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Old 2nd September 2024, 12:26   #41086
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by deathwalkr View Post
As far as possible walk on the extreme side of the road if footpaths are not available.
I agree! There was so much space on the left side, I wonder what stopped him from walking there? One common observation is people tend to walk so close the the motorway even if there is ample place or a footpath. I guess its the way we are brought up in this country that all is ok. Absolutely no pedestrian sense let alone common sense!

Last edited by Turbanator : 5th September 2024 at 06:55. Reason: Quoted post trimmed.
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Old 2nd September 2024, 14:12   #41087
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by deathwalkr View Post

Please walk on the right side of the road so that you can see oncoming traffic.

Anything else to be added for pedestrian safety. Can't help how others drive on road :(
I also believe the above points that can enhance safety of the pedestrians, but watching accidents like below make me lose hope!

Of course, the pedestrian was walking on the paved surface and car hits her from the back!

Unless strict driving standards are enforced, the pedestrians are never safe.
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Old 2nd September 2024, 15:10   #41088
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sumathindra View Post
I agree! There was so much space on the left side, I wonder what stopped him from walking there?
He is walking on the shoulder. The car is completely off the carriageway (the actual "road" as demarcated by the solid white line) and driving on the shoulder to avoid the rumble strip.

I blame the over-generous usage of rumbler strips for this + it should have extended to the full width of the road. If it's a busy intersection, just put one proper speed breakers with the flat tops, these things are just annoyances.
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Old 2nd September 2024, 16:57   #41089
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by CarNerd View Post
Never seen a crash like this in India:
This happened in Rajasthan. As per news, the tractor driver is trapped but alive, Lucky escape for Creta.
I have a tyre business in Abu Road, en route to Palanpur from Ajmer. It's the last town in Rajasthan before Gujarat. Let me tell you all of what is the ground 0 reality of this part of the country.

1. Overloaded beyond belief.
2. Cops are corrupt beyond imagination.
3. Booze runs freely in Rajasthan and is relatively 1/3rd the price of smuggled stuff in Gujarat- as a result, the majority of people who cross over to Rajasthan - 4 out of every 5 shops are booze shops for 15 km before you hit Abu Road. I'm talking about 100 booze shops before you even hit town. The majority of truckers and passenger vehicle drivers are drunk all day round here.
4. There is 0 policing in town and there's a guy who ran over 10 people, a repeat offender, who has been released on bail in Rajasthan simply cause he's well-connected in Gujarat. Not taking names but it was in the news recently. There is no accountability.
5. In continuation, Mt Abu, the only real hill station for hundreds of kilometres, is full of overloaded cars, and people drinking booze in the open. It's a crying shame. I trek there often and my ground of friends pick up plastic waste all the time. There is smashed glass everywhere. You get the picture.

Onto the vehicular aspects -
1. Every trucker pays money underhand, no questions asked, so one might as well flout norms. Tons of Marshals etc. Are run without any valid RCs or insurance.
2. Overloading and worn tyres = tyre blasts. Every day a truck goes off the road to Udaipur or Palanpur.
3. Truckers buy the cheaper L1 tyre - retreaded stuff rules the roost.
4. Due to overloading, at most checkpoints, the roads are severely damaged and only trucks can go through them. In my Scorpio N and Thar, I slow down significantly to avoid going flying. The swift cannot navigate the reformed tarmac.
5. People do not understand hill driving and often drive on the wrong side of the road. Enough said..
6. Animals on the highway! Guard rails are missing on 90% of the highway with 0 quality control and hedge trimming which is the NHAI's job. Why isn't there a degree of insurance given to commuters against eventualities when we are taxed heavily for such ill-maintained roads?

Last edited by Turbanator : 5th September 2024 at 06:59. Reason: Spell. Please proofread before posting
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Old 4th September 2024, 00:04   #41090
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bhansali_hardik View Post
Not perhaps an accident but my wife was harassed by local goon who was barely in his senses and thanks to the tireless shouting and yelling my wife was so flustered that she forgot there was a dash cam installed and there was nothing that she could have done in this situation!

Here is a footage :
I can be 90% sure that this happened in Bangalore. Is it that Bangaloreans have maximum adoption of dashcams and hence the disproportionate number of incidents coming to light ? Or is this genuinely an increase in road rage kind of situations in Bangalore?
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Old 4th September 2024, 00:43   #41091
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by srinitdas View Post
I can be 90% sure that this happened in Bangalore.
Yup. South Bangalore in fact. Used to take this narrow lane myself to avoid evening traffic on the main roads.

That Indie dog being chased seems to be a local resident of that street since Jan 2022 so this probably was a regular event with the little dog.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-streetdog.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-streetdog2.jpg

Is it that Bangaloreans have maximum adoption of dashcams and hence the disproportionate number of incidents coming to light ? Or is this genuinely an increase in road rage kind of situations in Bangalore?
That's like asking if no one was speeding before radar guns/speedcams were invented.
  • Without dashcam evidence cops can't accept a road rage complaint, so no records exist.
  • With more dashcam users, more such incidents are coming to light. If not for this video, the dog owner could have cooked up a story that the driver was speeding on the narrow street and the matter would be swept under the rug, we would never know the truth
Nothing to get alarmed about, all this stuff has always happened across the country. With dashcams and the internet you're just seeing more of it.

