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Old 27th May 2012, 15:09   #11191
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw just yesterday this Chevy Beat on Ahemedabad highway near Manor,it's roof was nowhere to be seen.I passed this car at 10 am and there were few people around it.The reason seems to be wrong driving habits we all notice in almost all cars with yellow no. plates.
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Last edited by IQBAL VEERJI : 27th May 2012 at 15:11.
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Old 27th May 2012, 15:18   #11192
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Hi guy, did you notice the body language of that car owner. First of all he took so long to get out of his car, and no holding the bike riders ,no asking him "are you alright?",all seems to be due to his car no.plate. It is a VIP no.He must have just drove away after this.
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Old 28th May 2012, 09:12   #11193
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Another accident on the Pune Expressway and this time claiming 24 lives as per the below report on NDTV.

24 killed in bus accident on Mumbai-Pune Expressway

This time the people killed were waiting at the side of the road for their bus to be repaired. A tempo rammed into them apparently because of a brake failure. Accident occured at 1 AM so i would not be surprised if after investigation it comes out that the tempo driver actually dozed off while driving.

Last edited by amitwlele : 28th May 2012 at 09:14.
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Old 28th May 2012, 09:17   #11194
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by amitwlele View Post
Another accident on the Pune Expressway and this time claiming 24 lives as per the below report on NDTV.

24 killed in bus accident on Mumbai-Pune Expressway

This time the people killed were waiting at the side of the road for their bus to be repaired. A tempo rammed into them apparently because of a brake failure. Accident occured at 1 AM so i would not be surprised if after investigation it comes out that the tempo driver actually dozed off while driving.

Really sad news! RIP the poor souls.
Its baffling that a small tempo can cause this much carnage.
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Old 28th May 2012, 10:41   #11195
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Read about an accident on the Kalhatty ghats near Ooty. 2 ladies perished when the SUV they were travelling fell into a gorge at the 31st hairpin bend.
The report in times of India is here..
Two killed in road mishap near Ooty - The Times of India

Anyone who has driven on this ghat would know how difficult it is. total 36 hairpin bends to negotiate, that too with steep ascent and descents!
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Old 28th May 2012, 10:47   #11196
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Any vehicle stops in time if it is driven safely. It's best we have all the safety features we can get for those times when it is someone else's fault, but all accidents are caused by drivers.
I understand. But in this thread, we talk about the times when we have been ignorant enough to not be careful or like you said, it is someone else's fault. As I said before, accidents just happen... No point in discussing why and how.

Originally Posted by SLK View Post
ABS doesn't reduce braking distance! It simply allows you to continue to steer when braking hard. Trust me! It doesn't always help.
I know sir. I am aware of the working of ABS.

ABS can reduce braking distance if the road is non slippery, else as you said, it may increase the braking distance too. A car with ABS can be steered to safety atleast...
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Old 28th May 2012, 10:56   #11197
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26 killed in bus accident on Mumbai-Pune Expressway

Just saw this unfortunate accident on NDTV website:


Mumbai/Pune: 26 people were today killed after a speeding tempo rammed into their stationary bus on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. 17 people were also injured in the incident.

The accident occurred at around 1 am when the victims were returning to Pune after attending a wedding in Mumbai. After their bus broke down at Khalapur on the expressway, the group got down and sat on the road between two buses - the second was also carrying people who were part of the marriage party. It was during this time that the tempo hit one of the buses from the rear, thus resulting in casualties.

The injured were rushed to various hospitals in Pune and Navi Mumbai.

The driver of the tempo, meanwhile, has been detained. The police are in the process of booking him for negligent driving and for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. He is likely to be arrested soon and will subsequently be produced in a local court.
Source: 26 killed in bus accident on Mumbai-Pune Expressway

Unlucky people were sitting on the road (expressway) between two buses.

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Old 28th May 2012, 11:15   #11198
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sandsun7 View Post
Read about an accident on the Kalhatty ghats near Ooty. 2 ladies perished when the SUV they were travelling fell into a gorge at the 31st hairpin bend.

Anyone who has driven on this ghat would know how difficult it is. total 36 hairpin bends to negotiate, that too with steep ascent and descents!
The death toll have gone upto 3 - according to Manorama online; 2 women, and an eighteen months old girl. Apparently, there were 13 people in the car which met with the accident.

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Old 28th May 2012, 12:20   #11199
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by C300 View Post
Its baffling that a small tempo can cause this much carnage.
Originally Posted by amitwlele View Post
This time the people killed were waiting at the side of the road for their bus to be repaired.
Originally Posted by Irish View Post
Unlucky people were sitting on the road (expressway) between two buses.
RIP to the deceased.

