Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Arwin07 (Post 5458828)

.. when he got caught in a rope hanging from a lorry carrying fertilizer. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time...

The only learning I got from this accident was that one should not be greedy!

This smart guy (I wanted to write something else) tried to catch the falling sack. See the video in slow motion. I created a collage of the same.

He outstretched his hand in the first image.
Bends over in the second.
Continues to bend over in the third.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5457298)
Another overtaking gone wrong

This is evolution catching up, certain genes will be off the gene pool over a period of time due them not being fit for survival.

I really do not have much sympathy for the driver but his passengers might have had to pay the price for his unevolved brain.

Warning: content might be graphic.


Originally Posted by navaneeth (Post 5459809)
Warning: content might be graphic.

The student clearly panic applied front brakes locking them which led to the skid. I believe he would have noticed the bike/scooter coming from the opposite lane and for some reason kept going assuming there will be space (or didn't notice the two wheeler) and applied brakes at the last minute.

In the video the reporter says that the crowd said the reason for skidding is due to the new road pavement but seems to be unlikely.

The memory of this one single tree will give me great consolation every time I will see any of these overloaded or dangerously maneuvering vehicles running around recklessly. I get freaking headaches seeing complete callousness towards the safety of others- and even their own, if they realize it- among these drivers. We can try to rationalize, but many times the end result is the helpless suffering of unsuspecting road users. The only predominant thought that crosses my mind seeing these is the utter helplessness of the reality as to what can anybody do... In a very archaic manner but immediate justice it delivers.

Thank you for sharing!


Originally Posted by chaitanyakrish (Post 5435890)
Over-confident that they would be able to cross it. I got these on my Youtube feed few days ago.


Originally Posted by Arwin07 (Post 5457667)
Every vehicle should carry a red reflective triangle and it should be placed 200 metres ahead after an accident or breakdown. Still they have used age old method of using tree branches to warn, which is pretty useless in night. A man is seen standing on the highway and waving others to move away from the lane- a potentially dangerous situation for him.


Originally Posted by krishnakumar (Post 5457704)
I thought the same but realized those were the plants uprooted from the median which got stuck to the grill. :coldsweat

Needless to say, standing in the middle of a fast highway that too on a curve is just asking for trouble. I'm pretty sure the car is equipped with a warning cone, but alas, if only money could be buy common sense!

We didn't stop to check or advice because (a) I felt it was risky to stop on the flyover where there is no shoulder

A stationary vehicle on a highway is always at a tremendous risk of getting rear ended, irrespective of whether it is parked on the slow lane or the fast lane. In the fast lane the risk of a rear ending gets multiplied manyfold.
So you did absolutely the right thing by not stopping as there and endangering yourselves and unsuspecting approaching vehicles is no shoulder space to move away from the highway.

In theory, installing the warning hazard triangle about 200 meters ahead is the right practice to warn other vehicles and is the norm in many countries.

However in this scenario, the Pajero folks were doing the best they could to avoid a vehicle in the fast lane potentially crashing into them.
The road was also curving rightward hindering the stagnant SUV's or any reflector triangle's visibility from a distance sufficient to be able to stop in time.

The man standing ahead on the fast lane was putting himself to great danger, but given the scenario there were in on the fast lane on curvy road, he was just frantically trying to veer away motorists in the fast lane from colliding into their SUV. It was another accident waiting to happen.

The practice of putting green branches on broken down vehicles looks archiac, unique to our Indian roads and not a standard practice elsewhere.
However if you ever find yourself in a situation where you're stranded bang on an Indian Highway, the branch method is the best life saver.

The broken branches hanging off a vehicle immediately registers on the approaching Indian driver's mind that there is a breakdown just by looking at the protruded brances (in the day time of course). The miniscule triangle on the road place well ahead may get completely/practically ignored here.

Also triangle warning reflectors are not effective during the day time when there is no light from the headlights of approaching vehicles to reflect back and warn motorists.

Haryana minister escapes miraculously

Driver looses control and Yaris hits a tree. All occupants safe.


Originally Posted by navaneeth (Post 5459809)
Warning: content might be graphic.

