Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Posting the video of a bike accident which occurred yesterday in Muvattupuzha, Kerala. A final year Bcom student was killed and her friend and the bike rider are in stable condition. The students in the college said that the rider was showing off in front of the college, and he was taking rounds at high speeds. Some of the students who were gathered infront of the gate shouted at him to slow down. His fragile ego was hurt and so he turned around and tried going even faster when the accident occured. The police have also released a statement saying the rider ,22 yr old Anson Roy is a habitual offender and is accused in multiple criminal cases including drugs smuggling and attempted murder.


Originally Posted by rahul1407 (Post 5591940)
Reportedly this boy was caught overspeeding 25 times since last month, jumped multiple lights, drove recklessly, and was involved in damaging a private property wall earlier this month. Until the revelations unfolded, I was under the impression that the boy was just unfortunate, sadly that's not the case anymore.

Enraging. He's a builder's son, who is close to the ruling party top brass. Maybe that's why. Also, he's tampered the HSRP number plate to avoid echallan. Living in Ahmedabad, I can safely say that no single cop has any motivation to chase law breakers. They either claim lack of authority, lack of manpower, or lack of time whenever I have pointed out rule breaking. There is nothing more I hate about this city than the non existent law enforcement.

Whats even worse is that, post tiktok ban, all the antisocial elements and semi educated class has migrated to Instagram - and nearly all of them support this horrific person. 'the pedestrians deserved it', 'he's done nothing wrong' are very commonly seen comments on local newspapers Instagram posts regarding this.

All of this makes me lose any hope in the future of our country.


Originally Posted by AutoNoob (Post 5593109)
Though the students didn't take the zebra crossing, in this scenario it would have hardly mattered. The auto stopped right on the zebra crossing. The girls looked right and couldn't spot the biker because of auto. Biker, driving at much higher speed for the road conditions, took last second swirl around the auto without reducing speed. He had enough time to slow down seeing the stopped auto.

So, in my opinion, 99.9% fault lies with the biker.

It is being reported that the biker had been riding dangerously on that road before the accident and he was stopped and warned by students. This probably hurt his ego and he was repeating his antics when the accident occurred. So I guess he had no intention to slow down for the auto or anything else.


It is also reported that after the accident, he was unrepentant and made some comments at the hospital that enraged the students even further.


"He acted provocatively and did not show any signs of regret even after the accident. He said that bikes are prone to accidents and that it's nothing out of the ordinary," a student from Nirmala College told Onmanorama.

The Jag Incident - Just been following it up and yesterday there was a 5 minute News clip on WION about how he was a repeat offender and had over 26 challans etc. How does such a thing happen and he still is given the right to be behind a 1cr car that can go insane speeds within seconds giving a thrill to the young blooded driver who already has a knack to overspeed.

It is a classic case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time for too many people in this case. Everyone seems to be at the wrong here - simply everyone.

The trophy of course goes to the Dumper / truck standing stationery where the Thar rammed and that caused a domino effect of disasters.

If not the Thar at this speed I reckon even the Jag would have rammed into the truck / dumper which I probably presume did not even have tail lamps which is sadly the case in a majority of these heavy vehicles.

Whatever argument one puts forward the harshest punishment will sadly have to be given to the culprit ( both the son and father unfortunately ).

I have a young son who begs me to let him learn in an empty field and we have a bunch of cars standing available. This incident and news has made me only affirm my decision of not letting him behind the wheel till the legal age and after that also no way is he going to have access to the faster / fancier cars which could be available and our love generally gives them allowance to go for the better / pricier car. With age and maturity should only one have access to these engines.

If one has money certainly a driver can be spared and alas they had one and this would not have been a topic of discussion and wake up call for everyone who has read about this or witnessed this or sadly been a part of this.

Another accident involving a biker driving on the wrong side, in Pune. (graphic video)

Tweet here:
News article here:

When will people learn?


Originally Posted by windrider (Post 5593316)
Posting the video of a bike accident which occurred yesterday in Muvattupuzha, Kerala.

Seems like the auto has hid the pedestriants from the biker's view. Rider is too fast for the road.
Once he crossed the auto, he realized the pedestriants; but he was too fast to control. His attempt to steer left was in vain because of his speed.

^^ I could see two pedestrians crossing, but could see only one thrown down. Couldn't spot the other one until I slowed down the video and saw him/her carried along in front of the bike. :Shockked:

The Muvattupuzha accident is nuts, the biker should be behind the bars, when he's fit, regardless of whether he's a criminal or not. Poor girls stood no chance. Whether or not they used the crosswalk would have made no difference in this case, clearly. The crazy biker was driving like a maniac, hit the girls within ~3 seconds of entering the frame. RIP the girl who passed away :(

Should be charged with at least manslaughter for sure.


