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Old 22nd August 2024, 10:19   #40996
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Ashutosh_kumar View Post
Would encourage everyone to opt for safer cars. It does save lives.
Truer words have never been spoken! This is so critical when considering a car, and I shudder to think the outcome if a flimsy car were in this position.
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Old 22nd August 2024, 11:04   #40997
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Hello, just a quick query, shouldn't curtain airbags get deployed in case of rear ending. Or are they deployed only on side impact.
Old 22nd August 2024, 11:08   #40998
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

What in the world!
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Old 22nd August 2024, 11:09   #40999
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by GeeTee TSI View Post
Totally agree with the observation. This accident was caused by the maniacal ambulance (once can see the tyres screeching, the ambulance trying in vain to shed speed)
These ambulance drivers are maniacal in their driving. I had travelled once in an Ambulance along with my grand mother, when she had to be taken from a nearby nursing home to a diagnostic center for an imaging test. It was not an emergency, the driver knew it, but still he was blaring the siren, weaving in and out of the lanes, going too fast for the road. In spite of me telling him, it's not an urgency, he was in no mood to listen.

Not sure how can we deal with this. Its a challenge even for the authorities as we don't know when its a real emergency and when its not. Its the general attitude of recklessness and feeling a sense of false pride as they can break the rules without consequences. But sometimes, it can be too late as it can affect an innocent fellow road user.
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Old 22nd August 2024, 11:48   #41000
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I've seen a lot of situations where ambulance drivers drive in a maniacal manner. I just somehow give way to let them go off. I've sometimes seen them challenging other cars on the road by coming really close and almost scrape.

While it's the duty to save a life, it's not at the cost of losing 10 more and causing public damage.

I commute the ecity flyover almost 2 to 3 times a week. I've seen lots of aggressive vehicles like bikes, cars and even buses. A main issue is the merging of traffic near Infosys where traffic from hosur road merges with ecity 1. Vehicles joining onto the flyover at this point spill into both lanes thereby hindering the flow coming from ecity 1. This is especially dangerous if one coming from ecity doesn't realize and ends up slamming the brakes because of a spill over vehicle in the merging lanes. Most of the time, I slow down and honk if I'm at the merge and someone is performing stupidly. If often complained about this at the toll office near dmart but to no avail

There are several issues with this flyover and the adaptations.

For 1, buses stopping at the start and end of the flyover near bomanahalli. The hosur side is even worse with people who are waiting for the bus spilling onto the road near the bike toll and buses parking up like a picnic near the central divider after the toll leading to difficulties when exiting the toll

2, what's yulu and speed restricted electric bikes doing on this flyover. They are slow and not meant for such distances leading to bikes being dumped on the flyover due to some technical or charge issue.

3, Bikes (no offense to bikers as I use it when I go for my Sunday rides) but with so many biker fatalities and many a times, bikes being the cause of the accident, the result of the bike accidents are fatal owing to the flyover design.
4, Idiotic bus and car drivers racing on the flyover. There are a quite a few instances where I see hot hatches doing stupid speeds on the flyover flowed by additional fools (reminds me of a crude version of the minis in the Italian job). Friday nights are the worst with buses dominating the flyover and just pushing aside other buses and cars.

5, Slow moving lorries are the worst of the lot. Moving slowly, sudden lane changes, breakdowns. How much more can be added

6. Maintenance work: happens only at peak traffic timing and no warning systems to speeding traffic of an obstacle ahead. It's when you suddenly notice cars slowing down, you realize there's something wrong only to see a tractor parked with work going on and a person with a tiny red flag waving it like a farewell

7. Unscientific Speed control measures: first it was the interceptor vehicle in the bylane, then it was a camera in the central median of the bylane. Now it's smiley faces. The problem is, people suddenly panic and slam the brakes to slow down seeing or sensing that they are being tracked. All these measures have caused accidents. Infact the camera in the median near the bylane was taken down by a speeding cab that panic braked. The recent smiley boards do the exact same thing

8. This one takes the cake: driver and riders attitude. 2 slow moving vehicles going parallel to each other and not giving way, suddenly lane changes, rogue driving with accompanying road rage, slow moving vehicles on the fast lane. I can keep going on but there's no point.

