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I was a victim here. The lady parked her Mahindra Reva in front of me but forgot to engage parking brake, the car moved backward and hit my car, bending my newly put IND number plate :disappointed

I expected an apology but when I received none, I questioned her. The reply that I got was "How can I be held responsible when I'm not inside the car" :Frustrati


Originally Posted by UMe (Post 5748802)
I was a victim here. The lady parked her Mahindra Reva in front of me but forgot to engage parking break, the car moved backward and hit my car, bending my newly put IND number plate :disappointed
I expected an apology but when I received none, I questioned her. The reply that I got was "How can I be held responsible when I'm not inside the car" :Frustrati

Few years back in Bangalore, I had taken leave from office to spend time with my parents who were visiting us from Delhi. In the evening, when I went to my car to leave for a family outing, I found my entire driver door and right side rear door damaged. Furious, I asked guard about it. He told directly that the lady on Flat X could not control her scooty while leaving the parking area and damaged my car in the process. Staying in same complex, I expected that lady should have herself approached us and informed about the damage. I immediately went to her house and found that she had hurt her leg also in the self inflicted accident. So, I just asked her husband’s number and then told him that this is not acceptable and I need my car to be repaired with no cost to me. He was Jt. Commissioner in Sales Tax, GoK and tried to evade asking me to claim insurance. I told him that I am not paying for insurance to finance other’s stupidity. Gave him option to get it repaired at some FNG but he got it repaired in Hyundai ASS. Still the evening was totally spoiled.

I wondered that had I gone to office that day, all of this would not have happened!!


Originally Posted by RM Motorsports (Post 5747485)
A weekend treat at Fateh Kachori in Delhi's Kashmiri Gate area turned into a nightmare for dozens when a speeding Mercedes SUV drove into the popular food joint, leaving six people injured.

Very luckily the Merc hit a pillar/wall inside the food joint and came to a grinding halt injuring six. Otherwise, at that speed of about 40 plus kmph within the food joint, it could have trampled a few customers at the cost of a few lives.

(The video in the post #40173 by @RM Motorsports has been disabled by You Tube)


Originally Posted by Gansan (Post 5748775)
That can be quite dangerous. It will be better to quickly grab a big stone and place it under one of the wheels.

True, it could be dangerous. But I'd feel more at risk near the front wheels of a rolling car. There was no time to even look for a stone. It would have rolled into a neighbour's car. Not that fast, but there would have been some damage.

There really isn't much incline on our road. I suspect that one or more wheels were on the slopes up to the opposite-property parking spaces.


Originally Posted by UMe (Post 5748802)
... The reply that I got was "How can I be held responsible when I'm not inside the car"

That's almost funny! But not to you, of course! :Frustrati

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I guess a lot of these accidents happen in automatics where one smashes accelerator instead of brake. On manual a car would simply stall, more pedal practice is required for automatics


Originally Posted by anandhsub (Post 5734828)
TIL. For reference the relevant section from the MVDR

Attachment 2581740


Originally Posted by UMe (Post 5748802)
I was a victim here. The lady parked her Mahindra Reva in front of me but forgot to engage parking break, the car moved backward and hit my car, bending my newly put IND number plate :disappointed
I expected an apology but when I received none, I questioned her. The reply that I got was "How can I be held responsible when I'm not inside the car" :Frustrati

OMG! That's wrong logic on so many counts! It tragi-comedy! :Frustratirl:

A scooterist in Bengaluru narrowly escaped serious injuries/near death last week after a bull attacked him on a busy road. The CCTV footage circulating on social media shows the incident, which occurred near the Mahalakshmi Layout swimming pool junction, according to regional media reports. A woman was escorting the bull, when in a split second it ran amok. The scooterist fell toward his right and an oncoming truck driver with sheer presence of mind swerved his truck to his left and instantly braked, saving the scooterist by a whisker. The rear wheel of the truck was dangerously near to the scooterist's body after he tripped.

The video on X


A “Kole Basava” or a caparisoned bull used for performances caused havoc in #Bengaluru by nearly killing a man. The presence of mind shown by a Canter Truck driver saved the life of a person driving a 2-wheeler. The CCTV visuals of this incident gone viral on social media .

The incident occurred near the #MahalakshmiLayout Swimming Pool Junction. The sudden change in behaviour of a seemingly calm bull is shocking to say the least.

