Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Oh God. This is one of most horrible ones I have seen.

Truck driver escaped?

Oh my god,thats a terrible accident.
We can see the sign post on the left very close to the car which suggests that the lorry might be overtaking another vehicle around that curve.I've been on that road lots of times.Its very fast and flowing type,superb road to drive on.But the biggest problem is trucks and especially buses keep overtaking even on the bends.Many times i have had to go off the road to make way.Its really bad and we cant do anything about it.One can always see lot of accidents on that road.

that lancer accident is indeed horrific. may their souls rest in peace.

this morning (on our way to my in-laws place) on Old Madras road, near the new NGEF bypass, heard a bang of metal hitting metal. turned and looked and found a auto (going towards KR Puram) had hit a M800 (crossing over to Old Madras road from the NGEF bypass) on the side. most probably the M800 guy was looking to the left and crossing and it was too late for the auto to slow down or swerve.

sundays is like free-for-all here in Bangalore. majority of the signals wouldn't be working and people drive like crazy on these intersections. the other day i saw a sky blue Santro ripping across the Indiranager 100ft road signal and narrowly missing a pedestrian! :Shockked:


Originally Posted by akshay_b (Post 1731905)
We cannot blame the passengers for not wearing the seatbelts or not putting the kid on the booster seat, It is up to the government to make seatbelts and helmet rule compulsary in every single place in India.

The lives of the passengers are in their own hands,not the government's.It not possible for the government to make each and every driver/passenger buckle up against their own will.The best they can do is increase awareness.
The rest is in our hands.


Originally Posted by akshay_b (Post 1731905)
We cannot blame the passengers for not wearing the seatbelts or not putting the kid on the booster seat, It is up to the government to make seatbelts and helmet rule compulsary in every single place in India.

The rules are already in place, but as long as our attitudes do not change we will have people who will go along with your view point.

At the end of the day it is the people on the road who end up injured, dead or losing their loved ones and to the government it is just one person less amongst a 100 crore = does not matter.


Originally Posted by khoj (Post 1732004)
The rules are already in place, but as long as our attitudes do not change we will have people who will go along with your view point.


How can we put blame on government for our casual behaviour? For how long can government teach people about their own safety? We have had enough of "wear helmet" and "wear seatbelts" campaigns. I guess every driver in India knows that wearing seatbelt is for his/her own safety, so even if he does not knows about the laws that should not keep him from wearing seatbelts.
Also, DLs are issued to 'adults'. Citizens who are deemed to responsible enough to vote and to enjoy all the civic ammenities. So, should government expect behaviour akin to high school kids from such adults?
Is government merely a nanny who should teach us adults about our own safety? At the end, it is us who are involved in a mishap and 99 times out of 100 its due to our fault. Our on-road behaviour should be put to blame more often than blaming the government for poor roads. Laws are all in place, its on to us to put them to good use. As for the 'government', even that body consists of citizens like us its not as if the laws are written in the Holy Bible.
If it is 'people' as government that can construct such laws then it is the same 'people' who are bound to follow them.
Merely making laws and enforcing them is not the need of the hour rather its high time for all the road users to realise that their lives are at risk and they should protect them rather than leaving it all to the government.

Take this case as an example, if a person has enough money to travel in a Lancer (which is a 'big' car in India), can any of us vouch for the fact that he or his family was unaware of the utility of seatbelts? Sure, whatever happened was tragic and its not that am not sad for the grief stuck family, but in the end if they would had not be so casual towards their own safety perhaps one of them may have been alive at the moment.

Sorry for the long post, got carried away but I stand by the fact that government should not be blamed for such mishaps atleast after some extent. When, government can identify us as adults and responsible enough to drive, its not wrong in considering us matured enough to care about our own safety if not of other road users.



Originally Posted by akshay_b (Post 1731905)
We cannot blame the passengers for not wearing the seatbelts or not putting the kid on the booster seat, It is up to the government to make seatbelts and helmet rule compulsary in every single place in India.

Absolutely wrong statement friend.
If an individual can't take responsibility of himself, how can he blame government.
Considering India's population, I don't think government will be concerned at all.
And there is certainly a practical difficulty in countries like India to ensure everyone follows rule.

Feel sad for the occupants of the Lancer. May not be their mistake at all.

Guys, I think akshay_b was being a bit sarcastic, he doesnt mean it.

RIP to the Lancer guys and dude it needs guts to feel the pulse of victims in such accidents. Good that you tried to help, may your tirbe grow.

Can you guess this car below?

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-dsc02269.jpg

some more pics of the crash

Poor guy, I think it would be appropriate if its written,



Originally Posted by sathyaprakash (Post 1732384)
Poor guy, I think it would be appropriate if its written,


Very True.
But that guy would've put up that sticker when he would've bought his Palio with so much of dreams; like dream shattered into pieces so did his Palio. I'm so sad looking at this pic; Any idea about the injury with the passengers? Did the airbags save them? Were they buckled up?


Originally Posted by aargee (Post 1732398)
Very True.
But that guy would've put up that sticker when he would've bought his Palio with so much of dreams; like dream shattered into pieces so did his Palio. I'm so sad looking at this pic; Any idea about the injury with the passengers? Did the airbags save them? Were they buckled up?

Sirji it is not Palio.It is Punto. Did you misspell it.


Originally Posted by wildon (Post 1731829)
Witnessed this accident between Karwar - Hubli highway near a place called SUNKAL. It was happened on 12th Feb around 12 in the afternoon, i heard a loud noise ahead of me. It was a horrific scene.

The mom and kid were sitting at front without wearing the seat belt. and i strongly believes a seat belt could have saved the lady as her head slammed in to the dash board.

I'm only attaching two pictures as other shots are so disturbing as the victims were still on the car.

Tragic wildon.Was extremely saddened by the gory sight of the Lancer in shambles. Especially for the near and dear ones of the mother and kid who were on the front seat, the tragedy is great. Reminded me of one of the most tragic moments in my life when on June 4 2004, my close friend (also in a bottle green 2001 Lancer)was moving on NH 6 and a bus collided killing him and the other back seat occupant. The driver tried to overtake a truck @ 110kmph and was dazzled to see a State Transport (Maharashtra) bus right in front.He swayed to the extreme right but no way. The bus hit the car's rear portion and the whole rear of the passenger compartment and boot were smashed. Miraculously the driver survived as the front part was quite intact and he was to the right while the bus hit the car's left portion.
Feel these Japanese and Korean cars are the worst when it comes to withstanding impacts.Even the Indian built Tata cars are way ahead of these ductile cars from the Far East as far as the build quality goes.

the lancer crash is horrific, pains to see loss of life when it could have been avoided

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