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Old 12th April 2011, 04:30   #7876
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by basilmabraham View Post
Saw a nasty accident yesterday near Kesavadasapuram in Trivandrum. A bike hit head on with a Maruti 800. The car was badly damaged and had the mark of a head hitting the windshield. There was some blood around too. The bike was a newgen bike, no idea about which one though. The front wheel was broken and the rest of the front was mangled. Hope no one lost lives.
Me too saw the crashed bike and car and bike was still there when i passed through the same place at evening

Bike was a pulsar220 ,must have been doing good speeds seeing state of the bike and the car had L sticker,so should be one of the early morning driving class session gone bad
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Old 12th April 2011, 13:31   #7877
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Originally Posted by asr245 View Post
The dream of Techie from Hyderabad ends on highway - The Times of India

Another accident where the cab driver and the (only) passenger was killed. Can't recognize the the car but could have been a Indica/Indigo. Article says cab driver probably lost control, jumped the median and collided head-on with a lorry.
He was Aravind Mishra, from Baragarha District, ORISSA.
He was the son of Sankar Ballav Mishra ( Sr. Journalist and president of Baragarha journalist union). Aravind completed his B Tech from OUAT, ORISSA and done his MTech from IITK. Already worked with Wipro and Microsoft.

He was in his own car. A temporary driver(recently picked him for this trip only) was driving the car.

Detail link:-

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Old 12th April 2011, 16:43   #7878
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Today on GST, near Perangulathur, saw a pile up - 4 cars, bumper to bumper contact. Could not take pics as I was in a local bus.

Anyone with further information on this?
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Old 13th April 2011, 11:42   #7879
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Let me start the story by telling you first that nothing untoward happened here, but could have happened had I not braked on the right time

Was on the BETL (elevated highway) this morning, when I saw a Pulsar, probably doing speeds like 110 km/hr in the HIGH SPEED lane, and to my surprise the guy and his girlfriend were not wearing helmets, the bike didnt have any Registration number as well.

I followed him for quite sometime, thinking that he would move to the left lane, as I am not a fan of honking and surprising the bike fellows, but he didnt move, so I finally honked, even after that he continued in that lane. By now I was actually scared of him. I honked again and he finally gave me way, but still didnt move to the low speed lane, I overtook him and continued.

Further down the road there was a Infosys bus and I was overtaking the bus from the right, I dont know what the biker dude thought, he overtook me in the space between my car and the Infosys bus, and immediately cut across me, so badly that I had to use urgent brake to let him pass, 3 cars behind me also had to do the same. After passing he showed me the finger I finally met him at the toll plaza, and I was still shocked from what he did, I rolled down my window and asked him politely, that what on earth was he trying to do there. On this, he showed me the finger and told me, "I am a rockstar, you oldies would never understand that"

I was shocked again, so finally I caught hold of a police fellow in Electronic city (luckily I saw the SI on the bike) and told him that this guy is not wearing helmet, doesnt have a Registration plate and is driving very rash. My entire point was that ill-mannered kid needs to know what the law is. The police took him to task, since he didnt have bike papers, they impounded his bike.

People think that their lives are cheap and they can play around with it, just because they are 20 year olds, they can ride in any fashion.

I again believe that the police should ban these 2 wheelers on the BETL. It is very scary during the peak hours, I am scared in overtaking each one of them....
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Old 13th April 2011, 12:02   #7880
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Evil Shantanu

I dont condone his behaviour but If you were overtaking him at 110 and the speed limit is 80km/h, your case is a bit thin.
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Old 13th April 2011, 12:05   #7881
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by evilshantanu View Post
Was on the BETL (elevated highway) this morning, when I saw a Pulsar, probably doing speeds like 110 km/hr in the HIGH SPEED lane.

I overtook him and continued.

I again believe that the police should ban these 2 wheelers on the BETL. It is very scary during the peak hours, I am scared in overtaking each one of them....
Basically you overtook a two wheeler doing 110km/h in 80km/h road (so you must be doing at least more than that), you broke a law, and you want bikes to be banned on BETL!

Did it occurred to you that by speeding that much you are endangering others?
Forget what two wheeler guy did, honking at him in 110kmph might have ticked him off! Because he is already more than allowed speed, he has every right to go in right lane if he is going at 80kmh. Please do not think that four wheel can go fast doesn't means they have right to go in right side!

This doesn't means that, how two wheeler driving (without helmet, giving u scare) is correct. He is just reacting to you action, putting himself in danger along with his girlfriend!
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Old 13th April 2011, 12:31   #7882
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Originally Posted by RaguHolla View Post
Basically you overtook a two wheeler doing 110km/h in 80km/h road (so you must be doing at least more than that), you broke a law, and you want bikes to be banned on BETL!

Did it occurred to you that by speeding that much you are endangering others?
Forget what two wheeler guy did, honking at him in 110kmph might have ticked him off! Because he is already more than allowed speed, he has every right to go in right lane if he is going at 80kmh. Please do not think that four wheel can go fast doesn't means they have right to go in right side!