A BDS final year student, he was my niece's classmate. Looks like he wasn't wearing a helmet.
Incidentally, he had only recently recovered from a serious RE Bullet accident with injuries to spine and limb fractures. Sad loss of a young life. :crying

Recently in AP, a reckless biker caused a near-disastrous incident on the road. Without looking for other vehicles, the biker suddenly appeared on the road, causing the bus driver to slam on the brakes and veer the bus away. This nearly resulted in the death of 50 people on the bus. Fortunately, the bus did not end up going into the water.


Originally Posted by supremeBaleno (Post 5460762)
A BDS final year student, he was my niece's classmate. Looks like he wasn't wearing a helmet.
Incidentally, he had only recently recovered from a serious RE Bullet accident with injuries to spine and limb fractures. Sad loss of a young life. :crying


Originally Posted by Arwin07 (Post 5458828)

2. It's safe to pass heavy vehicles like lorry or bus leaving a safe distance of 4-6 feet in side while overtaking or crossing. So that even if there is a fall by accident, we don't get under the tyres.

3. Makes me think what could have been a small dent/scratch if a car was in that place compared to a neck injury in a motorcyclist. After realising how dangerous Indian roads are for motorcycles, I have recently bought a car.


Indian roads are unpredictable. While crossing or overtaking bus or lorry, many things can go wrong- potholes, unmarked speed breakers, animals crossing, other vehicles entering road without warning- all these causing motorcycle to fall into the tyres of bus or lorry.

So it is important to leave a healthy respectful gap of 6 feet while overtaking or passing a bus or lorry in a motorcycle. Even if the motorcyclist falls, it mostly won't be under the heavy vehicle.

If the road is too narrow to allow such a gap, DO NOT OVERTAKE.


Originally Posted by Caffeinated_Owl (Post 5461787)
Recently in AP, a reckless biker caused a near-disastrous incident on the road. Without looking for other vehicles, the biker suddenly appeared on the road, causing the bus driver to slam on the brakes and veer the bus away. This nearly resulted in the death of 50 people on the bus. Fortunately, the bus did not end up going into the water.

Kudos to the bus driver. He knew what he was doing and his risk taking aptitude saved a life. Yes, he endangered many lives to save one, but this is what distinguishes an experienced driver from others.

On another aspect, is this the standard news reading procedure or this news reader an exception? lol:
I didn't understand a word as I don't know the language, but her actions and facial expressions were more of an actress than a news reader.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5461877)
On another aspect, is this the standard news reading procedure or this news reader an exception? lol:
I didn't understand a word as I don't know the language, but her actions and facial expressions were more of an actress than a news reader.

That's not the usual approach. This is a more fun way to showcase how ridiculous some people can be, like that biker in the video. Plus, they even added a Telangana accent to make it even more unique lol:


Originally Posted by for_cars1 (Post 5460156)
A stationary vehicle on a highway is always at a tremendous risk of getting rear ended, irrespective of whether it is parked on the slow lane or the fast lane. In the fast lane the risk of a rear ending gets multiplied manyfold.

The safety triangle is required by law in all EU countries. I see very often cars that have broken down and the safety triangle is placed a few meters behind the car. Sometimes a meter away from the car. The minumum recomendation is 100 meters away.

I have the safety triangle in my car but I have gone further. I always carry a flashing LED disc that I can stick on the car and warn drivers about a kilometer away that there is a hazard situation. Mine has a rechargeable battery and should give up to 9 hours of flashing in the different modes.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-ledpuck.jpg


Originally Posted by Indian2003 (Post 5461978)

I have the safety triangle in my car but I have gone further. I always carry a flashing LED disc that I can stick on the car and warn drivers about a kilometer away that there is a hazard situation. Mine has a rechargeable battery and should give up to 9 hours of flashing in the different modes.

Off topic: Kindly share the purchase link. I travel daily on highway. Its fog season here in the North and almost all vehicles travel with their hazard lights on. I'm scared to stop and turn the hazard lights on as someone may not judge properly and think the car is in motion. I need an alternative to the hazard lights to warn fellow road users in case I need to stop.

Just saw your location is not in India. Can you still suggest an alternative? Thank you.

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