Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by moralfibre (Post 1803539)
Here's a couple more from the expressway toll booth at Talegaon in the direction of Bombay. A Cielo, Tavera and Zen. I am sure that the Zen accident involved serious fatalities. Drive safe guys.

The Ford Fiesta was snapped on a Sunday morning.

Did the Zen topple , there's no other reason for the roof to cave in. Any ideas about the occupants??

Today, when i was on the way to office, I saw an accident where a person was lying in the road(Mostly dead ,since he was covered).The accident took place in OMR after few meters of the jain college signal (towards Tidel).I think it happened just 5 -10 min, because the ambulance was there( a toll very near just 300 meter away have a ambulance).
Does anybody have any more info on this?
Didn't take pics since i was driving and only one lane was left for the traffic.

This happened on NH-10, last year. 3 Passengers including Driver escaped with minor injuries. The i10 was going at about 80kmph, and collided head-on with a Maruti Zen, and tipped over on its side.

that looks nasty. It has been hit side ways and rolled over. But the top and the other side is not damaged.

Any idea about the casualties?

I mentioned, all 3 passengers including the driver escaped with minor injuries.

Had a minor accident early morning. Had to drop a relative to railway station and it was around 4 am. Was doing around 80+kmph and was a bit in hurry. The road wasn't lit by streetlamps and then in a flash of a second "bang" and as I pulled over in quite a shock I realised I had hit a dog. The poor thing was stuck half inside the bumper and I had no choice but to pull the cascade out. A really awful experience.
The car took a fair bit of beating too. At first only front bumper and registration plate seemed to be damaged but soon realised that the horn was malfunctioning, and then the aircon too. The grille too is damaged as all the locks are broken and its almost just hanging there. However, what seems like a mystery to me is that the dog hit the car at the right side but bumper is damaged at extreme left too.
Some pics I took later:

(Also a overturned truck on a state highway, pic taken sometime back)

Hi All, Please read this circular regarding helping accident victims, hope all Bhpians read this. Forward this to all your friends

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India

an excerpt is below

Every injured citizen brought for medical treatment should instantaneously be given medical aid to preserve life and thereafter the procedural criminal law should be allowed to operate in order to avoid negligent death. There is no legal impediment for a medical professional when he is called upon or requested to attend to an injured person needing his medical assistance immediately. The effort to save the person should be the top priority not only of the medical professional but even of the police or any other citizen who happens to be connected with that matter or who happens to notice such an incident or a situation”

· There are no provisions in the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Motor Vehicles Act, which prevents doctors from promptly attending to serious injured persons and accident cases before arrival of the police and their taking into cognizance of such cases, preparation of F.I.R. and other formalities by Police.

· There can be no second opinion that preservation of human life is of paramount importance. This is so on account of the fact that once life is lost, the status quo ante cannot be restored, as resurrection is beyond the capacity of man.
2. Following the Supreme Court order in 1989, the Motor Vehicles Act was amended in 1994, to make it mandatory on both the driver/owner of the vehicle to take the accident victim to the nearest doctor, and the doctor to treat the victim without waiting for any formalities.

The duty of the driver of the vehicle involved in an accident?
· The driver or the owner of a vehicle involved in any accident that has caused injury or damage to any person is required to secure medical aid for the injured person, by taking him to the nearest doctor.
· He shall report the matter to the nearest police station within 24 hours, and
· Also inform the insurance company about the occurrence of the accident, namely, insurance policy number and period of its validity; date, times and place of accident; particulars of the persons injured and / or killed in the accident’ and name of the driver and particulars of his driving licence.

Is the duty of the driver mandated by any law?
Yes, Section 134 of the Motor Vehicles (MV) Act, 1988 states that the driver and / or the owner of the motor vehicle responsible for a road accident is required to take all reasonable steps to secure medical attention for the injured person by conveying him to the nearest medical practitioner or hospital, unless it is not practicable to do so on account of mob fury or any other reason beyond his control.

Is failure to comply with this action punishable?
Yes. Under Section 187 of MV Act 1988, whoever fails to comply with the provisions of the clauses of Section 134, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 months, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 500, or with both. If it is the second time for the person concerned, then the penalty is harsher. The imprisonment may extend to 6 months, or with fine, which may extend to Rs.1000, or with both.

Can a doctor/ hospital refuse medical care to emergency cases?
Every doctor whether at a Government hospital or otherwise has the professional obligation to extend his services with due expertise for protecting life. No law or State action can intervene to avoid / delay the discharge of the paramount obligation cast upon members of the medical profession. The obligation being total, absolute and paramount, laws of procedure whether in statutes or otherwise which would interfere with the discharge of this obligation cannot be sustained and must, therefore, give way”.

Should the doctors / hospitals wait for the police to arrive or any legal formalities before attending to a road accident victim?
No. “The treatment of the patient should not wait for the arrival of the police or completion of legal formalities. All hospitals and doctors are required to provide immediate medical aid to all the cases, whether medico-legal or not “.

Saw this on the GST road, near Chengalpet Toll Gate bridge, a nasty sight, seems the lorry fell down the bridge after loosing control.


Originally Posted by anupam9557 (Post 1792851)
Got it from a friend of mine. a Pajero Crashed upside down. Heard that it twisted 2 times.Poor machine.:Frustrati

Hi. does any one know where this Pajero is in Kerela?, I would be interested in buying the vehicle as is where is. Please do let me know where.


Originally Posted by ScorpMan (Post 1804784)
I mentioned, all 3 passengers including the driver escaped with minor injuries.

Boss the car was not yet registered how it was allowed to be used on highway ,in Mumbai temp.registeration can be used only for going to the RTO to register the car oterwise you will be cought by the cops and made to pay a fine for using the car on Temp no.

Saw two accidents while coming from Davangere to Bangalore (NH4) last month. In the first pic the truck had banged the rear of an other truck which slowed down as there was a road hump and seems like this truck driver at the was sleepy and did not notice it.

In the second/third pic ( this had happened just a little further to the first accident) , since the roads were under construction they had closed one way and traffic was open on the other. A Tata Mobile carrying some vegetables rammed into an oncoming truck and both overturned. Both accidents happened at night.

This thread is an eye opener. I will upload a few pics soon. Sad that i have to see this, and i hope no one gets hurt.

Spotted this accident on the way to Bangalore from Anantapur AP ( on the Blr-Hyd Highway), Near Chikballapur on 22nd.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-cimg5016.jpg
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-cimg5017.jpg
The truck in the front seemed not to have taken any damage at all. clap:
I dont think the driver of truck 2 could have survived.
A million apologies for posting the pics late.


Originally Posted by IQBAL VEERJI (Post 1805628)
Boss the car was not yet registered how it was allowed to be used on highway ,in Mumbai temp.registeration can be used only for going to the RTO to register the car oterwise you will be cought by the cops and made to pay a fine for using the car on Temp no.

VeerJi, I hope you can make out that it is HR on the no. plate, i.e. HARYANA registered and not Maharashtra. People use their cars for as long as Six months on temporary registrations without any fines or being caught by cops in this part of India. Its only in the metro cities where cops are vigilant to catch these violations.

And for your information, the i10 was only 28 days old.

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