Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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News channels are going ballistic over a Pune accident. Amazing how any crash involving a premium car becomes "breaking news". Girl wasn't drunk, but didn't stop to help her first victim. She then zoomed into a no-entry, causing damage to 10 vehicles before crashing into a bus & coming to a dead halt.

Link to NDTV News Article

But knowing the way mobs behave in Pune I guess she couldn't help but run (to nearest police station!)

But from TOI's version she did not stop even when police asked her to and zoomed into a no entry and banged into a PMP bus! Will have to see how she gets out of this. One of the injured has already complained against Aditi!

If there is an out of the court (in case if the court is involved) settlement can the cases be nulled?

by the way a pic of the accident

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The above picture is posted on one of the websites, it does not seem to be that of the accident mentioned or does it?


Originally Posted by anilisanil (Post 2070401)
But knowing the way mobs behave in Pune... court (in case if the court is involved) settlement can the cases be nulled?

by the way a pic of the accident

Attachment 424156

The above picture is posted on one of the websites, it does not seem to be that of the accident mentioned or does it?

Hey Anil,
That is definitely not a picture of the incident in question. The report in TOI says that the girl tried to reverse her way out even after she hit the PMPML bus. The car in the pic above doesn't look... umm, motorable anymore. Also, the heavy vehicle is blue, PMPML buses are red.
As far as the mob goes, I don't think anyone would dare to manhandle a female driver, notwithstanding the seriousness of the accident, and no matter how strong the mob is (blame it on the Great Indian Chauvinistic Attitude!). After all, at the beginning of the incident, it wasn't as if she ran over and killed somebody, she just knocked down a female pedestrian who got hurt. She could easily have stopped and taken corrective action, even before the mob assembled. After all, it takes some time for a mob to gather at the spot.
Besides, being from a doctor's family, she should have known more than anyone else, that it's important to provide immediate assistance to a victim of an accident; even more so when she's caused it herself. (That's just my opinion, no offense meant to any doctors or their families who are members of this forum).
As you correctly pointed out, if she was running from the mob, why didn't she stop when she saw the cops signalling her to stop? This case is fishier than what meets the eye.
In all probability, by now she has already been bailed out of the mess by her family using "connections". As neoonwheels said, the case will disappear from the limelight in no time, and she will be back on the road, this time in a brand new Merc, funded by... guess who... all those who have "a (big) heart"! :D

@ GTO: Saying that the "premium car" is responsible for making the news "breaking news" is like missing the woods for the trees. It is the scale of destruction caused by the demolition derby that this person engaged in (intentionally or otherwise), that attracted media attention. Just look at the sheer number of vehicles that she went about ramming into. Think about it, so many of those people who were victims could easily have been disabled or killed by this reckless act. The girl should thank her stars that nobody died that day (and also for her family background, but thats another matter altogether).
Do you really think this incident would have attracted less media attention if the girl happened to be driving any average sedan instead of a Merc?
Possibly, the incident attracted a little more attention because the driver was the ward of a very well known cardiologist, which might have contributed in making this news "breaking news".
Also, on the flip side, why is it that incidents of wards of affluent/influential persons going berserk behind the wheel are increasing with alarming frequency? The presence of a premium vehicle is just a side-effect of their affluence, and has nothing to do with the incident as such. But we cannot deny that in most incidents, if not all, the driver is from an influential/affluent family. This points to a very dangerous trend. But then, thats my personal opinion.
Just my tuppence. No offense meant to anyone.

A couple of pictures, picked up from online newspapers:

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-merc_crash.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-mercedescrash.jpg

Met with an accident while travelling from Jaipur to Indore. Was on NH79 Jaipur-Neemuch-Ratlam-Indore stretch when approx 25 kms short of Ratlam, I noticed some persons pushing cattle across the road by beating them with sticks, and suddenly got run into by a Buffalo....The buffalo ran into the side of the car as it crossed the divider in the middle of the highway without looking left and right for incoming traffic. Luckly it ran into the side of the car and not into the front, literally bouncing off the car. As you can see the windshield, driver's side window, right fender and and door are damaged. Stopped the car and called the cops. Immediately a crowd collected. I refused to move the car till the Police arrived. My wife who was travelling with me took a lift to town with a good samaritan to the nearest Police Thana. Luckyly the police reached in 40 mins. The Inspector who arrived informed me that it was common for the locals(gujjars) residing in the area to resort to this manner to fleece money from out of state vehicles....Bloody Hell. So went to the thana and got a FIR registered.

This happened just now on the new Nagarabhavi ( Bangalore ) ring road which goes towards Nagarabhavi Circle. A brand new swift got caught between two trucks, car was occupied by one guy who was driving it and he is not hurt. Apparently there was a concrete mixer in front of the swift and one goods truck to the left of the swift and suddenly the concrete mixer came left and the guy hit the rear left wheel of the concrete mixer and veered to the left and brushed the right side of the goods truck. I pity the owner of the swift, the seat covers were not even removed yet.
This is the same ring road which had a i 20 crash( a few months back and that spot is very near to the place where this happened. This ring road is turning out to be dangerous day by day.


Originally Posted by princey (Post 2070710)
I noticed some persons pushing cattle across the road by beating them with sticks, and suddenly got run into by a Buffalo....The buffalo ran into the side of the car as it crossed the divider in the middle of the highway without looking left and right for incoming traffic. Luckly it ran into the side of the car and not into the front, literally bouncing off the car.

my father met with an accident last year just like you.
it happened around 6 pm so visibility was less & bingo, here comes some buffaloes out of a farm in to middle of road.

father braked hard & tried to miss first buffalo but another hit in the front & died on site.
the first buffalo hit bolero in rear passenger door but survived. bolero ended in a ditch afterwords.

the farmer demanded money immediately so father gave 15k on site & another 10k after words.:Frustrati

not a single scratch to my father & passenger (friend of his).
according to my father he is alive because of second buffalo otherwise they would have gone in ditch & bolero would have flipped injuring them seriously.

