Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by RM Motorsports (Post 5752847)
A wrecked car lying on ORR a few days ago.

That's plain ignorance on part of the traffic department or safety authorities. There should have been barricades around the car to prevent another crash or the easier job was to push the car to edge of the road so that other vehicles can pass easily. If someone does not notice the vehicle standing in the middle of the road, it can lead to one more accident.


Originally Posted by KA20NexonEV (Post 5752860)
Many drivers in India are yet to get accustomed to high speed driving on highways. Most of them are unaware of the limitations of the car that they are driving. They do not respect the speed limit of the road that has been designed for. Just because the road is free they feel that they can press the throttle to the maximum. Majority of the so called SUV's in India are just small cars with an overbuilt body and additional third row seats. They are neither designed to stop suddenly in the likely event of collision nor are they designed to fully protect the occupants in cases of accidents. It is also important for the authorities to prevent two wheelers and three wheelers from plying on high speed highways.

Hi, a very valid point I have raised myself many times. I still believe that the national speed limit should be 80 kph. The lack of driver education, driver training and a "proper" driving test are the main causes of accidents in India. You also need a Police Force that actually enforce the rules. The 15 year rule for a vehicle fitness test also needs to be scrapped and replaced with annual testing after the vehicle is 3 years old. When these parameters have been met then consider raising speed limits to a level that matches the quality of each road or expressway.
Constantly reading about accidents and injury on Indian roads is very depressing, especially as many of them are avoidable if common sense and rules are followed.
In a previous article that resulted in 6 dead, probably caused by falling asleep, I read that there were 10 people in the car. Even if the driver had not dozed off the vehicle was an accident waiting too happen. If this overloaded vehicle had to take action to avoid an accident it would probably have resulted in a similar accident as it would have been "uncontrollable" anyway.

Witnessed two accidents yesterday on our trip to our native temple in Trichy and returning home.

First one was while going to our temple. IMHO the Brown Ertiga was at fault. He should have waited to overtake the Figo mainly it was an entry to service road.

Second one was while returning back home. Here it was out and out the fault of the Red Ford. Probably lost control. As far as we saw, everyone was safe


Originally Posted by jasonbourne (Post 5752899)
Witnessed two accidents yesterday on our trip to our native temple in Trichy and returning home.

Looking at all these recent accident videos, all I can say is, we have too many clowns on the roads who shouldn't be given a license to drive. I think it's going to take a generation shift starting with better filtering of applicants for driving license and better traffic rules enforcement before we start seeing a change for the better. With more powerful cars trickling down to mass market, specially EVs, I am worried about the future safety on our roads, God save us from these clowns.


Originally Posted by Gansan (Post 5752590)
Is it only me or does anyone else see another two wheeler on the extreme left lane on the opposite side of the road also being mashed? Apart from the two wheeler this idiot already hit on his own side of the road?

Yeah even I saw that but I was doubtful whether he was really injured coz, marazzo rear side changed its course, but not sure as video ended right after that.


Originally Posted by SR-71 (Post 5752904)
Looking at all these recent accident videos, all I can say is, we have too many clowns on the roads who shouldn't be given a license to drive. I think it's going to take a generational shift starting with better filtering of applicants for driving license and better traffic rules enforcement before we start seeing a change for the better. With more powerful cars trickling down to mass market, specially EVs, I am worried about the safety of our roads. God save us from these clowns.

Well, they dish out licenses if you keep 500Rs in the file that you are giving. No matter how bad they drive, the driving school people have tie-ups with the inspector who sits in the car to evaluate the driver and almost everyone gets a license. I saw some of these tests where people didn't even know how to reverse and turn into a perpendicular road, how to even move the vehicle, etc and they ended up passing the tests!

We casually ignore the safety advices given by people around which becomes very valueable in this kind of situations.

When I'm hitting highway I make sure that I follow these rules:

1) Don't hit the road in late night when you already had hectic day, coz you will feel tired and there is high chance of mishaps.
2) Don't drive when you are in extreme emotions.
3) Don't be egoistic on road, it is OK if others overtake you.


Originally Posted by MalnadMansha (Post 5752912)
Well, they dish out licenses if you keep 500Rs

Many moons ago, when me and my friend went to the RTO to get our first driving license for a two-wheeler, the driving inspector wouldn't even want to allow us to take a test because we came all by ourselves without going via a driving school. He kept ignoring us for 3 days straight, on the 4th day, a lady sweeper working at the RTO pulled us aside and asked us to give her 100 rupees to work her magic; mind you these were the days when diesel was priced in single digits. And magic did she work, it took us all of 4 hours between the time we handed her a crisp 100 rupee note and when we got to hold our freshly minted license in our hands.

