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Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at

Driving is a co ordination with others on the road. When you see someone spiraling down the road, in a split second you need to judge if he can slow down for you or stop comfortably!.

Not slam the brakes or a panic maneuver to let you complete the U- turn.

The Duster may have been speeding or not. But you completely caught him by surprise :Shockked:


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?

What about the speed? Typical flawed logic. Straight Traffic has the right of way. U turn should be taken without obstructing traffic. All I see is a reckless U turn endangering many lives. Please take a step back and learn driving rules.

:Shockked: This is appalling! You are solely responsible for this accident, Sir.


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5547635)
You are on the wrong side of the road for most of the video's duration, aren't you? Despite the solid white dividing line? Even when there is oncoming traffic?


Originally Posted by McLaren Rulez (Post 5547667)
Hilarious how he calls the biker dumb and idiotic while breaking pretty much every rule himself. And then proudly posts it on YouTube expecting sympathy! :Frustrati

His location shows KL and I'm not very sure about where the incident took place. And I do not condone him going across solid lines. However I reside in Thrissur on a state highway, this is a 35KM road. The initial 5 KMS there is a divider with 2 lanes on either side. This divider ends abruptly and the road becomes a reasonably wide(by KL standards) singlr lane road. It has double solid lanes for the entire length, without any gaps anywhere for overtaking or for turns. I'm wondering how slow moving vehicles are to be overtaken in these situations.


Originally Posted by Captain Claw (Post 5549927)
... Then too people come by bending the barricade and crossing the road illegally. Unfortunately, one such person came running to cross the street and we collided even after repeated honking and headlights. ...

Correct me if I am wrong, I still do think that it was the persons fault which led to my parents never allowing me to have a motorcycle again in my life.

Welcome to Team-BHP!

I really am not being dogmatic about this, as I have not properly understood your description, but I have these thoughts...

If we, under power, hit a pedestrian, then, so long as they have not jumped in front of us much too close for stopping, it is pretty-much our fault. We cannot say, "They should not have been there."

If you had time for honking and flashing, you had time to slow down or stop. Please, how ever many wheels you are riding/driving, take note that telling people to get out of the way does not mean they will. It is best to act as if they will not. Scream, honk, flash! But be ready to stop.

I have posted this anecdote of my father's driving lessons many times, let me repeat it now...

Testing me for Highway Code knowledge, and also teaching me for driving safely after passing the British driving test, he asked, "When does a pedestrian have right of way?"

One by one, I trotted out all the instances I could think of from the British Highway code. None of my answers were wrong, but nor did they satisfy him. I gave up. Here's the lesson in short form...
Dad, "When does a pedestrian have right of way?"
Me, "Duh, this... Duh, that... Duh, then..."
Dad, "Not good enough."
Me, "Duh, ok... when?"
Dad, "ALWAYS! We are not allowed to run over them!"
This is not [just] about law. It is about the practicality and responsibility of driving.


Originally Posted by ike (Post 5550100)
... It has double solid lanes for the entire length, without any gaps anywhere for overtaking or for turns. I'm wondering how slow moving vehicles are to be overtaken in these situations.

Perhaps they are not.


Originally Posted by ike (Post 5550100)
This divider ends abruptly and the road becomes a reasonably wide(by KL standards) singlr lane road. It has double solid lanes for the entire length, without any gaps anywhere for overtaking or for turns. I'm wondering how slow moving vehicles are to be overtaken in these situations.

In principle, you should follow the slow moving vehicle all the way if you follow the letter of the law. Until the solid line stops. However, KL has terrible road design in lots of places and in practice, I would understand people breaking this rule.

However, when there's no vehicle to be overtaken and/or oncoming traffic, then one has no reason to drive on the wrong side of the road. The solid line doesn't even matter!


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?

This is the holy grail of Indian driving.

Good job. :thumbs up


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?

Please don't ever take a U turn in a hurry again, ever ever in your entire life.... you are putting life of your family plus others in danger for no fault of theirs.


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?

You are certainly not at fault.

But whoever taught you driving and assessed you for issuing license are certainly at fault.

Please don't drive like this at least in future. There is a concept called 'right of way' when it comes to driving, I'd recommend you to Google it and learn that. Could come helpful.

In case this accident had led to a police case/motor accident claim, please take this video down, don't volunteer incriminating evidence through the internet.


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?

Driving is all about judgments and there are close calls and I'm generally sympathetic to errors in judgments. But you were driving super rashly, why on earth would you take such a U turn? There was barely any traffic, you could have let the duster pass! He was not driving at crazy speeds, you surprised him. Please take care not to repeat this, at least understand that the fault is 100% with you! Could've been so much worse with you hitting the rider.


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?

My dear friend, Thank your stars and that man/woman at Duster's wheels for the reflexes. U-turn doesn't imply you just turn. You may well have ended up turning turtle had the Duster T-boned you. Only your star then could save you, not the car maker's 5 stars.

We all have made mistakes while at the wheels and on the road. But this was inviting trouble to say the least. Hope that poor li'l boy escaped unscathed. You abruptly ended the footage at the point of hitting the boy. Good that you now took the video down.

Please drive safe - not just for you and family but for other road users too.


Originally Posted by setuniket (Post 5550188)
In case this accident had led to a police case/motor accident claim, please take this video down, don't volunteer incriminating evidence through the internet.

I am late to this thread, couldn't see the video as it's been taken down. But if the response of members are anything to go by, this was a case of someone expecting support in blaming an innocent, still unaware of his own fault that is 100% responsible for the accident.


Originally Posted by kuriancm (Post 5549851)
Please see the my dash cam video of an accident : my u turn was in a hurry, but what about the speed at which Duster was coming?

Mr. Kurian, let me say few things bluntly.

1. From the last couple of seconds in the video, the boy clearly slipped between the bike and your car. It is likely that his head or neck was hit by your car.
2. Even worse, he may have been run over by the front left wheel of your car.
3. In any case, chances of his survival are slim.
4. The person accompanying the kid likely suffered serious injury.
5. Driver of the duster and passengers, if any, may have been injured.
6. Your carelessness just jeopardized at least two lives. You still had the stomach to put up the video on the internet and call for sympathy. Worst, you clipped the video just before the car hit the bystanders.
As pointed out by others, there is enough incriminating evidence against you. The video would have been removed sooner or later. Hence I saved a screen recording of the same.
Now, as a BHPian, please come out clean. Show what happened to the bystanders and how you helped them. Playing with others' lives is not acceptable.

Posting once in few years from being a member since 2005, I don't think we can expect a response anytime soon from Kuriancm.
But I would like to know why he posted that video here in the first place all of a sudden and remembered he is a member on TeamBHP.
To sit back and enjoy the reactions maybe. But that video is a good piece of evidence if the Cyberabad cops see it.

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