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Originally Posted by balenoed_ (Post 5636781)
... The tarmac also is in good condition and must have been in some good speed. And it was literally a dead end a few metres ahead.

Midnight, rains, wrong way, all this must have caused a panic and in a hurry to get back on track didn't realize the danger ahead. Another reason could be mistaking the river as a water body because the road was in a good condition and no signs of end. Poor visibility due to night and rain added to the confusion

+1 to this.

The road leading to the dead end (from GMaps):

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-screenshot_20231003_194536_maps.jpg

Someone over tested the Thars capabilities here


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 5636875)
+1 to this.

The road leading to the dead end (from GMaps):

Attachment 2511643

As with any other potentially dangerous road situations, the locals nearby that road would have been fed up requesting for proper barricades.
Finally it took 2 innocent lives to get the action taken. :unhappy

There's one arterial road right next to Lulu mall (first exit after the mall) which is in dilapidated condition for almost 2 years now! It's still the same (or worse) waiting for a casualty to happen. Sad!


Originally Posted by Altrozed (Post 5636975)
Someone over tested the Thars capabilities here

I think these guys took a wrong turn and Google maps is to blame! lol:


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5636037)
I don't know why people drive fast in congested cities like ours. Leaving a few families bereaving and spending your time behind the bars is not exciting.

Note to self: Walk on footpaths whenever and wherever possible and pay attention to road traffic. Never know when death approaches in whatever form! :sadface

Woman, two-year-old child killed as rented Nexon catches fire after ramming into truck on NICE Road.


Originally Posted by chaitanyakrish (Post 5637241)
Woman, two-year-old child killed as rented Nexon catches fire after ramming into truck on NICE Road.

Read in today's The Hindu (1st and 2nd page, Bangalore edition) that the other kid (6 years old) admitted to hospital also passed away :sadface.
The father remains hospitalized. Police have slapped few IPCs on him.

A speeding Hyundai Verna hits a biker, an Innova and flings a woman walking on the other side of the street, in Coimbatore yesterday. It's actually a miracle none of the other two wheelers were involved. The woman barely had time to react. She has been hospitalized. The driver of the car has been identified.

Viewer discretion advised.


Originally Posted by discoverwild (Post 5637528)
A speeding Hyundai Verna hits a biker, an Innova and flings a woman walking on the other side of the street

Once again, ample space for the pedestrians to walk on yet we choose to walk on the road and inevitably become targets for crazy people behind wheels :(

Are we naive enough to believe that no one will cross that white line and so we will be safe? :sadface


Originally Posted by deathwalkr (Post 5637906)
Once again, ample space for the pedestrians to walk on yet we choose to walk on the road and inevitably become targets for crazy people behind wheels :(

Are we naive enough to believe that no one will cross that white line and so we will be safe? :sadface

One of the first thoughts that came to mind. But then these footpaths aren't linear in most places and come with broken pavers, trees, high steps, electrical poles, guy wires, junction boxes and the like.

I dread walking on the roads/footpath as I have balance issues. We are in Stone Age when it comes to accessibility.


Originally Posted by discoverwild (Post 5637528)
A speeding Hyundai Verna hits a biker, an Innova and flings a woman walking on the other side of the street, in Coimbatore yesterday.

Driver appears to be either untrained or drunk or drugged or out of his senses. The street view is clear, the Innova is moving at a permissible speed and this Verna driver does a rash speed, attempts to overtake the Innova thereby crossing to the right of the road to cause the horrific accident.

A question : Do the airbags, the ABS-EBD and so on possibly give a sense of false security to such goon drivers to attempt monkey tricks on the roads?

Yes, as you say the two wheeler riders have a lucky escape.

But I feel sorry for the lady who was walking from the roadside. Luckily, she has survived as you say. There was a footpath to her right and only wish she had not walked on the bicycle lane.


Originally Posted by deathwalkr (Post 5637906)
Once again, ample space for the pedestrians to walk on yet we choose to walk on the road and inevitably become targets for crazy people behind wheels :(

When I have to walk on a footpath or a road that doesn't have a footpath, as a rule, I walk with vehicles coming in my direction so that I can see them and never ever with vehicles coming from my back side. By doing so, I have the opportunity to see if I am in harm's way and use that micro milli second to move out of harm's way. I would never walk on a footpath with vehicles coming around my back.

It's a very small cautionary action, but it helps. Ofcourse if a vehicle from other/ opposite side jumps lane and hits me, there's nothing much I can do about it


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5638210)
A question : Do the airbags, the ABS-EBD and so on possibly give a sense of false security to such goon drivers to attempt monkey tricks on the roads?

Everyone makes mistakes and to ponder over why humans make mistakes is to take a long route through a dark tunnel that has many creepy bats and sleeping dragons; we'll never get out of that tunnel! But it matters more that we don't get any safety margins in our country, due to corruption and outright apathy and that makes the biggest difference for us Indians.

The safety margin in question right here will have been a proper pedestrian footpath which is separated from the main carriageway sufficiently. The lady that got struck, if she had been on any of Jamshedpur's planned township roads for instance, simply wouldn't have gotten struck. The same if she were walking somewhere in Connecticut, let's say. There are proper footpaths over there.

I was similarly belaboring another sort of safety margin the other day on this thread when an Omni rear-ended a truck parked on the highway's shoulder near Salem; the shoulder isn't meant for parking vehicles and dozing off. If that truck hadn't been parked there, the Omni's occupants - 6 departed souls - wouldn't have had to die. The shoulder is the safety margin in that instance.

Coming back to our footpaths - we simply do not have any, or on the roads where we do have them - those get taken over by the traders. And the fact remains that towns should be planned and there should entire swathes of towns where no shops should be allowed except in designated areas (as is the case in New Delhi for instance). This is how we can properly reclaim our footpaths.

Edit: I said all of this and saw that the woman chose not to use the available and usable footpath! Damn. Don't mind me.

On pedestrians not using footpaths;

Over the years, have seen narrow undivided double lane roads converted to divided four lanes. Now;
1. One lane on each side is used permanently for parking (Even on medical college road with proper 'No Parking ' boards, this is normalcy. Even after seeing ambulances getting stuck every single day!

2. If that lane is full, folks will park parallel to the ones already parked and leave the 'emergency' blinkers ON.

3. The relatively wide portion of the lanes is where divider is open to allow UTurns. A sweet parking spot, it turns out to. Somebody tries a UTurn, both lanes are blocked.

4. Bikes take up the footpath for parking.

5. Pedestrians take up the lane marker (the one dividing first and second lane) for walking

Everyday sight, with very minimal exaggeration. Seeing this everyday, i think two main reasons. One is lack of basic education on road manners and second is lack of enforcement.


Originally Posted by ashkamath (Post 5638245)
as a rule, I walk with vehicles coming in my direction so that I can see them and never ever with vehicles coming from my back side. By doing so, I have the opportunity to see if I am in harm's way and use that micro milli second to move out of harm's way. I would never walk on a footpath with vehicles coming around my back.

Well, she was doing exactly that. The lady was walking on the side of the road facing the oncoming traffic on that lane. Like you said, there is literally nothing much one can do. Of course she chose not to walk on the footpath and paid dearly for it. Still not her fault, we don’t see whats there on the footpath beyond what’s there on the camera, maybe the footpath came to an abrupt end or there were encroachers on the footpath.

Reality is that, even if one wanted to walk on footpaths our country grossly lacks proper ones on all roads.

I hope the moron Verna driver is put behind bars until their teeth start growing in their nose.

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