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Originally Posted by IronH4WK (Post 2588153)
the M800 i think was changing lanes from the extreme left and at the same trying to overtake the Eicher in front of it and hence got blinded when he saw the bike in his path. if he were behind the Eicher, he would have noticed the biker.

Nice work there IronH4WK.
But in the 6th pic, notice where the front tire of Eicher is. Its possible that the Eicher moved to the right while M800 was overtaking it, which forced the car almost off the road and hit the motorcyclist.


Originally Posted by amitoj (Post 2588987)
Nice work there IronH4WK.
But in the 6th pic, notice where the front tire of Eicher is. Its possible that the Eicher moved to the right while M800 was overtaking it, which forced the car almost off the road and hit the motorcyclist.

yes, that is very much possible. however, the M800 was at very high speed at the moment of impact, which means this guy was racing or driving very rash to have lost control in such a manner. add to that the person's audacity to just run away from the scene as if nothing happened. :mad:

"Loosing control" is (apart from ice, oil on the road, blow-out or other mechanical failure) always the result of bad, or rash, driving.

It is a phrase we need to get rid of. It is not loosing control, it is not having proper control to begin with.


Originally Posted by rohanjf (Post 2588920)
In the stills by IRONH4WK, it looks like the biker almost has his front wheel in the fast lane. In this case, we can see that it is M800's fault. But I have seen many such cases where the autorickshaws and bikes poke their noses into the fast lane while waiting to take right or U turns. It is so irritating when you are driving in the rightmost lane. You don't know whether to stop and give them way (in which case, you should have enough time to stop) or just continue with the hope that they don't move any further.

And yes, the long legs have helped the biker. This is why I always felt that one should buy a bike that allows the rider to stand on both feet when the bike is between his legs. Even if the bike slips and falls while standing still, the biker will get no harm.

The Maruti guy needs to be booked and charged severely.

I did see this video in FB and then in the news. I think The guy is not on the road. Where he is standing belongs to the median which is removed for the road construction. He actually is cutting across illegally. Isn't there fault on him also that way ??

That said, hit and run for whatever reason needs to be put behind bars.


Originally Posted by mannubhai (Post 2589390)
That said, hit and run for whatever reason needs to be put behind bars.

I beg to defer here. Hit and Run cases must not ALWAYS be out behind bars. If i am driving within speed limits, at an intersection, a pedestrian crosses the road, even its green for me and red for the pedestrian, If i hit him and stop the car, people will beat me only. It is better for me drive away and to stop at the nearest police station and explain the issue.

In an aforesaid situation, the public will always deem it to be the mistake of the car/bike which hit. No one will bother about the facts that it was green for me and i was within speed limits and it was the pedestrian's mistake.

But having said the above, the 800 driver must have stopped at the nearest police station and confessed / surrendered.

Speed thrills...but kills for sure when reckless. Last night here in Nagpur, two brothers decided to go for a dinner in their Accent Viva, they entered opposite traffic lane of flyover at speeds exceeding 100+. Meanwhile from other end of the flyover, AP plated Xylo carrying 4 businessmen was moving towards its destination in AP at comfortable 50-60. Xylo driver spotted lights from opposite direction coming towards him, but before he could do anything..BANG.
One of the brothers, studying B.arch at local college died on spot, while other is battling for life. All Xylo passengers escaped with Minor injuries.

Pics Source:Newspapers


Originally Posted by scopriobharath (Post 2589622)
I beg to defer here. Hit and Run cases must not ALWAYS be out behind bars. If i am driving within speed limits, at an intersection, a pedestrian crosses the road, even its green for me and red for the pedestrian, If i hit him and stop the car, people will beat me only. It is better for me drive away and to stop at the nearest police station and explain the issue.

In an aforesaid situation, the public will always deem it to be the mistake of the car/bike which hit. No one will bother about the facts that it was green for me and i was within speed limits and it was the pedestrian's mistake.

But having said the above, the 800 driver must have stopped at the nearest police station and confessed / surrendered.

What you have described actually happened to a friend of mine who was driving and a lady stepped out on to the road in the middle of a green for traffic light.