Originally Posted by darkfantasy (Post 5592014)
From what I can understand from driving from Chennai to Tirunelveli in the 4 laned national highway - there are no overtaking lanes as such - at least in this stretch of highway. There is a slow lane and a fast lane in both directions. I have seen at multiple places that it is mentioned clearly that faster vehicles are to take the right lane and slower vehicles and heavy vehicles are to take the left lane. I will try to take a photo next time I drive, but I think this overtaking lane doesn't exist at least in TN.

In 4 lane highways, (2 lane one-way), the right Fast Lane IS the Overtaking lane. If one finds the left lane obstructed or unusable for longer durations due to interruptions and still see a vehicle trying to overtake you who's faster, waiting for an apt moment and switching to the left lane is the apt process. If the left lane is safe and free, keep the left lane if the speeds of other vehicles allow you.

Easier said than done as in this highway and so many other 4 lane ones, everyone sticks to the right and expects us to overtake through the left. Unfortunately, it's inevitable at some point and have to be extremely cautious while doing it.


Originally Posted by dass (Post 5593202)
Both of them are equally responsible for this.

The biker taking the U-turn is 75% responsible to trigger the sequence of events. Remaining 25% goes to the car driver for driving at a higher speed then necessary on this road. Seems the ground is wet after rains as we can see reflections of the girls walking. The girls were most likely walking on the road side parking area since it is shaded with red stripes. The footpath is blocked by parked motorcycle causing the girls to walk on the road. They are unfortunate to be hit.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5548137)
Me too!

I'm not going back to the video to further check, but I think that what might have happened is that the relatively minor (for the car) collision, and/or the driver's reaction, brought the car side on to the direction of travel and inertia took over. Give it a helping hand, and physics can flip our cars horribly easily!

Old post but its simple physics on this one, if you notice the cart is running on steel rimed tyers. Car hits it ~40-60 kmph will get launched like on a ramp. An amped up example is here


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 5593433)
Another accident involving a biker driving on the wrong side, in Pune. (graphic video)

Tweet here:
News article here:

When will people learn?

This is a huge menace in and around Pune. You see so many such bikes and even trucks all the way from Pune to Kolhapur until you cross into the Karnataka. Now with road widening happening at a lot of places around the highway, there is no shoulder to turn into to escape from an oncoming vehicle on their side of the road. And invariably most of the people have to overtake from the left lane. So one has to be very very careful while doing this.

Just a couple of days back, I was crossing the road on foot in Pune city (near Aundh). I crossed half the road and the side of the road I crossed had all stationery vehicles because of the traffic jam ahead. I started to cross the other lane beyond the plastic cone lane separators, which was empty. I was looking towards the online traffic on my left side and suddenly I hear a loud honk from my right. Some morons in cars have crossed over the lane separators and were coming from the opposite side at some speed. I had never seen people doing that here. Next time, I need to be mindful of such idiots.

I saw nasty incident at 19:05 this evening, at around 100 metres before the entrance of the Officers Training Academy in Meenambakkam, Chennai.

There was a red/maroon-hued hatchback up in flames on the side of the road, and burning quite intensely, so much that some of the nearby plants were burning too. Not sure what make it was, other than the size was that of a hatchback. I quickly looked around but did not spy any other stationary vehicles, so I'm not sure it was caused by a collision.

The traffic police were frantically trying to cordon off two lanes and moving everybody to the fast lane on the right. There was a small whoosh while I was crossing it. It caused all the policemen to take a few more steps away. And none of them had fire extinguishers, let alone protective gear.

Judging by how little traffic congestion was by the time I crossed it, and the fact that the fire engines stationed in the Airport's proximity had not made it there yet, I'd assume the incident would have happened less than 10-15 mins before I crossed the site.

I did not find any mention of this in the local news channels or on the internet though.

Being a good citizen, I kept moving and did not block the traffic just to take photographs.


Originally Posted by Small Bot (Post 5594567)
I saw nasty incident at 19:05 this evening, at around 100 metres before the entrance of the Officers Training Academy in Meenambakkam, Chennai. -> News article

Seems like it did make the news after all.

They say it's an EV. Any idea which EV it looks like?


Originally Posted by Small Bot (Post 5594733)
They say it's an EV.

I wondered if it could have been EV when you mentioned the intensity of the fire.

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