And yes, if you haven't already, go get a dashcam. Even the cheapest, shittiest one is better than no dashcam.

Last edited by bravo6 : 4th September 2024 at 00:49.
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Old 4th September 2024, 09:14   #41092
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bravo6 View Post
Yup. South Bangalore in fact. Used to take this narrow lane myself to avoid evening traffic on the main roads.
This is not sermonizing post, just fact check.

If more car users start using such lanes, will it influence GMAP routing? Observed recently that GMAP takes me through such lanes especially in day time during traffic jams, or at least suggests. In my home city I avoid such traps but follows in other cities blindly.

These high population density areas/lanes are actually one trigger away from road rages. I had seen local residents innovatively block traffic or arguing with car drivers even with a small traffic jams.
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Old 5th September 2024, 02:37   #41093
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by ramki.grandhi View Post
This came up in my feed today, I do not know this guy though.
This guy is a steroid abusing Fitness "Influencer".

Multiple charges of violence, fights, abduction and numerous accidents to his name.

After driving like a maniac, he hits a 2 wheeler in a VW Virtus test drive car and tells the shocked sales girl it's not a big deal, happens every day.

Scum of the earth. How can he call himself and influencer? Hope the cops arrest him asap.

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Old 5th September 2024, 11:20   #41094
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bravo6 View Post
Yup. South Bangalore in fact. Used to take this narrow lane myself to avoid evening traffic on the main roads.
This looks like the area around Chunchughatta lake near Brigade Gardenia. I used to travel in that area a few years ago and the roads look familiar to that area. These roads are notorious for haphazard parking and people who want to pick fights at the drop of a hat.
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Old 5th September 2024, 11:36   #41095
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by SNOWY227 View Post
Recently, a relative of mine was involved in an accident. My relative was driving his SUV on a national highway, well under speed limit too and a 75+ year old man without a helmet or anything, decided to suddenly change lanes from extreme left to the right. My relative was already towards the right lane and tried as much as he could to avoid a collision, but the old man ended up hitting the left mirror and side of the car, and eventually died after a few hours in the hospital. My relative had immediately called an ambulance and sent him to a nearby hospital and tried contacting the police. But due to no reply, he drove the car to the nearest police station and informed the incident. Then he helped the family shift the patient to a higher centre, took care of all the bills out of goodwill and everything, but the man didn’t survive. Then the old man’s family were demanding compensation, an absurd amount initially , but later came to an agreement and were paid too in the presence of the police . The police who weren’t even in the scene, have written “Rash and Negligent driving and over speeding” in the FIR. When questioned about that , they replied it is to help the victim get the insurance money making it seem as the SUV’s fault. Now the lawyers have told my relative that there will be customary process in the courts and nothing to be worried regarding any imprisonment or fine. The case is filed under Section 304(A) if I’m not wrong. But I am very scared and skeptical for him. Please give your insights on this.
Never accept that it is your fault the person is dead. You do not know how it may turn out to be as it depends on what the judge had for breakfast in the morning.

May be OT, a recent kannada movie "Sapta sagaradache ello" comes to mind where the hero, for want of money, takes the blame of an accident and gets 10 years jail term ruining his life. I am not saying that this situation is similar, but you do not want to take that risk by accepting the fault.

Last edited by girishv : 5th September 2024 at 11:38. Reason: Added missing punctuations
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Old 5th September 2024, 11:41   #41096
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Request to mods: this + quoted post should probably be moved to "Rants on Bangalore traffic" thread

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
This looks like the area around Chunchughatta lake near Brigade Gardenia. I used to travel in that area a few years ago and the roads look familiar to that area. These roads are notorious for haphazard parking and people who want to pick fights at the drop of a hat.
Yup. Bangalore roads were not designed for high population density. With ever increasing number of apartments and independent houses constructing multiple floors to rent out, the no. of people having to use the same narrow lanes is increasing exponentially. Imagine if private driveways inside apartment complexes were open for public to cut across the property, instead of having to go around: that's precisely what's happening on these narrow streets. The constant traffic noise, honking and jams will frustrate anyone.

Ideally they should designate alternate lanes as one ways for general traffic to ease the congestion. This is already done in a nearby area and very effective.

Last edited by bravo6 : 5th September 2024 at 11:44.
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Old 5th September 2024, 20:32   #41097
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by srinitdas View Post
I can be 90% sure that this happened in Bangalore. Is it that Bangaloreans have maximum adoption.... Or is this genuinely an increase in road rage kind of situations in Bangalore?
Absolutely right! This is Bangalore and JP nagar 7th phase, there were no road rages here until few years back. Have lived all my life in Bangalore! Barring the cab and auto folks who were absolute maniacs from the start and would come out blazing like a union to extort money even if it was their mistake which was still an acceptable thing for most of us since they have struggles and as a normal non-influential guy there is no way you stand a chance to fight a swarm of these guys!

