Road Safety
Originally Posted by Rehaan
(Post 517210)
JEEZ!! :Shockked:
This is quite possibly one of the most mangled wrecks i have ever seen a picture of!
Please tell us as much as you can (without divulging the details you dont want to). How did this happen? Were the occupants thrown from the car before the crash? etc
R |
The two cars were racing on a highway, they were side by side when the Santro driver just swerved a bit to scare the honda driver. THe honda was running with left two wheels on tarmac and the right wheels on gravel as it was trying to overtake the Santro. Due to the sudden movement of the Santro , the honda driver panicked and slammed the brakes which locked the right wheels on the gravel and it skidded and hit the Santro. Then both the cars veered off the road and hit two trees. the occupants of the Santro were less affected as it collided head on, but the honda occupants were badly injured as it hit the tree sideways. Both the cars were carying 4 passenges each and at the end of the day what was most surprising and miraculous was that all of them survived. its hard to believe when somebody sees the wreck of the Honda.
A new getz crashed? Thats bad, I wonder how the owner must be feeling after crashing his new ride.
Also I wanted to know one thing.
Most modern cars when crash crumple up but why doesnt the paint peel off??
I mean what kind of paint are these, "Elastic or something".
I remember when we used to crash or old cars the paint used to come off but when you crash a new car (no matter how bad the crash is) the paint wont peel. Anyone would like to explain this?
Yesterday i went to maruti workshop and was shocked to see a baleno standing in corner, waiting for 'INSAAF"....The car flipped thrice on delhi-faridabad highway..The workshop mechanic told me there were three people in the car and for god sake no one died, bit injuries.
Guys check out yourself
:Shockked: Holy cow! thank god no one died! looks really bad!
ya the driver and the people in the car were really lucky as nobody can survive in this accident...
Mod Note: Carlover84, please search before creating new threads.
Merged with appropriate thread.
Probably this cabbie was involved in a "Cab Fight".
BTW, i wonder what happened with the LPG tank.
Originally Posted by Rehaan
(Post 517210)
JEEZ!! :Shockked:
This is quite possibly one of the most mangled wrecks i have ever seen a picture of!
Please tell us as much as you can (without divulging the details you dont want to). How did this happen? Were the occupants thrown from the car before the crash? etc
R |
if you look at the pics carefully - there is a
red rally esteem in the background - i happen to know the drivers as well. i hope you have seen what happened to BlackPearl's Palio - its here in this thread somewhere - they (BP and his friend) came out without a scratch!
Yikes!!! Looks like the Xing took a hit from a truck/bus..that too at decent speed.
the rear banged santro might be declared as a total loss???
@Normally_crazy:is the santro on a road divider?
No ramie - the Santro was being towed. The roof had caved in and the sides as well. Could not get a better shot as the traffic started moving when i whipped out my camera.
I saw a horrible accident on my way to Hinjewadi today. An Infosys bus had smashed into a Baleno from the rear. The Baleno in turn, went directly under the bus in front. Thus it was now sandwiched between two buses.
I saw someone being taken to an ambulance. It had gone under right upto the A-pillar, bending it. The steering wheel seemed pereliously close to the driver's seat.
It was a beige coloured Baleno....could possibly belong to a s/w guy working here. Maybe someone has pics of the accident.
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