Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by ramki.grandhi (Post 5692705)
Fuel tanker met with accident and eventually caught on fire, in Punjab.

The accident reminded me of the one in Pakistan a few years ago.

I don't know when will we start taking fuel spills seriously.

A near-miss incident where an autorickshaw skids on a wet road regains balance, and escapes unscathed. Location: Somewhere in Kannur, Kerala.

What do you think could be the cause of the skid?


Originally Posted by ajishanand (Post 5693457)
What do you think could be the cause of the skid?

It is called an 'Auto-Ovrersteer'. :D

Reason - 'Stupid Human' caused oversteer in a 3 wheeler.

Brilliant save nonetheless, however silly and stupid the driver was.


Originally Posted by ajishanand (Post 5693457)
A near-miss incident where an autorickshaw skids on a wet road regains balance, and escapes unscathed.

This is what a genuine case of auto rickshaw losing control looks like. Quite a rarity, though. If I saw this happen in front of my eyes, I'd expect at least two of his friends tailing closely with a camera. rl:


Originally Posted by jigar1791@gmail (Post 5692730)
Those 3 guys around the tanker were engulfed in flames within a matter of seconds. Om Shanti to the departed soul :crying

Not able to find any report that says there were fatalities. Did they survive?


Oil tanker hits divider, catches fire on Khanna NH, no casualties


Originally Posted by balenoed_ (Post 5693648)
Not able to find any report that says there were fatalities. Did they survive?

The angle from which the video was taken makes it looks like people were engulfed in fire. What it looks like like to me is that fuel was flowing from the tanker and accumulating on the edge of the flyover and caught fire. The people were probably in the middle of the road.

The tanker fire on flyover is scary. I wonder how the flyover didn't collapse due to intense heat the burning fuel generates. It was this burning fuel (more the the plane hit) which brought down the World Trade Center of NY City. The heat warped the concrete columns and beams and the embedded reinforcement bars gave way. In case of this accident, the police should have stopped traffic under the flyover and in the opposite lane on flyover.


Originally Posted by pgsagar (Post 5693696)
It was this burning fuel (more the the plane hit) which brought down the World Trade Center of NY City. The heat warped the concrete columns and beams and the embedded reinforcement bars gave way.

OT but important to address this:

This is an incorrect understanding of the WTC incident. Nothing can happen to concrete on fire. Concrete has in fact the best fire resistant rating from a building material standpoint.

WTC was not a pure RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) structure instead it had a steel core (made of steel columns and beams, instead of concrete). This steel core got damaged in the heat and it collapsed.


Originally Posted by pgsagar (Post 5693696)
I wonder how the flyover didn't collapse due to intense heat the burning fuel generates. It was this burning fuel (more the the plane hit) which brought down the World Trade Center of NY City.

The heat flows from bottom to top and the reinforcement of the flyover is well protected with a thick layer of concrete which is below the pool fire in this case, that in itself is the fireproofing component and act as an insulation to the reinforcement. The more chances of collapse would happen if the fire happens below the flyover.

WTC was steel structure mostly and the steel wasn’t fireproofed. That’s why when in the middle fire melted the steel, the above floor collapsed under the dead load of the Structure above. Fully loaded steel sections exposed on all sides to fire has around 12 minutes to lose its structural integrity. At around 600C, 60% mechanical strength of the steel is reduced.

So bottom line is, it’s the steel which misbehaves at elevated temperatures. Concrete structure are preferred in such scenarios. And prestressed concrete structures are more dangerous in fire scenarios.

Apologies if it went OT.


Originally Posted by NomadSK (Post 5693719)
.....Apologies if it went OT.

No need for apologies, at all. In fact, I should thank you and Krishna Kumar for correcting me. I merely conveyed what I heard around that time. I am not conversant with this civil engineering stuff.:)

The car is most likely an Ertiga that was travelling the day before yesterday from Nagpur towards Amravati on N.H. 6, the highway that connected Kolkata to Mumbai prior to the Samruddhi Mahamarg getting inaugurated. The family had come to Nagpur for a medical checkup of the lady, who was mother of the man driving the car. About 12 Kms west of Nagpur, some stray animal came on their path. The car was not overspeeding but upon application of brakes, it flipped and reached the other side of the road divider. A truck coming from the opposite direction hit the car. It all occurred in a flash and the truck driver had no time to respond. The Ertiga driver and his mother were seriously injured and died just after crowds started gathering. The car driver's sister was injured. And the noteworthy fact reported in the media is that none of the car occupants were wearing seat belts. The front airbags failed to deploy.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-nagpur-city-line_20240105.jpeg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-nagpur-city-line_20240105-1.jpeg

We have umpteen laws for humans to observe road safety and penal provisions therein for non adherence to these, that are updated with amendments for the changing times. But none of the safety measures and penal provisions apply to owners of stray animals that have lately become a menace on our highways and also on super expressways.

Another link:-

Owner of stray animals?

We can't even control errant human drivers on roads, how are we going to control animals?

Also when in car, wear belt.

Some good points discussed in a relevant thread here:

I have given up any hope on the authorities improving infra or helping curb the stray animal menace. People even graze their cows in medians for godssakes. Not to forget building barrier unscientifically, so that even the barriers cause a lot of harm or even fatality.

As an aside, I wonder people swerving as a habit (on instinct) is really causing a lot of harm in such cases. Had they slammed on the brakes and hit the animals etc. - would the chances of survival not be higher? I'm someone who firmly believes in ethical treatment of animals, but you can't put your and other's lives at stake for this.


Originally Posted by epiccross (Post 5694559)
I'm someone who firmly believes in ethical treatment of animals, but you can't put your and other's lives at stake for this.

Retelling this again, from my Dad who was a veteran driver who took to the roads before there was a such a thing as a GB driving test.

I had braked because a flock of birds was in the road. Got a telling off: Never do that. At least not without knowing if anyone is behind you! (He also taught to always know that ;)). And my parents were typical English softie animal lovers.

Best we can do is be alert and drive at speeds where avoiding action might be possible.

My regular city journey has a couple of streets where my wife and I play count the cows!

At least dogs have road sense. More than most pedestrians and even some drivers! But cows have none. My dad also enlightened me as to the weight of a cow, possibly as much as the car, and thus the consequences of hitting one. I'm particularly careful, here, with big buffalo: I don't want one of those to even lean against my car!


Originally Posted by epiccross (Post 5694559)
I Had they slammed on the brakes and hit the animals etc. - would the chances of survival not be higher? I'm someone who firmly believes in ethical treatment of animals, but you can't put your and other's lives at stake for this.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5694637)
I had braked because a flock of birds was in the road. Got a telling off: Never do that.!

I had got this instruction from my driving school instructor 20+years back. In the event there is an animal crossing the path and not enough time to brake or see who is behind, it may be better to ram into the animal. Of course depending on the size of the animal, the damage can be high or low. But this has a better chance of saving the occupants with damage to the car rather than damage to both and some other vehicle. Now I am an animal lover and this is not ethically right in my view. But with kith and kin's safety you don't really have a choice.
I experienced this in my earlier car in the past and had to unwillingly ram into a dog. Since there was a bend and it appeared out of nowhere, didn't have the guts to check what happened to it. The car suffered a broken bumper, grill, headlight, fog light, windscreen wiper tank etc. Had to take my wife's pyajama string from the luggage and tie the bumper with the body and drive slowly back from Vaniambadi to Bangalore.:unhappy

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