Originally Posted by bravo6 View Post
That Indie dog being chased seems to be a local resident of that street since Jan 2022 so this probably was a regular event with the little dog.

And yes, if you haven't already, go get a dashcam. Even the cheapest, shittiest one is better than no dashcam.
This is crazy! Yes, the local indie was still better educated for road to of the extreme left and the fancy breed dog was not trained for it for obvious reasons! The owner in such cases should be dragged to whatever system works in this city.

Originally Posted by krrisdrive View Post
This is not sermonizing post, just fact check.

These high....
Have been using this road since more than 10 years now, maps or not! however this city has become a city of narrow roads! The other broad ones are always choked with hawkers, illegal shops and parked vehicles!

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
This looks like the area around Chunchughatta lake near Brigade Gardenia. I used to...
True, but every area is same now in Bangalore, people here have gone insane and all this due to rapid urbanisation and the bloody quick commerce folks adding to it! Also the financial burden on the lower end of the spectrum is not treating them and the road rage is a parallel outlet over and above drinking and other sorts of activities! This is what I fell and for the rest road ragers it's the traffic killing their personal lives!

Originally Posted by bravo6 View Post
Request to mods: this + quoted post should probably be moved to "Rants on Bangalore traffic" thread

Yup. Bangalore roads were not designed for high population density. With ever increasing number of apartments and independent houses constructing multiple floors to rent out, the no. of people having to use the same narrow lanes is increasing exponentially. Imagine if private driveways inside apartment complexes were open for public to cut across the property, instead of having to go around: that's precisely what's happening on these narrow streets. The constant traffic noise, honking and jams will frustrate anyone.

Ideally they should designate alternate lanes as one ways for general traffic to ease the congestion. This is already done in a nearby area and very effective.
Irrespective what the situation is ? It's the same for most of us isn't it? Will that be a license to go out start fighting and raging all over the city?

also, I thought these buildings cannot be built unless there are a charade of approvals before construction and that includes the road, approach and other factors. There is a system is place and if it's getting bypassed I don't care I will use every piece of public road available and I should be safe there after all it's few of my rights left in this country that can be exercised!

Last edited by Aditya : 9th September 2024 at 22:46. Reason: Toned down
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Old 6th September 2024, 22:59   #41098
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Umpteen times we have seen news and aftermaths of vehicles hitting stationary big vehicles at night in fatal incidents.
Natural blame goes towards 'high speed' and lack of road awareness at night.

Below video is a classic practical scenario from drivers point of view when reality strikes out of nowhere.

Despite having a very low speed, the driver could not spot the crane due to multiple reasons like insane usage of high beam by most of the vehicles, ill lit streets, and of course the notorious bit vehicle broken down at the most unimaginable of places.

Last edited by sarathlal : 6th September 2024 at 23:01.
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Old 7th September 2024, 00:10   #41099
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sarathlal View Post
Umpteen times we have seen news and aftermaths of vehicles hitting stationary big vehicles at night in fatal incidents.
Natural blame goes towards 'high speed' and lack of road awareness at night.

Below video is a classic practical scenario from drivers point of view when reality strikes out of nowhere.

Despite having a very low speed, the driver could not spot the crane due to multiple reasons like insane usage of high beam by most of the vehicles, ill lit streets, and of course the notorious bit vehicle broken down at the most unimaginable of places.
I'm not sure if this is an appropriate situation to use hazard lights; have never seen any large construction vehicles use them in such situation. What I have seen is though, cones or sacks of sand placed a few meters away on either ends from the parked vehicle. Those should've been placed; still, would've caused a minor accident (car hitting the sacks) given the lighting condition. Just unfortunate.
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Old 7th September 2024, 01:29   #41100
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sarathlal View Post
Below video is a classic practical scenario from drivers point of view when reality strikes out of nowhere.

Despite having a very low speed, the driver could not spot the crane due to multiple reasons like insane usage of high beam by most of the vehicles, ill lit streets, and of course the notorious bit vehicle broken down at the most unimaginable of places.
This is the right situation, where the broken down flat bed truck /crane should have it's hazard lights flashing and the flashing light could have drawn the attention of the car driver, a tad bit early, enough to approach the crane with some caution and probably veer to its left or stop at a safe distance.

The hazard lights are not there on the crane or not flashed anyways. So, that option is out.

I believe this appears like one of those unfortunate mishap that occurs due to a series of things going wrong.

The vehicle appears to be a flat bed trailer on which a crane is mounted. As it's low and open structure, the powerful high beam from oncoming vehicles directly hits the car driver's vision, blinding him momentarily and that momentary distraction leads to the collision.

Imagine, if there was a fully loaded truck or a bus stranded in the middle of the road instead of the flat bed crane. The loaded truck /bus body would have blocked the high beam of the oncoming vehicles and the car driver could have perhaps spotted the stranded vehicle earlier and stopped in time.

The stranded truck being a flat bed / low bed vehicle is the primary factor that the higbeam got through to the car driver's vision.

So, it's unfortunate that a flat bed truck (by its shape) and highbeam together combined to contribute to the occurance of this.mishap. I feel it's one of those unfortunate occurence. I am reminded of the swiss cheese model in this incidence.
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