Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Surprise (Post 2459739)
Two bikes were racing with each other crossing a crowded junction at dusk with speedo definitely not less than 60-80 kmph. An old man who attempted to cross the road, walked few steps back seeing a mad biker zig zag he took few steps backward the other racing bike brushed past his sleeve zooming behind leaving him stunned for a moment. Few kms down, seen these guys parked the vehicle on one corner for a smoke.

Was told that driver of FIGO was on complete right lane in an overtake attempt & was not able to get back to his lane as the car went straight into an state transport bus

Saw this vehicle while driving to Pondy on Saturday morning. Seems bunch of kids from an engg college were racing to Pondy in their new Figos and one of the cars collided head on with a staff bus from Kalpakkam Nuclear Power Plant coming towards Chennai. 2 kids died on the spot and 3 others in ICU. Wonder how kids get cars for the entire weekend...:Shockked:


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 2465746)
Next time a woman slaps you during an argument, go ahead and slap her back.

Never said that dude. Just wanted to know how would you react if a female person assaulted you for no fault of yours. Since you seem to justify the misandric laws that are prevelant in this country, it will be interesting to know your reaction.


Originally Posted by JediKnight (Post 2466138)
Never said that dude. Just wanted to know how would you react if a female person assaulted you for no fault of yours. Since you seem to justify the misandric laws that are prevelant in this country, it will be interesting to know your reaction.

Its very subjective and at times I have stopped my wifey from getting down from the bike/ car to slap auto drivers or helmet-less Rossi wannabes who have skidded to a halt 3 inches away from an MTC bus/ IT company bus on ECR n OMR. Road rage is a reality but " ek to h chori upaar se sina-jori" is quite common in North India( my wifey is a bong from Kanpur who worked and stayed in East Delhi so gets the northie spirits of fighting on the road).
In Bangalore I was once almost rear-ended by a Getz full of college-girls singing along to "Zombie" at full blast. Got an earful from them for not riding fast enough( on a Yamaha RX). Its not the sex of the driver/ offender/ slapper but the lack of judgement and herd mentality that often causes a lot of fights on the road. Plus bikers usually get all the **** from autos, buses, cars,garbage trucks wat nots.
My 2 cents


Originally Posted by Yamahead (Post 2466170)
.... Plus bikers usually get all the **** from autos, buses, cars,garbage trucks wat nots.
My 2 cents

I can not disagree with everything else you wrote (especially being a North Indian, and actually beating up autowallahs of Bangalore). But this last thing - come and drive for a day in Hyderabad - bikers usually give the **** to everyone else.

In fact from what I remember of Bangalore 2 yrs ago (must be worse now) bikers were the worst on the road - the average biker was worse than the average auto guy (though worst auto guys would trump almost everyone else - and are noticed easily).


Originally Posted by Yamahead (Post 2466170)
Road rage is a reality but " ek to h chori upaar se sina-jori" is quite common in North India( my wifey is a bong from Kanpur who worked and stayed in East Delhi so gets the northie spirits of fighting on the road).

Do you consider this Northie spirit of fighting on the roads a positive trait? Just asking.


Originally Posted by pgsagar (Post 2466445)
Do you consider this Northie spirit of fighting on the roads a positive trait? Just asking.

Nope...PREVENTED is the operative word here lol:

I was in Mohali this past weekend. During the morning walk I came across this accident. Can't quite fathom the reason of the crash.


Originally Posted by rudder (Post 2469279)
I was in Mohali this past weekend. During the morning walk I came across this accident. Can't quite fathom the reason of the crash.

Do not see the 'L' board but could it be a learning driver taking the road less traveled :D.

Fate of a Beemer, when in wrong hands. Happened at 9.30 today morning, on the infamous ORR, Gachibowli, where the people driving tend to rip as fast as they can and ending up being a lump of crushed metal. The underbody seems to be ripped out of place, could not clearly capture it but the underbody was lying low and with all the wires peeping out from the underbody.

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Originally Posted by rudder (Post 2469279)
I was in Mohali this past weekend. During the morning walk I came across this accident. Can't quite fathom the reason of the crash.


Originally Posted by amitwlele (Post 2469412)
Do not see the 'L' board but could it be a learning driver taking the road less traveled :D.

On the contrary, it seems to be the handiwork of an expert. how did this car reach the pole without damaging the trees?!


Originally Posted by selfdrive (Post 2469472)
On the contrary, it seems to be the handiwork of an expert. how did this car reach the pole without damaging the trees?!

I see there is an evil ploy. Someone who is very jealous of the alto took it for a drive and did that thing intentionally.

On a serious note, I think the alto entered the footpath at the very beginning. It is otherwise impossible to get on that foot path w/o any damage to the wheels. It requires a bit of hard work, some precision and a lot of alcohol to end up like this :D

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Witnessed a bike accident on my way home today. On my way home (new Infopark road, for those who know), there is a dangerous crest as shown by the black lines in the picture below.

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Now, this is a very deceptive piece of road - it will unsettle your vehicle if you are not careful. I usually take it in 2nd gear.

Today, just as I was about 50m away from this portion of the road, a bike guy overtook me. I was doing barely 60, so he wasn't going too fast. But anyway, the next thing I see is this guy literally "flying" as shown by the red line. He seemed to land still upright, but I guess he landed too close to the other edge. He lost his balance and had a hard fall. Luckily for him, he was wearing a helmet. I stopped to check if he's okay. He seemed to have a few cuts on his face and hands. He seemed a bit dazed, but was talking sensibly. On of the guys who gathered seemed to be a friend of his and he offered to take the guy to the hospital.

Alto rotated after the crash as per the tyre marks in first pic as they are coming from the road side.
The speed does not seem to be very as the damage is very less,might be around 20-30 at impact
As for foot path impact, the front wheel seem to have intruded a bit

on my way home from Ulsoor, i saw a white Maruti Zen in a bad shape on the Assaye road. looked like that accident happened between 9:30pm and 11pm (i passed that way at 9:30 and that Zen wasn't there). the rear looked alright, but the front part was a bit mangled and glass pieces all over the road. most probable cause - the driver hit the divider; visibility was low due to rains.

no pictures.

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