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Old 19th February 2008, 11:26   #586
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A Santro Caught Fire:

i came across this article in todays paper.

Calcutta, Feb. 18: A Santro whose driver was apparently holding a lighted cigarette while inspecting the engine burst into flames and burned for 30 minutes on the Anwar Shah Road Connector tonight.

Source: The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Bengal | Cigarette smoke in car fire

what surprises me is that how can he do such a thing? - i always avoid opening the hood of the car if i am smoking.

Off-Topic: presently (well for quite sometime) i am a bit worried - i have been getting petrol smell inside the cabin - yes i have gone through - got the car checked by my mechanic - got the fuel lines checked - changed old rubber pipes - the carb remains dry and there is no sign of petrol leaking from anywhere - it smells only when the windows are rolled down and the car is moving and after each fill.

i am a smoker - i smoke in my car as well. but the smell of petrol keeps me worried all the time. i dont know whether its in my head or it actually smells
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Old 19th February 2008, 11:40   #587
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The santro incident is funny.
Lucky bloke survived. A good nominee for darwin awards.
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Old 19th February 2008, 15:34   #588
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Originally Posted by Torqueguru View Post
Hi Abhi,
Well my dad's lancer was parked on the road side , that was when a mad scorpio...driven by some thug, rammed into the car's side, heavily damaging the right side doors..both front and side and also the front quarter panel. The vehicle was turning at very high speed and it loste control, skid and hit into my car...says the onlookers. Alos i find that almost all scorpio's are driven in the most rash manner possible!For more scorpo villianies check this thread!( vaise, i have no probs with good scorpio drivers...but good drivers rarely opt for a scorpio!!!)
How do you know it was THIS PARTICULAR scorpio?

-- Torqy
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Old 22nd February 2008, 15:53   #589
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Near airport, exit 22(?) of expressway. The truck must've been doing quite a speed to end up like this.
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Old 22nd February 2008, 15:57   #590
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Originally Posted by Torqy View Post
How do you know it was THIS PARTICULAR scorpio?

-- Torqy
Onlookers,he has mentioned!
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Old 22nd February 2008, 16:05   #591
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Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post

Near airport, exit 22(?) of expressway. The truck must've been doing quite a speed to end up like this.
The best part of it is that both these have been there for 2 days now. Don't know what the story is - why aren't they lifting them out I wonder?
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Old 24th February 2008, 11:22   #592
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Another day, another accident in Delhi.

Two students killed due to drunken driving-Delhi-Cities-The Times of India

One guy, one girl dead. Saw the scene on tv. It was bad.
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Old 24th February 2008, 13:01   #593
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People do not learn do they? Speed driving under the influence of alchohol or otherwise is a sure shot way to get a one way ticket to the skies. Pity the parents though, although they are partly to blame. Giving young kids a costly car and letting them drink and drive....
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Old 24th February 2008, 14:49   #594
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The arrogance of youth and the misguided love of rich parents. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Old 24th February 2008, 14:55   #595
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Oh please, stop this hypocrisy

Originally Posted by SumitB View Post
Another day, another accident in Delhi.

Two students killed due to drunken driving-Delhi-Cities-The Times of India

One guy, one girl dead. Saw the scene on tv. It was bad.
Issue is DRUNKEN driving. NOT age. They were not toddlers who don't understand traffic basics.

And with all due respect, what is below is SHEER HYPOCRISY.

Originally Posted by hrman View Post
People do not learn do they? Speed driving under the influence of alchohol or otherwise is a sure shot way to get a one way ticket to the skies. Pity the parents though, although they are partly to blame. Giving young kids a costly car and letting them drink and drive....
Originally Posted by vikram_d View Post
The arrogance of youth and the misguided love of rich parents. Perfect recipe for disaster.
Find me ten TBHPIans, and a good number will not be able to put their hands on their hearts and say they've NEVER driven back drunk.

Those students just got unlucky. One of the deceased was of legal driving age, if you noticed.

Heck, in the TBHP Auto Expo meet, there were a humoungous number of people who surely went back a bit tipsy if not drunk. Unless we know what happened to those poor souls, let us atleast grant them some dignity in their death.

