Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Son of a major steel baron... nothings gonna happen as usual. Already from the report, I can see the father blaming his son's friend for the accident.

Jumping with my thoughts here. Though every incident in India invites professionals of Blame game. However nobody notices the basic fact that even after so much progress made in education sector, schools in India do not teach basic road manners to students who in turn become as careless as a villager(who has never seen a road) when they see the road and forget all road manners-be it driver or pedestrian. We learn too much of what is not required and nothing about basics of survival.
Via this thread I would requests Mods to put a permanent thread on our home page so that our bhpians can always refresh their knowledge about road manners and do their part in preventing them.


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 1818375)
A couple of crashed Scorpios waiting to be repaired at the workshop.
Attachment 321178
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-xylo.jpg

Never seen such a sad looking Xylo! :D (Or is it a scorp?)

looking at bottom grille, it looks like scorpio to me!


Son of a major steel baron... nothings gonna happen as usual. Already from the report, I can see the father blaming his son's friend for the accident.
report say "Jai was not on the driver's seat, but his friend Rounak. He suddenly lost control of the car; it must some technical fault," said Jagdish.

statement inspired by Toyota eh? usual simple blame game. nothing is going to happen for sure.

Whatever maybe the reason, the Road officials should have closed the road with a Barricade. Imagine if 5 or 6 other cars followed the Scorpio. Collateral Damage :Shockked:. Its clearly the mistake on the part of those Road constructors, how would a poor Commuter know it ???

These are the stats taken from the website of The Department of Road Transport and Highway, Government of India. Couldn’t get hold of the last 7 years stats though. I am sure they must be more shocking.
Total No. of Accidents
Total No. of persons killed
Total No. of registered Motor Vehicles in India

These may just be figures, and may not affect us as much as it should unless we actually witness one. I am sure most people will agree on that.
It is unfortunate that India holds the dubious distinction of registering the highest number of accidents in the world. 80% of the accidents are caused by human errors.
It’s about time the concerned authorities take strict action against the culprits who endanger the lives of the innocent law abiders. Better said than done. To begin with, we all know how easy it is to get a driver’s license here in India. A bribe is all that it takes and the rash drivers are free to go.
We Indians are known for our high degree of patience, but do we have to be patient as far as rash driving is concerned.
I have been hooked on to Team Bhp only since the last couple of months. Yet, impressed with the sense of responsibility and concern Bhpians have for fellow road users. I am hoping that more number of people get influenced by us Bhpians, until our roads become one of the safest in the world.
Safe driving everyone!!

Hah! Irresponsible youth in car, and it is a technical fault? An educated man said that?

Nothing personal, by the way: youth and irresponsibility go hand in hand, it's natural --- which is why the adults should be responsible.

hese are the stats taken from the website of The Department of Road Transport and Highway, Government of India. Couldn’t get hold of the last 7 years stats though. I am sure they must be more shocking.
Check out the stats for the number of cars on Indian roads: doubled and tripled in a very few years and yet the education and testing of the drivers has not changed. It is a recipe for carnage.


Originally Posted by clevermax (Post 1829639)
Never seen such a sad looking Xylo! :D (Or is it a scorp?)

Thats a Scorp' clever , same thoughts here nor have I even seen such a sad looking Scorp. Something on the lines of :( .


Originally Posted by recshenoy (Post 1829670)
report say "Jai was not on the driver's seat, but his friend Rounak. He suddenly lost control of the car; it must some technical fault," said Jagdish.

statement inspired by Toyota eh?

Oh yes. Cosmic rays, of course.

Its the parents who should be blamed for such accidents. A powerful car in the hands of a 19 year old kid, college friends etc etc. Hes lucky he didn't kill anyone (remember the ford ikon case).

I feel after driving license at the age of 18 there should be a probation period of 3 years till 21. The driver should be restricted to certain BHP of power, size of vehicle and have curfew timings for driving without a license holder. Some of the countries have this law.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 1829899)
Nothing personal, by the way: youth and irresponsibility go hand in hand, it's natural --- which is why the adults should be responsible..

As somebody who has been driving on the highways for more than 10 years, I will disagree. Many rash drivers I see are middle aged bus and truck drivers.
Many of the blue lines drivers who have crushed so many on Delhi roads are above 40.

There is no age for stupidity. A rash driver will be rash whether he is 20 or 80 years old.


Originally Posted by tsk1979 (Post 1829992)
As somebody who has been driving on the highways for more than 10 years, I will disagree. Many rash drivers I see are middle aged bus and truck drivers.
Many of the blue lines drivers who have crushed so many on Delhi roads are above 40.

There is no age for stupidity. A rash driver will be rash whether he is 20 or 80 years old.

Completely agree to this. Age is not a factor to be rash. I have seen people who are 20 years old, ride and drive very responsibly. On the other hand one of company cab driver aged 43 years drives like a maniac, I had to fight with the management to get rid of that driver.


Originally Posted by tsk1979 (Post 1829992)
There is no age for stupidity. A rash driver will be rash whether he is 20 or 80 years old.

Oh yes... I completely agree, and I would hate to tar all youngsters with the same brush; of course there are responsible 20-yr-olds on the road.

But, for most of us... hasn't our awareness of risk developed with age? Hasn't our sense of immortality developed? Isn't this part of growing up?


Originally Posted by sidindica (Post 1829202)
I want to start a campaign for safety and plead to every manufacturer to make ABS and dual airbags standard on ALL variants of all cars sold here. Sales of cars that fail to comply with the minimum safety standards should be banned.

Let the price go up, and let people get aware and pay extra for safety. Unfortunately, the Indian car market lags light years behind when it comes to ocupent safety and some companies continue to sell prehistoric products here and people continue to buy it.
When will we learn? Isn't this thread enough?

Hi Sid,

Agree with your view, my 2 cents here....

Lets assume that there are about 1000 vehicles in India and among the thousand, there are only about 150 Vehicles which have the ABS and Airbags. Lets assume that there are about 20-50 vehicles that meet with an accidents everyday.

These 20-50 vehicles can be a mix of safety and non-safety vehicles. Rest 950 vehicles are doing good on the roads.

So these 20-50 accidents IMO are caused by rash and negligent driving. So instead of crying in front of the manufacturers, it would be better to have a drive to make the drivers understand the value of life and follow the traffic rules on the road.

This would yield more results.

Example is myself, I was very rash driver on the roads until I joined Team-Bhp. But going through the threads and people's experience on the roads, I have become very careful and responsible on the road. By being rash, we are putting other's life in trouble. So now, I never forget to wear seatbelts, would never rev beyond 5okmph (unless required).

This is Purely my personal opinion.

Educate me if i'm wrong.


Originally Posted by RajaTaurus (Post 1829131)
. If he had been less than 30 kmph speed and applied brakes, he could have stopped, or the worst case, he would have just spilled over the bridge, head-down.

That would have been worse- good that he landed laterally on his belly and pretty good that he missed the H-T wires and even better that there were no trains passing by and last but not the least he escaped with a few grevious injuries... Bhagawan truly saved his bottom!!! If he had tipped over the bridge the whole car would have crushed under it's own weight taking him along with its death... :eek:

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