If you ask me, the custodians of the flyover look at it like a money minting machine which it truly is. So with all I've seen over the last 14 years since the start of the flyover, lives lost or vehicles damaged is nothing for them. For them, the coffers getting filled is more important that anything else
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Old 22nd August 2024, 12:29   #41001
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by nagarjun View Post
These ambulance drivers are maniacal in their driving.
Not sure how can we deal with this. Its a challenge even for the authorities as we don't know when its a real emergency and when its not.
I was recently pestered by an ambulance while waiting at a signal. It came up right behind me in a normal manner and switched on its siren and blinkers. Considering that the crossing ahead was choc-a-bloc with traffic from left to right, there was little anyone could do to give way. Suddenly, in the middle of this nuisance, it occurred to me that the driver had switched on his siren only after pulling up behind me. Smelling a rat, I got down and walked up to the driver asking him details of the patient in the vehicle. He conceded that there was no patient inside and that he was using the hooter and lights merely to make it in time for the change of shift to get off duty. He apologised profusely and requested to be let off. The signal turned green shortly and we all went our ways.
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Old 22nd August 2024, 13:35   #41002
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Grand Tourer View Post
8. This one takes the cake: driver and riders attitude. 2 slow moving vehicles going parallel to each other and not giving way, suddenly lane changes, rogue driving with accompanying road rage, slow moving vehicles on the fast lane. I can keep going on but there's no point.

If you ask me, the custodians of the flyover look at it like a money minting machine which it truly is. So with all I've seen over the last 14 years since the start of the flyover, lives lost or vehicles damaged is nothing for them. For them, the coffers getting filled is more important that anything else
Cannot agree more.

I have a close friend and colleague who met with an accident on this fly over nearly 8 years ago and still not fully recovered. A speeding taxi rammed into her scooty.

I have my own experience of rouge car drivers attempting to destabilize bikers aided by the high winds on this fly over. I and my pillion were fortunate that the bike was in control, did not slip, trip and fall. Thankfully I no longer bike.

Do not come at me with the argument of what the scooty and bike were doing on the fly over, I'd politely remind that these weren't banned on them, and still isn't it.
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Old 22nd August 2024, 14:37   #41003
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by handsofsteel View Post
Smelling a rat, I got down and walked up to the driver asking him details of the patient in the vehicle. He conceded that there was no patient inside and that he was using the hooter and lights merely to make it in time for the change of shift to get off duty. He apologised profusely and requested to be let off. The signal turned green shortly and we all went our ways.
Even though you were right in this instance, please don't repeat this and request others also not to ask the ambulance driver about patient details. He may be on his way to pickup patient. I have seen people in signals not letting ambulance after seeing noone is inside.
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Old 22nd August 2024, 17:46   #41004
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by drive.helios View Post
Do not come at me with the argument of what the scooty and bike were doing on the fly over, I'd politely remind that these weren't banned on them, and still isn't it.
I have some colleagues who still take the flyover although they crib that it is very dangerous. When there is heavy rain with cross winds, it for sure is a challenge to keep the bike/scooter from drifting on some stretches of this road.
The Govt continues to make money, while we lay people, have to decide if we need to reach to work quicker or go heavenwards.

High time they restrict 2&3 wheelers on this road.
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Old 22nd August 2024, 23:16   #41005
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This happened a few months back. Always kept forgetting about uploading the footage, today I decided to get to it.

This was yet another bad day for my car which in-directly caused an accident. But to be honest, I never anticipated such actions from a biker and didn't even realize what exactly happened until I got home and checked the footage of both front and rear dashcams.

Coming to the matter, I was sort of in a hurry to reach home for some reason that I am unable to recollect now, the Skoda in-front of me was not letting me pass and was slowing down excessively due to the pathetic road conditions. I had made up my mind to overtake the Skoda and drive ahead peacefully without worrying to brake at every road undulations due to the car in-front. I was driving really close to the road divider and also checked my IRVM to make sure no one in trying to overtake my car. I had glanced at the right side ORVM but couldn't notice the biker coming from the wrong side mostly due to two reasons: He was far back initially; There were some bushes on the divider obstructing the view of the opposite lane behind me. The moment I got a chance to overtake the car in-front, I took it and had almost merged back into my lane when I realized something happened at the back. There was some screeching noise (from skidding) followed by a cloud of dust. Only then I realized that the biker had crashed but it was still unclear how exactly.

