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I'm just realising it here the hassles of claiming 3rd party insurance. It's so ironical, and disappointing, given that 3rd party insurance is mandatory in India, while own damage is not! :Shockked:


Originally Posted by MyLife_MyCar (Post 5568240)
I'm just realising it here the hassles of claiming 3rd party insurance. It's so ironical, and disappointing, given that 3rd party insurance is mandatory in India, while own damage is not!

Except for the paperwork (which could be simplified for small claims), this situation is exactly how it ought to be?


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5568061)
In actual fact, insurers reached the next stage. Companies noticed that their total claims against each other more or less cancelled out, but they wasted a lot of time and money making the individual claims and handling the settlement. So they said, might as well just pay it out our selves.

Yeah, I think even in the US some states practice this and it's called 'no fault' there. Regardless of who is at fault, your insurer pay and they may recover from the other insurer or choose not to. India unofficially works this way too, you just claim for damages with your insurance but difference is that you do not share the other person's insurer with your insurer, so there is no recovery option per se.

I have seen some good reforms in the insurance sector in the past decade here. I think the exchange of insurance practice with catch up here.

It's also astonishing IRDAI is not running TV/Radio/Online ads on the practice of handling insurance in case of an automobile accident. More public awareness, it's more easier. I very much suspect that the insurance companies like the status quo and will not change unless the government pushes them.

Ignore the dates in the video. This happened today 15kms before Dharmapuri. A crazy Tata Tiago driver tried to cut into a non existing space (@21s), endangering a state transport bus and a swift behind it. God knows what the moron was thinking. I briefly stopped to see if he needed any help, but the seemingly sole occupant of the car, a well built stocky man got out and started yelling at the bus driver. We moved on as there was nothing to do there other than witness a clown accuse everyone except himself for his crazy antics.

Road Accident:

TSRTC MD VC Sajjanar shared a video of road accident at Mulugu district.

NOTE: Accident involving kids, so not for the faint-hearted.


Originally Posted by SR-71 (Post 5568434)
A crazy Tata Tiago driver tried to cut into a non existing space

One of those people who thinks that turning on the indicator gives them the superpower to move back the vehicle they are overtaking, rearrange other vehicles in the vicinity and materialize enough space for them to occupy and move ahead. lol:


Originally Posted by SR-71 (Post 5568434)
A crazy Tata Tiago driver tried to cut into a non existing space (@21s), endangering a state transport bus and a swift behind it.

Weaving in and out of the traffic and He narrowly escaped a pit lane maneuver, lucky chap, would have caused more troubles for the swift & bus because of his antics.


Originally Posted by Gennex (Post 5568435)
Road Accident:

TSRTC MD VC Sajjanar shared a video of road accident at Mulugu district.

What was that??:Shockked:
Seems like the biker is on suicide mission, going on as if he didn’t even see the bus. There was no attempt to slow down until the very last moment.

Not clear in the video, but seems there are also 2 kids on the bike, and no one is wearing a helmet (of course, what am I expecting!!). Such a huge cost to pay for negligence of one person. Anyone survived?


Originally Posted by SR-71 (Post 5568434)
Ignore the dates in the video. This happened today 15kms before Dharmapuri. A crazy Tata Tiago driver tried to cut into a non existing space (@21s), endangering a state transport bus and a swift behind it. God knows what the moron was thinking. I briefly stopped to see if he needed any help, but the seemingly sole occupant of the car, a well built stocky man got out and started yelling at the bus driver. We moved on as there was nothing to do there other than witness a clown accuse everyone except himself for his crazy antics.

Is this guy dumb or drunk (or both)! Starts with a horrible manoeuver, and instead of realizing and aborting, just shoves himself ahead of the bus! Thank goodness for the presence of mind of the Bus driver to brake on time, could have been disastrous. Plus a truck ahead of him to top all that. Good lord.

The sheer gall of this idiot!


Originally Posted by MyLife_MyCar (Post 5568460)
Anyone survived?

The tweet says, 'Kids have died, and Parents are severely injured.'

Really would like to avoid posting but here goes nothing.

A lady on a TVS Scooty decides to get her death wish granted. Fortunately for me, I was dead-ready. If the 3.5T Bada Dost had not stopped, she would have been toothpaste material.

Apologies for the NSFW (Not safe for work).


Originally Posted by avk (Post 5568442)
One of those people who thinks that turning on the indicator gives them the superpower to move back the vehicle they are overtaking, rearrange other vehicles in the vicinity and materialize enough space for them to occupy and move ahead. lol:

Not a joke, people actually believe that way. Recently confronted an educated gentleman in city limits who have done similar manoeuvre in front of me. His answer was “I have switched on my turn indicator”.

Here too just before the incident, the gentleman used indicator for switching lanes.

We are driving around such traffic illiterates :Frustrati


Originally Posted by Patriot_Vishwas (Post 5568785)
A lady on a TVS Scooty decides to get her death wish granted.
Fortunately for me I was dead ready.
If the 3.5T Bada Dost had not stopped, she would have been tooth paste material.

OT: I'm curious - the footage seemed to be from a relatively high-slung vehicle and you've mentioned a 3.5 tonne 'Bada Dost'; I did some Googling and found that this is a current offering from Ashok Leyland. If I may ask - are you driving the vehicle to support your business' operations?

I've only ever gotten to drive rented goods hauling vehicles in the US. It has to be infinitely more challenging to drive them here in India...


Originally Posted by Patriot_Vishwas (Post 5568785)
Really would like to avoid posting but here goes nothing.
A lady on a TVS Scooty decides to get her death wish granted.

On a lighter note, looks like she just wanted a nudge to get her back on the lane for she wanted to go! :coldsweat

Seriously though, it's getting to be near on a pandemic where people are taking turns in front of vehicles going straight/also turning. Boggles the mind as to what goes on in their head.

I guess most believe that traffic around will stop for them. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by sharkashwa (Post 5568012)
I honestly don't think there was any turn that the auto driver was preparing for. I have seen the CCTV footage a number of times and it is pretty convincing to me that he just wanted to swerve around the speed breaker and not lose any momentum braking for it as I have seen many 3-wheelers do.

Maybe you are right. Though it looked that way, I went with what OP mentioned. Maybe there was more information in the audio as I do not understand Malayalam.

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