BTW the accident happened on same day we bought bolero previous year.:eek:

Hi guys,
Supposed to be a first vento accident anywhere around in india.
These guys from the Surat showroom were delivering a new car to Vapi when the car rammed into a divider just 12 kms from vapi on nh 8 headon.
Both the guys are goners, the car is a total loss and what the police and the onlookers say is that they were driving way too fast.
Sorry for the souls departed but then this only gives an insight as to how our cars are treated by the showroom guys before them being delivered to us, incase we dont go to pick them up personally.
Will put up the pics of the car later in the day.

MODS: Pls shift this topic to suitable forum if this is the wrong place for it.

Thanks guys and drive safe all of you. Have a safe and happy day ahead.
I'm off to work.

Note from Team-BHP Support Staff : Thread merged with existing topic. Please search for existing threads first before starting a new thread, and please use the "report post" function to bring requests to the notice of Moderators faster, instead of leaving a casual note in the post. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Bullitt (Post 2070586)
As you correctly pointed out, if she was running from the mob, why didn't she stop when she saw the cops signalling her to stop? This case is fishier than what meets the eye.

I agree, something is amiss here. Ohh, and she was already out on bail soon after.
Give it a couple of days and all will be forgotten.

According to a newspaper report :


Advocate Javed Shaikh was on his two-wheeler near Kubera Park, in the lane where Aditi turned after hitting the six-seaters and other vehicles.
Shaikh says, “One of the policemen chasing Aditi’s car asked a PMT bus driver to try and use his vehicle to block the road and stop Aditi’s car. That is how her car finally came to a stop.
The mob was trying to get her out of the car. She was sitting in the driver’s seat, very calm. The AC was still on inside the car. The mob started beating on her car windows.
She got angry and threw her purse towards them. There were only one or two policemen there at the time and they could not handle the situation. Later, a police team arrived and finally got her out of the car.”
But I am willing to give the benefit of doubt to the girl though. Maybe she really did get panicky. But eyewitness reports say that she was very calm.

The accident happened soon after two friends from Surat came to take the delivery VW delivery at Vapi. After returning way back to Surat, the car was crashed by a truck and then it hit the divider. Some newspaper state its a VW Vento. Accident happened near Welspun Terry Towels, NH8. Both of them died on the spot.


Originally Posted by mohandas (Post 2053766)
Hey Hyderabadi folks:
Just heard that a 4-cr bently was turtled in the ORR after taking 5-6 somersaults. It was belong to some CV Rao of Novayuga group. Anyone managed to take any pic?

just got hold of the pics!!

hey guys
another one somewhere in mumbai,
this time, the vento's sibling, the polo.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-volkswagon-polo-mumbai-mh06az0013.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-volkswagon-polo-mumbai-mh06az0013-1.jpg

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A tree fell on the zen at Shivaji Park, Mumbai. This car is lying there for more than a month.

The above Zen was earlier located near Shivaji Park crematorium. Must've been moved here in order to facilitate smooth traffic during Ganpati visarjan.

In dead of night, student mows down 2 in T Nagar - The Times of India

Here is another case of wreck less driving and understandably, the father of the youngster is just an iron merchant and not a celeb or rich, so the case doesn't get so much 'sensational' tag from News Channels! Poor people on road side met their ends. And as we all know, the maximum punishment for the driver can only be 2 years!:Frustrati Feel so Ashamed!:Frustrati


Originally Posted by princey (Post 2070710)
Met with an accident while travelling from Jaipur to Indore. Was on NH79 Jaipur-Neemuch-Ratlam-Indore stretch when approx 25 kms short of Ratlam, I noticed some persons pushing cattle across the road by beating them with sticks, and suddenly got run into by a Buffalo....The buffalo ran into the side of the car as it crossed the divider in the middle of the highway without looking left and right for incoming traffic. Luckly it ran into the side of the car and not into the front, literally bouncing off the car. As you can see the windshield, driver's side window, right fender and and door are damaged. Stopped the car and called the cops. Immediately a crowd collected. I refused to move the car till the Police arrived. My wife who was travelling with me took a lift to town with a good samaritan to the nearest Police Thana. Luckyly the police reached in 40 mins. The Inspector who arrived informed me that it was common for the locals(gujjars) residing in the area to resort to this manner to fleece money from out of state vehicles....Bloody Hell. So went to the thana and got a FIR registered.

hey brother, i had a similar accident on janmashtmi day of 2008. i was coming back from my rural posting on a state highway, a buffalo calf which was grazing by the side of the road suddenly jumped on to the road because the old lady takin care of it had crossed the road. i was doing 80+ , slammed my brakes, hit it , dragged the calf for almost 25 feet before the car came to a halt . ma poor esteem had lost its bumber , grille and bonnet. the calf had a few bruises. i pulled over and waited for a while, when the crowd around me didn speak or say anything, i sped off from ther and later realised i was bein followed by a bike. pulled over again and they demanded i go back to the accident spot and pay up for the calf . i argued with him, told him to get my car repaired and ill pay for his calf . after threatening him saying ill take him to the police and all, he agreed to leave with just 200 bucks. best thing was he was not even the owner of the calf, claimed to be some neighbour. people try to make money when ever and where ever they can. agree:

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