He took the lady to the hospital where she died, a case was filed he was arrested and released almost simultaneously. The case was decided in his favour based on the statement of witnesses most of whom were street vendors based on/around the intersection.

Net Net people / police / law~judiciary deserve much more credit than what we give them.


Originally Posted by scopriobharath (Post 2589622)
I beg to defer here. Hit and Run cases must not ALWAYS be out behind bars. If i am driving within speed limits, at an intersection, a pedestrian crosses the road, even its green for me and red for the pedestrian, If i hit him and stop the car, people will beat me only. It is better for me drive away and to stop at the nearest police station and explain the issue.

In an aforesaid situation, the public will always deem it to be the mistake of the car/bike which hit. No one will bother about the facts that it was green for me and i was within speed limits and it was the pedestrian's mistake.

But having said the above, the 800 driver must have stopped at the nearest police station and confessed / surrendered.

I would sort of agree.

I almost T-boned a bike with 3 hooligan boys last night.

the traffic on sohna road was fairly choked courtesy an unending series of trucks which a few of us cars had just passed - i was in the right lane at 40 going onto 60 and was about to overtake a bolero in the middle lane when i saw the bolero swerve/brake - instinctively i did the same and then I saw these idiots cut across the road, not at speed, but just shouting/ abusing their way through. it did not occur to them that such tactics fail at a busy state highway at night.

If I'd have even touched that bike, no one wouldve bothered to ask who was responsible or what were the circumstances that led upto the mishap. So I'd concur with bharath - if there's a hit for whatever reason, the run to the nearby station is a failsafe strategy.

anybody notice the woman riding her Activa in the opposite direction (towards Silk board) in the fast lane with no headlights and/or blinkers on on the BETL at about 50kmph? :Shockked:

i think this was yesterday (or day before)!

she had a death wish for sure!

Saw a really bad crash on the new Airport road early morning today ~4.30am.

There's heavy flyover construction work going on on the stretch and most of it has barricades put up near the divider. It's only at the junctions that the entire lane is open.

On one particular junction, ~10kms after Columbia Asia (towards Airport), an Indica had hit a dumper taking a U/right turn. The Indica's right B-pillar hit the dumper's rear. The impact was so bad most of the Indica's front was badly smashed.

Fellas, be very careful on that road if you're travelling at night. There are NO streetlights, unmarked diversions, a lot of truck activity due to the construction and the road itself ain't that good.

When will we stop blaming the car owner for any accident involving a 2 wheeler. I feel if not more then 50% then atleast half the time the fault lies with the 2 wheeler too. A case in point being the incident that took place in delhi last week which was much reported since it involved a porsche cayenne. The porsche belongs to my neighbour and he was behind the wheels when the incident took place. They were driving fast but so was the biker. But the whole blame of not spotting the bike lies on the car owner. Why is no one asking the biker as to why didn't he spot a car ( much easier to spot a car than a bike in the dark) and try to stop and avoid hitting him.

It scares me a lot to see the blame rest with the car owner each time something like this happens.


But the whole blame of not spotting the bike lies on the car owner.
If it really was a case of not seeing the bike, then it is probably right to blame the car driver. You drive into an object you didn't see: whose fault, yours, or the object's?

Even so, I agree with the principle of what you say. Almost every news report infers the blame is on the larger vehicle, which is very probably not the case.

This happened about 10 days ago. Don't know the exact details since I'm currently in the UK. Apparently someone cut across from the other side of the road to enter the by-lane and smashed into our Corolla. Luckily no injuries.

Its more annoying especially since we were going to sell the Corolla next month, (Passat should arrive soon!). In the 7 years (89,000 kms) of owning it, the Corolla NEVER gave us any major problem nor was it involved in any major incident. Luck finally ran out I guess :(

Rightly told.. almost all the places we cannot stop the car after an accident. Always there will be a set of local people becoming the moral police and taking things to their on hand. It is advisable to report to the near by police station instead. Only variation s if the victim needs hospital care which is not accessible locally then we might have to stop and take the personal to hospital if possible.


I don\'t think I might sit in an Omni ever! :Frustrati

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-acc.jpg

Puttur: KSRTC Bus Rams into Omni - Man, Toddler Die

Pics and news courtesy: daijiworld

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