Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by electric_eel (Post 5579885)
Worth reading all these short question answer session. These are much better at getting the point across than deep and technically correct ruminations on the physics of driving (not that I don't like the latter). Do you have them recorded somewhere (written I mean) ?

Sorry, no. Although I was a know-it-all youngster, I guess I did realise that, where driving was concerned, I didn't. In this, at least, I listened to my Dad. And to my mum, too, who was a keen driver too.

Subsequently, I had a couple of other much-respected driving gurus. I didn't take notes. I guess there were not that many of these small gems, but still, gems they are :)


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5580301)
Sorry, no. Although I was a know-it-all youngster, I guess I did realise that, where driving was concerned, I didn't. In this, at least, I listened to my Dad. And to my mum, too, who was a keen driver too.

Subsequently, I had a couple of other much-respected driving gurus. I didn't take notes. I guess there were not that many of these small gems, but still, gems they are

Well, if that's not an idea for a book/blog then I don't know what is :) Who knows, those little words of wisdom you have learned from your parents and gurus might make into school syllabus.

We would be all the more wiser as well.

Still remember all the whacks on my head while my father was teaching me how to drive back in the day :D

"I had right of way" whack! "Tell yourself that when you are in the ditch after the accident"

HONK! Whack! "He braked suddenly" " Because there was a ditch on the road, maintain distance and expect the unexpected"

etc etc


Originally Posted by SR-71 (Post 5568434)
Ignore the dates in the video. This happened today 15kms before Dharmapuri. A crazy Tata Tiago driver tried to cut into a non existing space (@21s)

Witnessed a similar incident exactly one year ago which I have detailed in a Facebook group. Sharing the screenshots below. This is a common sight on Toll Plaza around Delhi-NCR. Restless or poorly educated people creating chaos and actually increasing transit time instead of reducing it. I have driven on all kinds of roads in PB-HP-UP (west)-UK-CH-HR-RJ by the way. When around NCR, you have to ensure that you start moving the car while the car ahead is “planning” to move, otherwise someone from both the adjacent lanes will create a blockage by inserting their cars’ nose just ahead of you.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_5007.jpeg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_5009.jpeg


Originally Posted by PaddleShifter (Post 5581188)
When around NCR, you have to ensure that you start moving the car while the car ahead is “planning” to move, otherwise someone from both the adjacent lanes will create a blockage by inserting their cars’ nose just ahead of you.

Why isn't India a first-world country yet? Because it's full of people like this. And honestly, education or poverty has little to do with it.

These people have two brain cells in their head, both fighting for third place. They're too thick to realize that if everyone followed the rules and behaved considerately, life improves for everyone. Instead, they think they're so clever for cutting a queue. And then will come out chest thumping and look for a fight if their move goes wrong.

Absolute scumbags and they're everywhere.

A Hyundai Creta went out of control on a rain soaked flyover on the Ludhiana-Ferozepur road. It leaped over the road divider and landed on two SUV's. Three people were seriously injured. While speeding, the Creta overtook a bus from the left side rashly before going out of control. Luckily, the bus was not speeding and was a few metres behind after being overtaken. Else, the bus would have hit the Creta on its right side. The Creta swerved out of control to the right, after skidding.


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5581648)
A Hyundai Creta went out of control on a rain soaked flyover on the Ludhiana-Ferozepur road. It leaped over the road divider and landed on two SUV's. Three people were seriously injured. While speeding, the Creta overtook a bus from the left side rashly before going out of control. Luckily, the bus was not speeding and was a few metres behind after being overtaken. Else, the bus would have hit the Creta on its right side. The Creta swerved out of control to the right, after skidding.

I saw this an hour back on Redditt. Seemed to me Creta after overtaking applied some brake to merge in bus lane but lost all traction and then it was out of control. Both cars on opposite side were so unlucky as they were driving normal speed due to rain.

I see so many people speeding when it's raining or road is wet. Just today morning it was raining heavily and on Mathura highway a bike doing atleast 100+ overtook me from right side while driving in a zig zag manner. It looked like a Superbike. I was left wondering what goes in the brain of such people. Here I am in a car driving at 50-60 cautiously in a straight line maintaining distance from vehicles in front with a keen eye on any waterlogging on road which can cause Aquaplaning ( which I suspect is what happened with Creta), and this biker is riding as if he is invincible. Beats me.

6 of a family died as their MUV collided head on with a lorry near Kalahasti, Andhra Pradesh.


From the image of accident site, it appears that the lorry didn't have front under-run protection. So the front crumple zone of the car is bypassed and the point of impact is A pillar directly resulting in gruesome deaths.

Commercial vehicles undergo annual fitness in RTOs. Why is under-run protection not enforced strictly by RTOs? If all lorries in India install under-run bars, at a cost of few thousand rupees per lorry, we can save lakhs of lives every year.