A woman was escorting the bull when in an unexplainable change in mood, the bull charged at a person in a 2-wheeler driving in the opposite direction. It continued running in a random fashion after having collided with the biker. The impact of the collision flung the bike driver near the wheels of a Canter Truck. The Canter Truck driver showed a great level of spatial awareness and applied the brakes hence saving the life of the person on the bike.
An image of the incident

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-n59770359617123196467717d03843113700806f303d9379236d38b229e9fb315fb350a8e5c776b40a3ff21.jpg


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5749450)
The rear wheel of the truck was dangerously near to the scooterist's body after he tripped.

The video on X


The scooterist is the luckiest man alive. Alert driver apart, he wore no helmet. The lady calmly walks off without any remorse.


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5749450)
The scooterist fell toward his right and an oncoming truck driver with sheer presence of mind swerved his truck to his left and instantly braked, saving the scooterist by a whisker. The rear wheel of the truck was dangerously near to the scooterist's body after he tripped.

Saw a video of FM station in association with the BLR police to create awareness about Helmet, makes me feel the bull got inspired by the video ;).
The truck driver along with biker must be thanking their stars truck dirver being able to brake in the nick of time :Cheering:.


Originally Posted by Burgman_tales (Post 5749056)
in automatics where one smashes accelerator instead of brake.

I have never understood how that can happen, at least not any more in an MT than an AT.

What has happened to me, whilst getting used to an automatic (and soon after I passed my British driving test too) was the opposite: putting my left foot on the "clutch" and thus coming to swift halt as I applied the brakes. It was on a roundabout too. The guy behind must have thought I'd gone mad.

I adopted this habit. When switching to MT after being used to AT, keep the left foot tucked back near the chair. Only let go forwards again when you are completely accustomed to it doing absolutely nothing.


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5749450)
A scooterist in Bengaluru narrowly escaped serious injuries/near death last week after a bull attacked him on a busy road.

Kudos to the truck driver clap:
Read one comment on Instagram:

Bro isn’t surprised or angry, just mildly annoyed:coldsweat


Originally Posted by boohooper (Post 5741173)
In the Thoppur accident, the White car was at fault here, in a way. But if all the truckers were to be on the outside lane (the slower lane), this accident might not have occurred at all. Truckers with their own stupid lane in discipline cause a lot of hardship for cars in the inner fast lane. In fact, we need a third lane for Two Wheelers but, i digress. I shall put the fault here on the truckers themselves.

Drove through Thoppur 2-3 times after that last accident.

This last time though, I saw 2 big trucks behind me occupying both lanes and with a decent speed downhill before approaching the bridge. The bridge was not free for me to pass through quickly either. There was another slow truck there.

And then that video popped up in my mind.

I pulled over and stopped in that last bit of free space available before the bridge and let the 2 trucks have at it. Then took the bridge when the whole thing was empty.

Why do they keep repeating this behavior? Who will take control of this for god's sake.


Originally Posted by DetectiveMiles (Post 5739354)
It is a car, looks like i20. Here is the video of the car which fell. Quite scary and shocking to see.

This was the one. Surely one won't survive that. To jump that barrier takes a lot of speed and then you crash into concrete.

I was just mentioning to my passenger a few minutes before that how the median also requires guard rails.


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5749450)
A scooterist in Bengaluru narrowly escaped serious injuries/near death last week after a bull attacked him on a busy road....

I saw this video many times over last week in IG feed to understand why the animal behaved like so. I have personally been through Mahalakshmi Layout lot of times and I can say that the locality has lots of steep gradients. I noticed that after the 1st two bikes crossed the trucks' front end dips, as if over a road hump or a sudden brake.

And bike riders who go around such heavy loaded cinder/brick/quarry stone trucks can recall how much the squeal or squeak out under heavy braking.

And such high pitch sounds are known to mess up any animal. I once nearly got gored by an Ox (same breed as in the video, but he was calmly sitting inside his goshala and munching cud), I passed by my Rx135 and I had a custom muffler and he did not like it a bit.

There is nothing the 3 humans or the 1 bovine could have done differently, these are the examples of pure luck that nothing was to happen that day, the grim reaper was in Brigade road and in no mood for field work :p

Got this video in whatsapp, looks like it happened in Bangalore. A Bentley was stuck in gutter and struggled to come out easily.

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