Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by NomadSK (Post 5702979)
Clearly from the video it seems the rear under protection is not as per the standard, the max height it can have is 750mm above the ground level.

True. An RUPD built to specifications could've avoided the underride.
Until RUPD is fitted to standard to all trucks, we need to assume that none of them have one and drive carefully around them.


Originally Posted by RaviDBLR (Post 5702949)
Unfortunately, 4 out of the 5 occupants passed away. Only the driver survived with injuries. This is a family related to my sister-in-law. Don't know the reason for the accident yet. But sure looks like the underrun protection on the truck either didn't exist or didn't work well enough. How can we explain half the vehicle under the truck otherwise? Here is another view (graphic content):

I frequently traverse this road enroute to Goa from Bangalore. This stretch is relatively empty and barricaded. I have seen most cars going above 120kms throwing caution to wind! The driving is so rash and feels like everyone is racing. I drive between at 100 on cruise control based on the traffic, but never above that. If I had a smaller car, I would feel scared to ride as the hatches and smaller cars keep cutting, overtaking from left and right. In Harrier I feel better as even if they touch me, due to momentum, I may not be in that bad a situation. Looks like this is a case of rash/ distracted driving. Rear ending a slow moving tanker in the left lane.


Originally Posted by NomadSK (Post 5702979)
Clearly from the video it seems the rear under protection is not as per the standard

Thanks for the photo! It's quite informative.

Another day, another tragedy. Yet we never seem to learn from the mishaps of the past :(

12kids and 2 teachers perished in the lake. Boat carried 31 passengers when it's capacity was only 14 and as expected, no one was wearing life jackets!


Originally Posted by deathwalkr (Post 5703289)
Another day, another tragedy. Yet we never seem to learn from the mishaps of the past :(

12kids and 2 teachers perished in the lake. Boat carried 31 passengers when it's capacity was only 14 and as expected, no one was wearing life jackets!

Thank you for sharing this @deathwalker.

India at its worst - Morbi dam bridge accident is still fresh - who was held accountable, what changed? - el zippo. Same will be the case here. As a community we are convinced that rules of every kind are for those who are below us. If you are 'somebody' as all of us fancy ourselves to be then rules are not for us. We disdain rules. This 'bada sahib' attitude runs through our society from top to bottom. Further at some macabre instinctive level we believe 'oh this will never happen to me'. On our roads, while crossing a railway track, in water, playing with fire, leaning over balconies - we assume our own immortality - and this is with educated folks.

In India tragically accidents such as these will abound for another two or three generations.


Originally Posted by airbus (Post 5701449)
We have some very smart people who value every seconds, here is an example:....

The only explanation I can think of is that the occupants were attempting to escape from the police or some other party right behind them. Total idiocy if that's not the case.


Originally Posted by kinetic (Post 5703440)
The only explanation I can think of is that the occupants were attempting to escape from the police or some other party right behind them. Total idiocy if that's not the case.

I have the scariest near-miss of my life in such a situation. We learn by experience a few things. It is not as simple as it appears.

You are doing 100 km/hr in the overtaking lane and a bus which was on the left lane, starts moving in the overtaking lane.
You start applying brakes and move towards the left lane, as you cannot brake hard, neither continue in the overtaking lane.
If you are lucky, the lane is vacant, if not, bang!
The culprit is the bus, which should wait for traffic in the overtaking lane to clear, but if it keeps seeing cars go past it at 100 km/hr on a busy highway, it can never overtake a slow moving or a stationary vehicle, hence this deathtrap.

Then, we learn to continue braking and slowing down at least to the speed of the bus, which is around 50 - 60 km/hr and remain in the overtaking lane until we know that it is safe to go left.

Video: Car Swerves Violently, Rams Railing, Flips Over On New Mumbai Bridge

Noticed Swift hit Metro construction cover metal sheet and two wheeler running into MS Eeco, on ORR, Bangalore.

Before the scene: While we were standstill in ORR traffic jam, noticed Swift driver and a two wheeler fighting (road rage) right next to my car.
When vehicle started moving, the Swift driver cuts me and was racing. I would have hit the Swift car if my co-passenger hadn't noticed of the car joining my lane. Flashed couple of times out of surprise. Then left it thinking he wants to get away from road rage.