Image sources:


Originally Posted by Arwin07 (Post 5581777) appears that the lorry didn't have front under-run protection. ...If all lorries in India install under-run bars, at a cost of few thousand rupees per lorry, we can save lakhs of lives every year.

Haven't come across any truck with a front under-run bar on our roads.
Though side and rear under-run bars are common on trucks, most of them look very flimsy and will hardly serve as a rigid barrier to prevent a car from breaking them and ending up crushed under the truck chassis.

High time they standardize the build of the under-run bars and strictly implement them on all HTVs.

Oh my. Wrong way on the main carriageway of Delhi Meerut expressway.


Originally Posted by harry10 (Post 5581660)
I saw this an hour back on Redditt. Seemed to me Creta after overtaking applied some brake to merge in bus lane but lost all traction and then it was out of control. Both cars on opposite side were so unlucky as they were driving normal speed due to rain. I see so many people speeding when it's raining or road is wet. Just today morning it was raining heavily and on Mathura highway a bike doing atleast 100+ overtook me from right side while driving in a zig zag manner.

While driving vehicles like cars (covered vehicles i.e) on smooth and mostly straight roads like highways there is an additional danger that rains bring in. With no feed back from undulation in the road, the reduced visibility due to rains actually reduces our perception of speed (i.e we might feel that we are going at 60 when actually we are doing 80). A similar situation also happens as it gets darker (dusk). Unless one is careful and confirms regularly with the instrument cluster, one might inadvertently go faster where as the situation actually demands going slower.

However a bike rider should know when he is doing crazy speeds. But then this nutcase probably does not care.


Originally Posted by dust-n-bones (Post 5582875)
Oh my. Wrong way on the main carriageway of Delhi Meerut expressway.

Horrible, this is nothing short of murder, hope the culprit gets maximum punishment.


Originally Posted by SR-71 (Post 5568434)
A crazy Tata Tiago driver tried to cut into a non existing space (@21s), endangering a state transport bus and a swift behind it. God knows what the moron was thinking... a well built stocky man got out and started yelling at the bus driver... a clown accuse everyone except himself for his crazy antics.


Originally Posted by PaddleShifter (Post 5581188)
Witnessed a similar incident exactly one year ago... When around NCR, you have to ensure that you start moving the car while the car ahead is “planning” to move, otherwise someone from both the adjacent lanes will create a blockage by inserting their cars’ nose just ahead of you.

Few years back, I too had witnessed similar incident in a town near Mathura (UP) on NH19 (Delhi-Agra highway).

Prologue: My brother was driving and I was giving him some added tips about safe driving. One of the tips was about limited field of view for drivers of heavy vehicles and how sufficient separation must be maintained with such vehicles. Around that time a WagonR overtook us from left in rash manner. Occupants were four young lads (most likely below 25y age). Few kms down the road there was traffic jam. A 10 wheeler truck was also in the jam crawling ahead slowly and carefully. The WagonR was adjacent to the truck on left. Once the traffic moved ahead, a small space opened up infront of truck. As expected, the WagonR tried to barrel into this gap. In the meantime, truck also crawled ahead.

Result: Steel bumper of truck kissed the B-pillar of WagonR. By the time the car driver honked and other road users alerted the truck driver, B-pillar was bent by almost 6 inches. Both driver and rear right passenger glass shattered. It all happened in about couple of seconds.

Aftermath: The guys jumped out of car, screaming and hurling abuses at the truck driver. Tried to climb on the truck and pull the driver out. The traffic cop who was managing the jam came immediately and tried to ascertain the situation (he had not witnessed the incident). The guys were still very animated and blamed the truck driver. We had witness the whole scenario first hand so I got down and explained whole situation to the cop. Also, gave some sense to the guys that they were lucky to have attempted this stunt at crawling speeds, at higher speeds we would have been dragging out their bodies from wreckage. The cop also gave them earful and asked them to park the vehicle on side. Then he told the truck driver to proceed with his journey. Thereafter we also continued on our way.

I hope the guys learnt their lesson.


Originally Posted by dust-n-bones (Post 5582875)
Oh my. Wrong way on the main carriageway of Delhi Meerut expressway.

That too a school bus and few kids have perished, that's so heart wrenching.

May God give enough strength to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss. :unhappy

Wish the system/road authorities/Traffic cops/School authorities/Transportation department are held responsible for this CRIME.


Originally Posted by NomadSK (Post 5582904)
That too a school bus and few kids have perished, that's so heart wrenching.

The number of school buses that I see driving on wrong side (including parents taking their kids in private vehicles) with blatant disregard for traffic rules is just unbelievable. All of this, leaves a lasting impression on the budding minds of kids and teaching them that it is okay to flout rules.


Originally Posted by AutoNoob (Post 5582898)
Few years back, I too had witnessed similar incident in a town near Mathura (UP) on NH19 (Delhi-Agra highway).

I hope the guys learnt their lesson.

Knowing the Indian attitude towards safety I am sorry to say that your hopes are most likely misplaced.:crying

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