This doesn't means that, how two wheeler driving (without helmet, giving u scare) is correct. He is just reacting to you action, putting himself in danger along with his girlfriend!
Where did I say that I was speeding that much ? However I accept I didnt say that I was maintaining 80 km/hr, my bad, now I put that as a disclaimer that I maintain 80 km/hr on that road always

I maintained a speed of 80 km/hr, he kept coming to lower speeds so I had to overtake him. when he overtook me I assumed that he must be at 110 km/hr that is why there is a "probably" in my post.If you see there is a board at the beginning of the BETL for the cars to be in the right lane and 2 wheelers to be on the left lane. I try to follow that, maybe everybody should as well. The idea here was to tell the kid that he shouldnt have been driving rash here. Not wearing a helmet is a suicide anywhere on the road.

I have seen bad accidents happening on that road, I have seen people losing their lives on that road. If everybody stick to their lanes probably these type of scenarios wont happen.

I dont want to start a blame game here. If you think it was my fault then I am sorry for posting this and wasting your time.

Mods: I dont want to spark off a fire on this thread, if you think maybe my post can be deleted.
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Old 13th April 2011, 12:51   #7883
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by evilshantanu View Post
Where did I say that I was speeding that much ? However I accept I didnt say that I was maintaining 80 km/hr, my bad, now I put that as a disclaimer that I maintain 80 km/hr on that road always
You stated the bike is driving at 110kmph. Later statement states you overtook him! So I inferred you are doing more than 110kmph, because I didn't see you stating the guy slows down, while you are overtaking! Otherwise how can it be possible for you to overtake, him being 30km faster than you?
Originally Posted by evilshantanu View Post
If you see there is a board at the beginning of the BETL for the cars to be in the right lane and 2 wheelers to be on the left lane. I try to follow that, maybe everybody should as well.
I don't remember seeing any such board. But if you say it exists, I believe you. In such case, the guy is wrong to occupy the right lane!
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Old 13th April 2011, 13:03   #7884
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by evilshantanu View Post
I dont want to start a blame game here. If you think it was my fault then I am sorry for posting this and wasting your time.

Mods: I dont want to spark off a fire on this thread, if you think maybe my post can be deleted.
Matter has been clarified. Lets not debate that point anymore
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Old 13th April 2011, 13:20   #7885
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Originally Posted by evilshantanu View Post
I was shocked again, so finally I caught hold of a police fellow in Electronic city (luckily I saw the SI on the bike) and told him that this guy is not wearing helmet, doesnt have a Registration plate and is driving very rash. My entire point was that ill-mannered kid needs to know what the law is. The police took him to task, since he didnt have bike papers, they impounded his bike.

Well done!

Safety & rules are not taken seriously anywhere in India. Anyone talking about it is ridiculed even by the senior section in society (40+) so why will youngsters care? They need to have it as a serious subject in school (rather than a CCA) to change the attitude.
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Old 13th April 2011, 14:11   #7886
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My dad works work a logistics company. Last to last week 2 of the xylo's totaled very badly killing one of the passengers. I do have the videos but those are very big in size. So I'll be post few pics if possible later on. The estimate for both the xylo's given by mahindra is more than 3 lakhs.

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Old 13th April 2011, 14:34   #7887
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by evilshantanu View Post
I was shocked again, so finally I caught hold of a police fellow in Electronic city (luckily I saw the SI on the bike) and told him that this guy is not wearing helmet, doesnt have a Registration plate and is driving very rash. My entire point was that ill-mannered kid needs to know what the law is. The police took him to task, since he didnt have bike papers, they impounded his bike.

People think that their lives are cheap and they can play around with it, just because they are 20 year olds, they can ride in any fashion.
nice move; bravo!

Originally Posted by evilshantanu View Post
I again believe that the police should ban these 2 wheelers on the BETL.
easy there bro. i ride my phatphatia to work on that stretch!

Originally Posted by RaguHolla View Post
I don't remember seeing any such board. But if you say it exists, I believe you.
hmm.. i don't remember seeing such a board (will check tomorrow) but i do know for a fact that it is written on the road itself.
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Old 13th April 2011, 14:43   #7888
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Originally Posted by IronH4WK View Post

hmm.. i don't remember seeing such a board (will check tomorrow) but i do know for a fact that it is written on the road itself.
When you are getting on to BETL, there is a green board which says Cars on right lane please. This is written on both the sides (Silk Board as well as Elec City)

BTW when BETL was planned, initially Bikes were not allowed on it, this is for safety only (I have nothing against the bikers), but eventually they are allowed on the BETL now
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Old 13th April 2011, 16:57   #7889
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Originally Posted by RaguHolla View Post
Forget what two wheeler guy did, honking at him in 110kmph might have ticked him off! Because he is already more than allowed speed, he has every right to go in right lane if he is going at 80kmh. Please do not think that four wheel can go fast doesn't means they have right to go in right side!
No, the biker didn't have any right to hog the lane meant for overtaking. Indeed, both of the drivers were over speeding but a vehicle is supposed to move to the left lane if another vehicle is approaching to overtake it. In this case and IMHO, it was the biker's fault for not giving way to a vehicle that wants to overtake. It is such small things that lead to the bigger menace of Road Rage.
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Old 13th April 2011, 17:42   #7890
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Zoomsun View Post
Today on GST, near Perangulathur, saw a pile up - 4 cars, bumper to bumper contact. Could not take pics as I was in a local bus.
Anyone with further information on this?
Lifted this pic from somebody's Facebook Album with a similar caption. Fortunately, the impact doesn't look serious, or at least that's what the picture portrays.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-207579_1558764544009_1682139579_973269_8342011_n.jpg
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