Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 5674673)
What do you think you would do when someone just rams into your 1.5cr car when you were just minding your business? Treat them to some food and let them go?

I'm sorry, the only thing I agree with from your take is that the biker may have largely been at fault.

- As I said, the norm on our roads unfortunately is mob justice in such a situation. Rather than set the example for the right thing to do (which all public officials and persons should have an obligation to), she goes one lower and proceeds to flaunt her power over the powerless. The merit of her argument is irrelevant from there on - listen again, there is no discussion, she is right because of her position.

- She should have instead first ensured no-one was hurt. After that, proceed together to inform police. And leave it to the insurer to claim 3rd party damages - if her pocket change was insufficient to cover her damages.

- Just the spectacle of a lady with filthy wealth written all around her talking (what else) money to a person who has very little of it. (OT: reminded me of all the females from the novel ponniyin selvan). I'm not sure how we consider this to be the right thing to do.

The whole thing just goes to show how far we have to go before we have a 'democracy' in this land. It just seems the rajas and sultans and political parties exchange thrones, but our society stays stuck in a time-warp.


Originally Posted by dust-n-bones (Post 5674481)
This happened a day ago, so surprised is not discussed here yet.

Not going to talk about the over hyped Velfire, or the country roads, and a avoidable accident by a simple village bloke.

But if I ever want the women in my life to be reborn, this is the kind of power they should wield (pun intended). 1 lady, in a big car, 2 wheeler down, single handedly keeping the 'so-called' rough rural folks at bay. No one even dared to come near Revanna's wife. (I am ex-Bangalore'n, so i am aware of the family lineage)

Rethink the road-rage video in bangalore a few months ago, 2-3 bikers were brake checking a Nexon(?, Brezza?) and they chased the techie to his apartment gate and broke the car to pieces. What could that man do to stop it? The security guard also could not help.

Mental note - Dont enter corporate world in next rebirth, become a :p;)


Originally Posted by dust-n-bones (Post 5674481)
This happened a day ago, so surprised is not discussed here yet.

Bangalore Traffic Police (BTP) is stringent on cracking down and penalizing vehicles sporting "fancy" number plates. Therefore any number plate not having the requisite letters numerals to make up KA XX XX XXXX are fined.

This vehicle is having 7 unpaid citations for defective number plate (KA 03 NK 5). So much for our "law makers" :unhappy


Originally Posted by dust-n-bones (Post 5674780)
- As I said, the norm on our roads unfortunately is mob justice in such a situation. Rather than set the example for the right thing to do (which all public officials and persons should have an obligation to), she goes one lower and proceeds to flaunt her power over the powerless. The merit of her argument is irrelevant from there on - listen again, there is no discussion, she is right because of her position.

- She should have instead first ensured no-one was hurt. After that, proceed together to inform police. And leave it to the insurer to claim 3rd party damages - if her pocket change was insufficient to cover her damages.

The whole thing just goes to show how far we have to go before we have a 'democracy' in this land. It just seems the rajas and sultans and political parties exchange thrones, but our society stays stuck in a time-warp.

Like I said earlier, the issue is being unnecessarily overhyped by the way you are portraying it - The scene did not involve any 'mob-justice' and it was an exchange of words. No one was hurt and the video started a while after the initial incident. The scene ended with a police complaint issued for claiming insurance which was definitely necessary. Since the claim amount will cross 1L at least, the police had to make an FIR, and due to which the other rider was taken to the station. Unfortunately this was converted to a rich v/s poor matter.

What you define as the right thing to do, by claiming insurance and third party insurance will apply only if the other party even has their things sorted out.


Originally Posted by svsantosh (Post 5674825)
Rethink the road-rage video in bangalore a few months ago, 2-3 bikers were brake checking a Nexon(?, Brezza?) and they chased the techie to his apartment gate and broke the car to pieces. What could that man do to stop it? The security guard also could not help.

Sorry, may have missed this post or not remember particularly... But why would someone drive down to his home when they are still being followed by such low-life's?

Similar thing happened with us back in 2014. I was with my dad, me on the driver's seat and some miscreants started throwing abusive words at us just because I honked a couple of times as they were occupying the road and riding slowly. They kept on following us, and I started to speed up and soon I was being chased down the city roads at above 80kmph by them. I panicked a bit but my dad got a brilliant idea! he asked to turn towards the Yamuna Expressway as no 2-wheelers are allowed on it. Voila! We freed ourselves from them although it was a 60 km spirited run which we had to endure. But going home could and would have been disastrous. :confused:

Although such roads are not available everywhere, but something can be definitely thought up about. Maybe, turn towards some highway and away from red-lights and speed up substantially and lose them. (not the most ideal resolution, but survival of the fittest).