Anyways, media overhypes things.
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Old 24th February 2008, 16:22   #596
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Hmmm... agreed on one aspect... 20 & 21 is definitely not young. They are eligible for a license as well as to vote !!

Its sad when such things happen especially when youth (read college students) are involved.

Most probably no seatbelts. I think the Laura comes with enough airbags. If someone had read the other thread a small bangup with a truck caused quite some physical injuries because they didn't wear seatbelts.

Its just that kind of day. :-(

And btw, I can show a lot of people who don't drive when they are drunk.
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Old 24th February 2008, 17:39   #597
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Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Issue is DRUNKEN driving. NOT age. They were not toddlers who don't understand traffic basics.

And with all due respect, what is below is SHEER HYPOCRISY.

Find me ten TBHPIans, and a good number will not be able to put their hands on their hearts and say they've NEVER driven back drunk.

Those students just got unlucky. One of the deceased was of legal driving age, if you noticed.
Sorry, didnt see your cause for finding anything Hypocritical about that?

Originally Posted by csentil View Post
Hmmm... agreed on one aspect... 20 & 21 is definitely not young. They are eligible for a license as well as to vote !!

Its sad when such things happen especially when youth (read college students) are involved.

And btw, I can show a lot of people who don't drive when they are drunk.
I agree with you. Being one such person who never drinks and drives (read that never drinks), cant help but feel sorry and angry with people who drink and drive.

Last edited by hrman : 24th February 2008 at 17:44.
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Old 24th February 2008, 19:07   #598
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I agree with Csentil and hrman. The only thing that I was trying to convey was that even though 20-21 cannot be considered young, the people in this age band typically feel that they are indestructible. This feeling causes them to go out and do stupid things. This is what I mean by my statement "the arrogance of youth".

I also blame the parents cause they dont teach there kids what they should and should not be doing when drunk. I had great drinking teachers namely my dad and 2 uncles. The first thiing they taught me is to know my limit and stick to it.

Last but not the least I do drive when I am drunk but I have enough control over myself to ensure that the vehicle at any time does not go over 50 - 60 kmph. I stick to the extreme left lane and am extra careful. I dont let my drinks get to me to such a level where they cloud my judgement. And on the extremely rare and odd occasion that I am too dunk to drive then my wife who does not drink, drives.
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Old 24th February 2008, 21:54   #599
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@ csentil,

Brother, no matter how many airbags you have, if u aint wearing seatbealts the airbags might end up killing ya instead of saving you.
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Old 25th February 2008, 11:52   #600
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Originally Posted by vikram_d View Post
I agree with Csentil and hrman. The only thing that I was trying to convey was that even though 20-21 cannot be considered young, the people in this age band typically feel that they are indestructible. This feeling causes them to go out and do stupid things. This is what I mean by my statement "the arrogance of youth".

I also blame the parents cause they dont teach there kids what they should and should not be doing when drunk. I had great drinking teachers namely my dad and 2 uncles. The first thiing they taught me is to know my limit and stick to it.

Last but not the least I do drive when I am drunk but I have enough control over myself to ensure that the vehicle at any time does not go over 50 - 60 kmph. I stick to the extreme left lane and am extra careful. I dont let my drinks get to me to such a level where they cloud my judgement. And on the extremely rare and odd occasion that I am too dunk to drive then my wife who does not drink, drives.
Let me address each point above in ordeR:
Agegroup example: That's nice, but a gross generalization unless we know that person, or have seen them atleast once. Hence, let's not crucify someone whose departed.
Then, some facts of the case:
The guy who died was Aniruddha rawat, who was sitting in the backseat and had given his car to his friend to drive. Could be anything, could be he thought he'd exceeded his limit, so he gave the car to drive to his friend Sanjeev whom he thought was a better driver. Could be, no? That addresses your last two points in boldface. Again, let's not generalize, eh?

Interestingly, i saw the pic on the front page, which was a complete mangle but one thing stood out - the airbag of the driver (NOT the passenger seat if I recall). That driver is currently critical but MAY survive. Had the others wore seatbelts, they could've survived as well.
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