The bike rider made a foolish and over-smart decision to overtake all vehicles by riding fast on the opposite lane closer to the divider. He did have enough time to anticipate that the vehicles in front might make an overtaking maneuver but decided to just speed through and find a gap to overtake. Unfortunately from him, luck wasn't on his side that day and he panicked after seeing my car on the middle lane and the pickup truck on the opposite lane leaving him no gap to overtake and hence applied the brakes causing him to skid and fall. I think maybe ABS would've helped in this scenario but judging by the looks of his bike, I don't think it was equipped with ABS. Forget ABS they didn't even have helmets on and were flying through the wrong lane counting on their luck.

After realizing what had happened, I was glad that my car did not have any impact and was feeling a little guilty for those bikers but I could've done nothing to save them since I never expected them to do what they did. I am assuming they were not grievously hurt since they had applied brakes and I could see the rider getting up immediately after the accident from the rear cam footage. I just hope that they have learned their lesson and try to be more careful and follow the traffic discipline while on roads.

TL;DR: Two helmet-less and brain-less rider had a fall trying to overtake from the wrong side of the divider. Also get a dual dashcam if you haven't yet!

Last edited by Funny : 22nd August 2024 at 23:18.
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Old 23rd August 2024, 15:28   #41006
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by SithDefender View Post
Truer words have never been spoken! This is so critical when considering a car, and I shudder to think the outcome if a flimsy car were in this position.
Agreed, I have been vocal proponent of solid cars and SUVs. My logic is it only takes a fraction of a second on driver’s part or the other driver’s part and your vehicle is the last line of defence between your life and injury/death. Plus if you are carrying passengers then more important as more lives are involved.
Despite this my relatives have opted for flimsy cars. It’s their choice but they don’t stop at that, they keep making fun of me - as per their view - I opted for a needlessly expensive car.

Last edited by RunGaDa : 23rd August 2024 at 15:29.
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Old 24th August 2024, 20:13   #41007
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Happened here in Kochi. These 2 AMGs had arrived this week at coastal start. Unsure what speeds they were travelling at but both have become a total loss. I believe the door was cut off to extract the people inside. There seems to be blood on the seatbelt. Unsure if there were any deaths but the passenger cabins look intact.

Last edited by Cresterk : 24th August 2024 at 20:27.
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Old 25th August 2024, 12:07   #41008
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by handsofsteel View Post
. Smelling a rat, I got down and walked up to the driver asking him details of the patient in the vehicle. He conceded that there was no patient inside and that he was using the hooter and lights merely to make it in time for the change of shift to get off duty.

I have had a similar experience few years ago on a highway. 2 ambulances with sirens and lights on raced with extreme urgency through traffic with everyone making way. I assumed there must have been a big accident requiring 2 ambulances. A few kms ahead on the highway, I spotted them both stopped at a road side Tea stall sipping tea.

There needs to be a logger or some device that logs the time and period for which the emergency lights and sirens were turned on synced with a gps tracker to ensure accountability.
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Old 25th August 2024, 13:22   #41009
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Funny View Post
feeling a little guilty for those bikers but I could've done nothing to save them since I never expected them to do what they did.[/center]
I am sorry but I have to disagree with you here. While it was indeed callous on the biker's part to overtake the way did and not wearing helmets your actions are not completely faultless either. Even before I reached point in the video where your dashcam shows the bike accident, the first thing that struck me as odd was your abrupt and hasty overtaking maneuver at @0:22. Your urgency to get home no matter what the emergency is, does not absolve you of that bad driving.

The video does not show about the Skoda not allowing you to pass, so can't comment on that, but you can't blame him for slowing down on account of bad roads. He is just driving defensively. While you are hoping that the bikers learnt a lesson, I sincerely wish you learnt a lesson of this episode too, expect the unexpected in our roads and not be impatient on the road no matter what the hurry is.

Last edited by SR-71 : 25th August 2024 at 13:37.
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Old 25th August 2024, 14:08   #41010
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Funny View Post
This happened a few months back. Always kept forgetting about uploading the footage, today I decided to get to it.
I wouldn't share the video so proudly if I were you.

You're blaming the bike, but you yourself have crossed into the opposite side of the road.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-122.png

Your overtake on the bike before the speed hump was also quite awful since your car actually turns slightly left before making the sudden right to overtake the Skoda.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 25th August 2024 at 16:24. Reason: Trimming quoted post.
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