Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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News & Photos: Courtest Pune Mirror:
In a tragic mishap, seven persons were killed on the spot including four women, and two others were critically injured after the Tata Sumo carrying them rammed into a stationary trailer near Narayangavhan on the Pune-Nagar Road early on Saturday morning. However, a seven-year old boy travelling in the ill-fated vehicle miraculously escaped with only minor injuries. The deceased included his mother and grandmother.

Detailed report can be found at this link

Seven die, 7-yr-old survives, News - City - Pune Mirror,Pune Mirror



Originally Posted by vivek.ks (Post 2341680)
4.Vehicle under-riding due to Heavy breaking

please:What did you mean by "under-riding"?

Saw this accident in Vasant Kunj a few days ago.


Originally Posted by BurningHeart (Post 2342701)
please:What did you mean by "under-riding"?

That would be front of a vehicle going down on heavy breaking as per my cars manual.

Cause: chauffeur recklessly over speeding on the highway.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-ritz_01_03_11.jpg


Originally Posted by gendarmee (Post 2343112)
Cause: chauffeur recklessly over speeding on the highway.
Attachment 541771

Wonder how someone had a chauffeur for a Ritz !!!


Originally Posted by gendarmee (Post 2343112)
Cause: chauffeur recklessly over speeding on the highway.

Is the chauffeur the driver from dealership delivering a new, unregistered car to the customer?

How has the rear door sustained damage on what seems to be a head on accident???!!!

Yesterday witnessed an accident on the NH 58 Delhi Meerut highway involving 3 cars (Alto, 800 & iKon)

Out of the 3 the ikon was completely totalled with its engine lying in the middle of the road and squashed from both sides.

Was unable to take pics since was helping in removing the engine from the road and attending to the passengers. Miraculously all passengers in all the cars were safe.

Since I was following the car at quite a distance was unable to figure out how the accident occurred. All i saw was the ikon crashing into a huge vehicle and then spinning 2-3 times and then hitting the alto and the 800 on the oncoming lane and finally resting on the middle of both the roads with the engine thrown out in the middle of the road.

The saddest part was that nobody stepped out of their vehicles to go help the crashed cars, instead the pedestrians ran to their aid.

After parking the car onto the side and asking my friend to take over the car, I ran to the aid of couple of cops who had arrived on their bikes to take out the passengers.
The passenger and drivers of all cars were immediately rushed to a hospital nearby in a pvt vehicle. Post that we all got down in attempting to remove the 1.6L engine from the road using rods, since it was sizzling hot. it took 4 of us and 25 mins to move the damn engine from the road to the side.

A friends i10 crashed. Heard that it was doing just about ~60. Surprisingly high damage. No idea about more details.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-i10.jpg
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-i10i.jpg
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-i100.jpg


Originally Posted by krazydriver84 (Post 2343685)
Was unable to take pics since was helping in removing the engine from the road and attending to the passengers. Miraculously all passengers in all the cars were safe.

Good job krazydriver (You should change your name to sedatedriverlol:). You absolutely did the right thing


Originally Posted by krazydriver84 (Post 2343685)
Since I was following the car at quite a distance was unable to figure out how the accident occurred. All i saw was the ikon crashing into a huge vehicle and then spinning 2-3 times and then hitting the alto and the 800 on the oncoming lane and finally resting on the middle of both the roads with the engine thrown out in the middle of the road.

The Icon must be traveling at a crazy speed. Poor Alto & 800 fellows, they had to bear the brunt for no fault of theirs. The impact must have been really wild for the engine to be thrown out of its mountings.


Originally Posted by krazydriver84 (Post 2343685)
The saddest part was that nobody stepped out of their vehicles to go help the crashed cars, instead the pedestrians ran to their aid.

When will we learn to come out of our glasshouses? Everyone should follow one principle, when you see any accident victim, think as if he/she is one of your family members or some close relatives & provide whatever help possible. You could be sacrificing a few minutes/hours of your time, but this could be make the difference between life & death for the victim.


Originally Posted by krazydriver84 (Post 2343685)
After parking the car onto the side and asking my friend to take over the car, I ran to the aid of couple of cops who had arrived on their bikes to take out the passengers.
The passenger and drivers of all cars were immediately rushed to a hospital nearby in a pvt vehicle. Post that we all got down in attempting to remove the 1.6L engine from the road using rods, since it was sizzling hot. it took 4 of us and 25 mins to move the damn engine from the road to the side.

Good jobclap: Appreciate the cops as well. We just curse the cops, but they are the ones who lend the first helping hand most of the times


Originally Posted by dhanushs (Post 2343718)
A friends i10 crashed. Heard that it was doing just about ~60. Surprisingly high damage. No idea about more details.

My heartfelt sympathies for your i10 friend. The bumper is damaged very badly. I guess the radiator is also gone. Were these snaps taken immediately after the accident? How did this occur in the first place? Was it due to poor visibility at night? Please let us know the further details.


Originally Posted by dhanushs (Post 2343718)
A friends i10 crashed. Heard that it was doing just about ~60. Surprisingly high damage...

Not surprising at all: 60kph is quiet a speed to hit something at. Added to which, the damage has occurred in the crumple zone, which is sacrificed for the added protection of the vehicle's occupants. (but is that damage to the roof? Or just the way the light is in the pic?)

Mind you: I'm glad I don't have to pay the bill for that damage!


Originally Posted by dhanushs (Post 2343718)
A friends i10 crashed. Heard that it was doing just about ~60. Surprisingly high damage. No idea about more details.

Attachment 542028
Attachment 542029
Attachment 542030

This looks strange to me, I was under the opinion only Figo lacked the dog bar and would result in damage to interiors on any collision in slow speeds. Strange to see even i10 facing the same fate.

Doesnt i10 have some kind of dog bar to stop the damage?


Originally Posted by xingamazon (Post 2344115)
This looks strange to me, I was under the opinion only Figo lacked the dog bar and would result in damage to interiors on any collision in slow speeds. Strange to see even i10 facing the same fate.

Doesnt i10 have some kind of dog bar to stop the damage?

In fact, Figo actually has some metallic reinforcement before its radiators.

My car got backed into a pillar at parking speeds and you wont believe the dent I got, so hitting something at 60 kmph should be as awful!

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