Little ahead I see Swift driver hit Metro construction cover metal sheet. Further ahead I see two wheeler running to MS Eeco. (not sure if its the same two wheeler who was fighting with Swift).

First accident on newly openend Mumbai Trans Harbour Link, skip few seconds of below video to see dashcam footage.


Originally Posted by ramki.grandhi (Post 5704021)
First accident on newly openend Mumbai Trans Harbour Link,

Sharing a non-news link for the benefit of everyone to avoid all the Indian serial background music and marking the car in red circle when you can clearly see what happened. :Frustrati

The Ignis clearly tried to overtake the dashcam car from left and you can see the dashcam car trying to move left to overtake as well (99% sure the dashcam car’s ORVMs weren’t set correctly as per this link) - not saying it was the dashcam car’s fault but I strongly think they contributed to it. Ignis panic brakes, loses control, hits the barricade and the rest is just physics.


Originally Posted by krishnakumar (Post 5704112)
not saying it was the dashcam car’s fault but I strongly think they contributed to it. Ignis panic brakes, loses control, hits the barricade and the rest is just physics.

Seems like the dashcam car inadvertently executed a pit manoeuvre on the Ignis. Read that the 2 ladies and 3 children weren't hurt so they were all belted up ? If so, bravo :thumbs up


Originally Posted by krishnakumar (Post 5704112)
Sharing a non-news link for the benefit of everyone to avoid all the Indian serial background music and marking the car in red circle when you can clearly see what happened. :Frustrati

Tiny car, puny tyres, high speed, overtaking on the left lane, lost control, crashed.

Glad they survived but hope the kids don't go through trauma.


Originally Posted by krishnakumar (Post 5704112)
Sharing a non-news link for the benefit of everyone to avoid all the Indian serial background music and marking the car in red circle when you can clearly see what happened. :Frustrati

Thanks a lot. The clear audio in this video gives better understanding of what probably happened.


The Ignis clearly tried to overtake the dashcam car from left and you can see the dashcam car trying to move left to overtake as well... not saying it was the dashcam car’s fault but I strongly think they contributed to it.
I agree. The audio is very clear, yet I couldn't hear the tik-tok of turn indicator. Seems like it tried to switch lanes without properly indicating.


Ignis panic brakes, loses control, hits the barricade and the rest is just physics.
Ignis was driven too fast and it tried to overtake all the cars in one go from leftmost lane (two in middle lane and one in right lane). The dashcam car's movement caused Ignis to panic brake, but most likely it's left tires ran over the fresh thick white lane marking strip. Panic braking with one set of tires over low traction surface has only one result that is seen in the video.


Originally Posted by vharihar (Post 5703946)
Video: Car Swerves Violently, Rams Railing, Flips Over On New Mumbai Bridge

I was travelling towards Navi Mumbai when this occurred. I am quite surprised by the speed at which they got the site cleared. The car looked seriously dented and I was hoping to get a closer view on my drive back, but I was surprised that the site had already been cleared on my return journey.

Good roads aside, people traveling at 60 and hugging the right lane was a big irritating factor. Had a big breaking event when I had to go from 100 to 30 as some vehicles in a group were travelling at 30 speed enjoying the view. Adding to the horror was also some people even crossing the roads!!!!

As I was travelling from Andheri (W), I put in Sewri Uran MTHL on google maps and it took me through some secluded slums from where there was no go only to see people zipping past up on the bridge in front of me. Had to rely on the old trusted method of asking bystanders, so beware what you type on Google Maps


Originally Posted by krishnakumar (Post 5704112)
Sharing a non-news link for the benefit of everyone...

Thanks for sharing this.
4 seconds into the video, there is a "thud" sound. I initially thought that Ignis hit this dashcam car from behind and lost control. However, it seems like Ignis hit the boundary walls on the left (most likely due to dashcam car's manoeuvre) and then lost the control, as there is tire screeching sound immediately following the thud and it gets ahead of the dashcam car from a little bit of distance (not very probable had it hit the rear of the dashcam car).

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