Originally Posted by na_agrawal (Post 5674884)
I panicked a bit but my dad got a brilliant idea! he asked to turn towards the Yamuna Expressway as no 2-wheelers are allowed on it. Voila! We freed ourselves from them although it was a 60 km spirited run which we had to endure. But going home could and would have been disastrous. :confused:

Can't agree more. Going home can be disastrous and equally embarrassing.

Other thing one can do is to drive straight towards the nearest police chowki/station. As soon as these low lives realize where they are being led to, they will vanish faster than a drop of water on a hot pan. rl:

Just came across this video of an accident that happened on Kundli-Manesar-Palwal highway. Unfortunately, 2 people lost their life.

Watch from 1:15

More details in the news article : -

Always be careful on these new highways and drive sedately at 80-100 KMPH.


Originally Posted by na_agrawal (Post 5674884)
But why would someone drive down to his home when they are still being followed by such low-life's?

If I remember the psychology I learned several decades ago correctly - this is the fight-or-flight response. That is, "drive back home" reaction is not a decision one takes after an exhaustive situational analysis but it is just an unconscious response to the perceived danger.


Originally Posted by na_agrawal (Post 5674884)
But why would someone drive down to his home when they are still being followed by such low-life's?

This was raised earlier as well when the incident came to light. I have been a victim of a similar road rage incident in Bangalore and I can comment on this.

Finding a police station nearby is very difficult in a city like Bangalore that has grown disproportionately (appropriate term is cancerous growth), especially in the eastern suburbs. This particular incident happened near the Panathur/Varthur area if I recall, which were all essentially villages in the recent past (heck, even now). The police station would be at least a few km away and it is very likely the person stayed in an apartment very close to that area and was predictable/known to reach there faster. They also would have assumed that these hecklers would leave them alone once they get into the gate. Staying at the road rage spot and waiting for a cop car would also not be an option because they start destroying the car (same thing happened to me as well). If you have ever tried calling cops, it takes a lot of time to first connect because some numbers don’t work and then even if you connect it takes time for the cops to get there. It is ENOUGH time for these thugs to destroy the car, windows and assault the victim. Fleeing anywhere else in Bangalore is not an option, if you are recommending that I suggest you drive in Bangalore city once :uncontrol

The victims in that incident were Malayalis and the passenger was asking the driver to go straight to the police station. As a Malayali, I can also attest to the fact that we NEVER shy away from going to a police station and reporting a crime (which is why Kerala has such high recorded crime rate).

In my case, I drove to the nearest busy junction hoping there would be some patrolling car or police there and it kinda worked out. Reaching the actual police station from there took more than 30mins and I requested the cop car to escort us because we felt unsafe. It wouldn’t have been reasonable at all for me to drive to a police station.

The best way to avoid such road rage being discussed here is to take out the camera and start shooting.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5675238)
The best way to avoid such road rage being discussed here is to take out the camera and start shooting.


Below is one instance where it didn't help. I'm sure there will be many incidents where miscreants would get more violent/angry if they realise that they are being recorded.


Originally Posted by tiagoatrix (Post 5654963)
An argument between doctor (red glanza) and lorry driver suddenly turns into a physical assault by lorry driver.


Originally Posted by MyLife_MyCar (Post 5675261)

Below is one instance where it didn't help. I'm sure there will be many incidents where miscreants would get more violent/angry if they realise that they are being recorded.

I am saying it is the best way (maybe out of hundred more ways of dealing with such situations). It is not the only way. One can follow the other options while recording!

In the instance you shared, camera was already on and it didn’t agitate the driver, it was the argument which did.

People are sharing how they were chased by miscreants, but not a single one has a video footage of such an incident. They just didn't try to record.

There would always be a probability that miscreants will become more agitated. I would rather record the incident and follow my other options; driving towards home or towards a police station or whatever. If I get involved in an accident, this footage will also help my case. Last but not the least, it will help catch the culprits and prevent them from harming others. There are so many instances where miscreants were caught because of the footage.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5675314)
People are sharing how they were chased by miscreants, but not a single one has a video footage of such an incident. They just didn't try to record.

Sorry, I don’t think recording a video makes any difference. We recorded the video with phone and we have a dashcam as well - we pointed it out and it only made them more agitated as if we are challenging them. It might work in false insurance/extortion claim attempts but in these road rage instances, it just doesn’t work.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5675314)
I would rather record the incident and follow my other options; driving towards home or towards a police station or whatever.

Yes, this makes sense - recording a video while also taking other evasive action.

Simply recording the incident while staying there will not help. They'll simply snatch the phone and destroy it, or, even worse, hurt you.


Originally Posted by Dhillon (Post 5674978)
Just came across this video of an accident that happened on Kundli-Manesar-Palwal highway. Unfortunately, 2 people lost their life.

The action should be taken against the toll plaza operators who allowed 2 wheelers on the Expressway. If I remember correctly, 2 wheelers are not allowed on EPE and KMP.

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