By the time I graduated to getting my car license I had learnt my lesson, despite knowing to drive decently, I enrolled in a driving school and a month later the school called me asking me to come next day along with the rest of their 'pupils'. Things had improved by then (pun intended), I did not even have to give a phony test, I was photographed and asked to collect the license the next day.


Originally Posted by jasonbourne (Post 5752899)
Witnessed two accidents yesterday on our trip to our native temple in Trichy and returning home.

1. In the first video, the dashcam car is maintaining only 1 second following distance, which needs to be increased to 3 seconds on a dry sunny day.
2. In the second video, the blue car and red car, should've shown some patience.


Originally Posted by chaitanyakrish (Post 5752963)
1. In the first video, the dashcam car is maintaining only 1 second following distance, which needs to be increased to 3 seconds on a dry sunny day.
2. In the second video, the blue car and red car, should've shown some patience.

This was just before the diversion onto the service road. So all vehicles slowed down considerably. The mishap ocurred since the ertiga guy accelerated suddenly and tried cut the figo.

The blue car actually was alredy on to the next lane to overtake. But the red swivelled left suddenly and kept going till it hit the lorry. The red one completely lost control


Originally Posted by anilsurya1985 (Post 5752918)
We casually ignore the safety advices given by people around which becomes very valueable in this kind of situations.

When I'm hitting highway I make sure that I follow these rules:

1) Don't hit the road in late night when you already had hectic day, coz you will feel tired and there is high chance of mishaps.
2) Don't drive when you are in extreme emotions.
3) Don't be egoistic on road, it is OK if others overtake you.

Third one is most important. It is human tendency to be hurt when someone behaves foolishly with you. Everytime such thing happens, I keep saying to myself, 'Cut the ego. Forget it. Stay away from him/her. Our safety is more important'. Mind becomes much clear and focus becomes better. Even when someone confronts me, I try to dissuade the situation and move away.

If someone is tailing me too close to comfort, I let them overtake me as soon as possible. Far easier to drive in my own comfort zone.


Originally Posted by jasonbourne (Post 5752899)
IMHO the Brown Ertiga was at fault.

No doubt about it! He is overtaking on the wrong side and then cutting in front of the other vehicle. He is driving like a bad two wheeler.

Here it was out and out the fault of the Red Ford. Probably lost control. As far as we saw, everyone was safe
Again, no doubt of it.

Both vehicles are being driven recklessly. Could they be racing each other?


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5753142)
Both vehicles are being driven recklessly. Could they be racing each other?

The Blue car was being driven impatiently for sometime even before the incident. Every now and then for almost 45 mins after this incident, I witness him panic braking behind a heavy moving vehicle when that vehicle was abruptly changing lanes. If he had been a little patient to overtake the heavy vehicle, he would have avoided so many panic braking.


Originally Posted by anilsurya1985 (Post 5752918)
3) Don't be egoistic on road, it is OK if others overtake you.

I am proud (like many BHPians here are) that I have never been the one above.

When I owned and Etios Liva till Jan this year, Nanos and Maruti 800s used to overtake me, and I couldn't care less.

Now, in my new Honda City, Nanos and Maruti 800s overtake me, and I still couldn't care less.

And many a times, me driving a sane 90kph have overtaken sanely driven Innovas, Fortuners, Beemers and Mercs. I was surprised though.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5752520)
This is correct. It is very bad driving to simultaneously press clutch and brake. Adverse handling and less control is the result. It could even be dangerous.

It's true to say that many people do have that bad habit, because they never learnt proper clutch technique or because they forgot. But it doesn't support the MT/AT confusion thesis.

In my opinion, this habit of depressing the clutch and brake together comes from the low-speed driving lessons provided at most Indian driving schools. Since most lessons are given using the 1st and 2nd gears, to bring the car to a smooth stop without stalling, driving instructors emphasize "clutch brake", especially by making loud verbal callouts. This ingrains the habit in most individuals, and many never learn to let go of the habit at higher gears as well.

I admit that I had to make a conscious effort to unlearn this bad habit once I started driving my car regularly after the driving school classes ended.

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