The problem is that we dont realise how unsafe it can be for anyone to be out on the highway. They would have been safer sitting in their own bus or perhaps even off the road than sitting between two buses. Sorry to say this, but its a bit too casual.
I dont understand why people stay/ loiter on the road when their vehicles are being repaired/ tryes changed.

I have been scared silly by people who prefer to get out on the driver side of the road and walk around the car from the traffic side. There have been numerous accidents reported where broken down vehicles have been left in the middle or fast lanes with a bunch of leaves or a cloth hanging out the back of the vehicle. How the hell are drivers at even normal speeds going to spot the vehicles?
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Old 28th May 2012, 13:46   #11200
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by IQBAL VEERJI View Post
Hi guy, did you notice the body language of that car owner. First of all he took so long to get out of his car, and no holding the bike riders ,no asking him "are you alright?",all seems to be due to his car no.plate. It is a VIP no.He must have just drove away after this.
Mr Veerji. If you look closely, the biker, in all probability jumped the signal. You can deduce that from the collective movement of traffic on the top right of the screen. That would have meant it was a red light for the biker. He deserved what he got. He should thank his lucky stars, he got another chance in life to start observing traffic rules at stop lights. Car owners are not always at fault when they hit two-wheelers. Quite often you will find, it is the opposite. This is because four wheelers, due to the bigger size of their vehicles, are inherently aware of their surroundings, and the damage they can cause. The special number plate has nothing to do with this whatsoever. His body language was justified because it was the biker's fault. Quite clearly. You sow. You reap. Don't expect someone else to take responsibility for your actions.
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Old 28th May 2012, 14:27   #11201
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Re: Ghastly accident On Outer Ring Road in Bangalore

Originally Posted by Fauji View Post
Here is a picture of mangled car.
I just saw a Honda city that exactly matches this one dumped in front of the Madivala Traffic police station. The mangled car was bearing a TN regn. Most likely its the same one which is being talked about in the quoted post above.
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Old 28th May 2012, 14:39   #11202
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

26 killed in road accident on Mumbai-Pune expressway

26 killed in road accident on Mumbai-Pune expressway

I understand that this is already post in the forum, but still I have a point a make here.

Though it is easy to blame the Tempo Driver who crashed the Stationery buses, but the accident happend at 1 am in night. It is possible that the Tempo Driver could not see the stationery buses. may be possible that the Bus Driver was not having hazard reflector which can be placed if your Vehicle Breaks down.

Thus it is very important to immediately place the emergengy light & hazard reflector in road, as soon you stop on highway, especially at night.

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Old 28th May 2012, 17:08   #11203
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I'm sure its against the forum rules to post the same thing more than once, but in this thread it seems hard not to.
Though it is easy to blame the Tempo Driver who crashed the Stationery buses, but the accident happend at 1 am in night. It is possible that the Tempo Driver could not see the stationery buses. may be possible that the Bus Driver was not having hazard reflector which can be placed if your Vehicle Breaks down.
If you run into something stationary that you didn't see, it is your fault.

Yes, there are things that a broken down vehicle should do, especially if it is obstructing the highway, and yes, the driver should take that responsibility, especially a professional driver.
It is possible that the Tempo Driver could not see the stationery buses.
He should have been using his lights properly. He should not have been driving so fast that he could not see beyond his stopping distance. He should have been driving safely.

In accidents all over the world, one party will say they didn't see the other. Doesn't make it any less their fault. In two accidents I have damaged another vehicle because I was looking, but in the wrong direction: both absolutely my fault.

This sort of shocking incident is not an accident, it is a massacre.

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 28th May 2012 at 17:09.
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Old 28th May 2012, 18:35   #11204
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
He should have been using his lights properly. He should not have been driving so fast that he could not see beyond his stopping distance. He should have been driving safely.
In a country where there is no semblance of road sense, where all vehicles are engrossed in a battle of 'lights' supremacy, and disdain for the safety of fellow road users, i do not think it is fair to blame someone if he does not see something unmarked on the road.

With the blindness induced by other road users, we also end up going over unmarked speed / car breakers, so having objects on the road which ought not to be there in the first place is not expected.

A branch of leaves sticking out of a broken down vehicle does not replace the use of hazard lights or hazard triangle on an unlit road.

I have no idea of the speeds the tempo was upto, but this is an expressway we are talking about, not a city road!
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Old 28th May 2012, 19:28   #11205
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by EdgedNTaken View Post
Mr Veerji. If you look closely, the biker, in all probability jumped the signal. You can deduce that from the collective movement of traffic on the top right of the screen.
The biker probably jumped the signal but the car owner certainly did. At the start of the video towards the top left we can see some vehicles moving away from the junction - they probably arrived at the junction from the direction the car came later on in the video. You can also see bright red light just adjacent to all those other vehicles which are waiting to move - indicating that it was a red light for the car owner - a good 8-9 seconds before the car arrived at the scene.
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