and me with slight muscular cramps here and there (which just fled away in few hours though), I found it too difficult to move around. And everybody started accusing me for coming overspeed and not the Karizma guy who was coming in the wrong way (apparently I learnt from the bit of conversation in Kannada that this guy withdrew cash from IndusInd ATM next to Pizza Hut and was trying to take a right on that junction)! :( The figures given by them were 80-90 kmph as if they measured my speed so accurately. I called up my friends (both of them are from Bareilly) and informed them of the incident.
While I was arguing with them, trying to contact Cops at the same time in a desperate measure to flee them away (as it was not my fault by any chance), Karizma wala's boss came (learnt that this guy works for some Tata Indicom's cable laying contractor and the bike is Contractor owned). He demanded me to leave my bike at his office till I pay the difference amount from the insurance to get his bike repaired. I no longer trusted them and refused to leave my bike. In the meanwhile, they got the Koramangala cops involved and couple of guys in patrol bike landed! They were treating me like criminals and threatening to jail me. I was still arguing that I want to go to Traffic Police Station as this is issue is not within their Jurisdiction. Now, the owner wanted to leave my bike in Koramangala Police station till their bike is fixed. By this time, me understood the game plan and I refused to oblige.
Around this time, both my friends arrived. A tata truck arrived to pick up the damaged karizma. My friends were in a desperate attempt to get me out of the situation estimated the cost of repairs excluding insurance would be roughly around 1k, trying to settle down on this and get the hell out of there. By now since cops arrived, their rates increased (probably they also would need some share). While this argument is going on, we witnessed another accident in the same junction, this time with a bike and a car and 75% of the crowd diverted their attention to the other corner. Arguing with this gang, we agreed to go to the Koramangala Police Station (just to divert the cops) and we drove to Adugodi Traffic Police station forcing them to follow us around 12.30 AM.
By the time, these guys passed on the information to their boss who arrived Adugodi with another new face. We went in to lodge a complaint with a constable but he acknowledged the new face and we now know what is going on!
Some how, the constable managed to get the SI in shift to arrive at the scene. SI seem to be a truthful guy but these guys managed to dupe him by calling the Koramangala cops over the phone and made him speak to him. They changed the complete story against us.
Now they demanded 10k from us for the cost of repairs. SI argued with them and bought it down to 4k. We left the scene after paying 4k to those goons.
I think SI was in our favor for he knows that the witnesses were against us and not trying to register a case. I frankly didn't know what to do, legally against these buggars!
Ended up paying another 17.5k for my 4 month old Avy for accident repairs! (Insurance claims going on on a seperate track - Courtesy: UI's reimbursement only policy; no cashless options which was offered by another worthless dealer - Amba Bajaj - Hosur Road). I don't know how long it would take for this to arrive.