Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by RRM (Post 5481169)
The dashcam definitely helped you.

The moment you stopped and tried to help it became your fault. Usually vehicles will try to run away to avoid a tussle. The gentleman is amongst those who will be there just for fun and make statements on the fly but will not extend any help. Ask couple of more questions, he may look for an exit routelol:

Did the 2w rider ackl that it was not your fault?

Did not stay long enough for it. Showed the video. asked them to come with me to the station if they still had a problem and they shut up.

Post-issue discussion with a friend, he said that this looks like a set-up because the other guy who came running almost seemed to be too prepared and that the scooter kept varying his speeds to instigate. Cant discount it. Better to be prepared.


Originally Posted by harshaguduru (Post 5480116)
Fortunately was able to show them the footage and leave it unscathed.

Accident at 0:44 seconds

One more precaution you can take is to remain at point where you braked on first instance and not to overtake the accident point. Off course it's not a general rule and to be seen in case to case basis. Idea is to show "I am not running away"


Originally Posted by Max5414 (Post 5481086)
I was on my way to meet my parents on Sunday morning and had stopped by a sweet shop to get some sweets. My wife was in the car when I parked it on the side and went to the store.

I'm glad nobody was injured in this. Clearly terrible judgement by the Tata Ace as he couldn't ascertain whether your car was moving or stationary (distracted driver probably ?), and also there was enough room to the left of him where he could've been driving on. On the other hand, I don't mean to be rude but this is just not a place to park a vehicle. Your parked car is clearly occupying about 30% of the lane where vehicles are expected to be moving. The shoulder is for a reason and for exactly this reason, to stop on the side safely and not block the flow of traffic. Hope you keep this in mind from now on. :)
Also what about the aftermath ? Did you confront the Ace driver ?


Originally Posted by harshaguduru (Post 5480116)
One not-so-gentleman even said he saw me hit the scooter with his own eyes:Frustrati

Such people truly are a cancer in Indian society. Completely useless fellow who wastes time and creates trouble. Every accident will have at least one such fellow who just won't mind their own business. You showed immense maturity in dealing with this idiot.

I've seen a similar incident between a bike and a car where a random Mr. Dada appointed himself judge of a roadside kangaroo court and blamed the car. Fortunately, the car driver was smart - he said let's go to the police station or let's go home. No "settling things" on the spot. At that point, everyone in the crowd, Mr. Dada, and the rider became very aware of the time and places they had to be and left.

Yesterday night, a deadly accident occurred close to Sulur Air Force Base on the Coimbatore-Trichy Highway. The Ciaz, which was being driven very quickly by a doctor, collided with a traffic sign (True facts are not known), seriously damaging the car . One person in the car passed away immediately, while the rest are currently in the ICU.

This demonstrates once more how risky driving at high speeds is. We prefer to speed up and one of the reasons for this is because the city's traffic congestion makes us impatient, which makes us want to speed up when we see open roads.

Found a toppled Scorpio early in the morning on Marine Drive in Patna, I see a new accident here every week as this is a newly built road and people are racing here all the time.


Originally Posted by harshaguduru (Post 5480116)
Having a dash cam has become a necessity. This incident happened to me around midnight 2 days ago. Onlookers immediately tried to blame me for hitting the scooter. One not-so-gentleman even said he saw me hit the scooter with his own eyes:Frustrati
Fortunately was able to show them the footage and leave it unscathed.

Accident at 0:44 seconds

In DNCR, I wouldn't dare stop in fear of getting robbed. Recently a colleague got robbed in day light in Delhi!!

Someone knocked on window saying you have flat tyre. He stopped 5 mins later to check. As he stepped out, 3 people (including 1 who knocked) kidnapped him at gun point and took him away in his own car. Made him arrange 50k cash and give away all that he had on him. Took personal details like son's school, home address, etc. to make him avoid going to police.


Originally Posted by Max5414 (Post 5481086)
So, on January 8, 2023, this incident occurred to me.

Glad that your wife came away unhurt. And your Altroz seem to be fixable with some good body shop work.

Also saying this in a nice way possible, you contributed to this accident by parking the way you did. Parking fully or partially in a traveling lane is common in our country and some times there is no other option but we need to be aware of the risks and hindrance to the traffic one causes in doing so.

Just practice finding a safe parking spot 50 or 100m from the shop in the shoulder and walk to the shop. This will help everyone.


Originally Posted by manpreetsj (Post 5481643)
In DNCR, I wouldn't dare stop in fear of getting robbed.

I would want to do that too but my first instinct was to see if there was any life-threatening injury. It's sad that the behaviour of such people will ensure that genuinely deserving people will be abandoned for personal safety.


Would it be possible to have a thread dedicated to dashcam-recorded incidents for the purpose of identifying driving mistakes and getting advice from members so that we don't repeat mistakes. I think there are enough dashcams among members to have valuable learning lessons about:
i) Defensive Driving
ii) 1st response
iii) Safety guidelines
iv) Road rules and guidelines


Originally Posted by RGK (Post 5481508)
The Ciaz, which was being driven very quickly by a doctor, collided with a traffic sign (True facts are not known), seriously damaging the car

Why is the traffic sign lodged in another car, the swift ? so it was a two car collision, wasn't it ? Noteworthy is that the A pillar of Ciaz has suffered a bend/kink, it wasn't able to withstand the compressive load from front.


Originally Posted by Ranabegins (Post 5481537)
Found a toppled Scorpio early in the morning on Marine Drive in Patna, I see a new accident here every week as this is a newly built road and people are racing here all the time.

why does Patna have a "marine" drive ? :)


Originally Posted by Max5414 (Post 5481086)
My wife was in the car when I parked it on the side and went to the store.

You do realise that your car is blocking the passing lane at what seems to be an intersection of some sort right? The Ace driver might be idiotic himself but I'm sorry that kind of parking is inexcusable I wonder why people feel the need to stop exactly where they want to buy something from. In the same video you shared it looks like there is ample room off the road to the left where other goods carrying autos are parked. Simply find the right spot and walk to wherever you need to go. You will benefit from the exercise and others will greatly appreciate not having the passing lane blocked that too before an intersection :Frustrati


Originally Posted by venkyhere (Post 5482111)
why does Patna have a "marine" drive ? :)

We don't have the sea here so people decided to name the Road that runs next to river Ganga as Marine Drive. Its official name was supposed to be Ganga Path but everyone including google shows it as marine drive. :cool:


Originally Posted by RGK (Post 5481508)
We prefer to speed up and one of the reasons for this is because the city's traffic congestion makes us impatient, which makes us want to speed up when we see open roads.

Not true. We tend to speed up because we don’t have self control.
If what you said were true people living in villages would never speed since there’s no congestion

Road safety awareness is still a taboo thing in major part of our country which costs loss for the lifetime to many people.

Condolence to the family of the deceased.

Mumbai: Eight-year-old peering out of sunroof loses life as manja cuts throat


Originally Posted by tbppjpr (Post 5483717)
Road safety awareness is still a taboo thing in major part of our country which costs loss for the lifetime to many people.

And they are blaming everything from Medical Facilities, Availability of Doctors, Ambulance for death instead of blaming themselves.

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