Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Superleggera (Post 5428163)
Its unfortunate that the Brezza or the person in the cycle didn't even stop to see what happened. Hope the people in Yaris Survived.

It might well be that they were afraid that the Yaris driver would somehow blame them for the accident. Like claiming that the Brezza didn’t give way, suddenly moved towards the Yaris or was speeding and thus not allowing the overtake. It is also possible that there was some prior attempt at overtaking or some sort of road rage type situation. So overall a wise move as most people are not aware of the rules, won’t accept their mistakes and would instead try and pass the blame onto someone else. The Brezza had no idea this CCTV coverage would be available. Imagine if there was no footage and the Yaris claimed that the Brezza swerved across and made him or her crash? So best to move on and be gone.


Originally Posted by WindRide (Post 5429838)
Almost qualified to merit a post here -

Thats the indestructible Toyota Hilux !

Better quality source is here:


According to Northern Territory Police, who are investigating the incident, the driver lost control after failing to negotiate a turn. The car eventually crashed into a business on the other side of the road, with the two passengers, a female driver and young child, taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. “It is incredibly lucky no one else was injured. Drivers are reminded to always drive with due care and attention,” Superintendent Daniel Shean said of the incident.
Interesting to note, how the report says "driver lost control" rather than "SUV went out of control". I wonder if the driver has lost control of senses as well, because never in those 5-6 seconds an attempt to brake or steer has been made. It was almost as if the driver floored the pedal and froze till the vehicle crashed into store on other side of the road.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5429298)
How to cross this road?

My suggestion would be to either close this road or put barricades such that traffic slows down while approaching this intersection. The zebra crossing is no deterrent either.

With such fast moving traffic, there is no way the driver can judge traffic in both the directions. He has to protrude dangerously to slow down traffic before moving further.

The reason why this CCTV is facing that direction is understandable.

If you want to follow the textbook then you need a clearance of 4 -5 second on the right and of 6 seconds on the left to safely make the turn. As per the book you can’t make the traffic on main road stop for you. This means you need a lot of patience and even then such space will never arise in dense traffic in India.
In India you’ll anyway need to make the main traffic stop.

A) The way the red car crossed is the safer way in India.1) You find clearance in the lane near to you. 2)Then turn into that lane opposite to oncoming traffic and just wait. 3) Finally you merge into the other lane taking as much time as you want to merge in. Note that 2) is legally incorrect here but safer because if someone is going to hit me I prefer a full frontal than getting T boned on my near side. 3) is a safe move.

B) 1)Merge left 2)Take your time and make the traffic behind you wait 3) When there’s space in the oncoming lane take a U turn.

C) Take a U turn where there is a proper place for a U turn. On such undivided roads such a place might not exist for 10km

I prefer B) but it might not work for a vehicle with a large turning radius and a narrow road and you might need to make a 3 point turn backing into main traffic :unhappy B) works perfectly for wide roads and a smaller turning circle.


Originally Posted by StopUnderrides (Post 5429926)
... you can’t make the traffic on main road stop for you.

If it was Britain, the acceptable method would be to go half way when it is clear to do so. Then wait for the chance to cross the other half. You are blocking the traffic on the one side until you complete the turn. It is accepted.

A lot of rural drivers used to be unwilling to do this, waiting until they can cross the whole road. If my mum was stuck behind such a person, it would make her wild! But not so wild that she would sit with her hand on the horn, as many would here. Utterly useless behaviour: do they think they are sitting there for fun?

As an alternative, I'd agree to take the left and then U-turn. There are some London turns where it is almost impossible to take the right directly, because of traffic stopping for an upcoming signal, but the U-turn permits joining that queue easily.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5429298)
How to cross this road?

Many times, there is a much more sensible option - Don't cross this road at all.

I'd merge left from the cross road, drive on the main road, find if there is another cross road or a business with good setback I can turn right into and come back on the main road and take left to the road I wanted to cross. Kind of a long u-turn.

I'm very risk averse and I wouldn't cross this road unless this is the only way to where I'm going.

I do this regularly in my neighborhood where I need to cross 4-lanes of highway traffic in an uncontrolled intersection to get to the median and merge with traffic on the other side to get to where I want to go to. I just go the other way, make a u-turn and come back. Much safer.

Pretty bad accident this morning on the overbridge opposite Manyata in Bangalore.

Taxi ran into a container truck.Major intrusion into the driver's side.

Hope he survived.

(Was on a bike. So no images)

I don't know how many of you have already seen this.

One of the accused is caught after a day or two of the incident.

The person who was killed was a body builder.

The only learning for me from this incident was, that no matter how big one is, in a street fight (where people have easy access to bricks, rods, other vehicles, sympathisers etc.) the chances of you getting harmed/killed is 50/50. Hence, control your anger.

The role of other people around in this video is questionable. Had someone tried to take this person away, things would have been better for both the parties.

Recently, during Diwali celebrations and fireworks, one of my neighbor's saree got burned a little due to one my other neighbor's mishandling of a chakri (the firework that throws flames while spinning).
The husband of the neighbor got agitated and they were about to throw fists at each other when I jumped in and separated them.
I just asked the first neighbor to take out the CCTV footage and then discuss the damages in front of the RWA president. He was still agitated, then I asked him to please avoid a confrontation on this auspicious occasion, to which he agreed.
I don't know what happened the next day, but that day passed peacefully thereafter.
Yes, if you are between animals (pun intended), don't jump in between. In my case, they were civilised, educated people who just got agitated and were waiting for someone to mediate to take them out of the situation. Someone's saree got burned and one person called the other person "stupid". :-)
Hope they are not reading this. Otherwise, I will be in trouble and will need some mediation. :-)


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5430315)
if you are between animals (pun intended), don't jump in between. In my case, they were civilised, educated people who just got agitated and were waiting for someone to mediate to take them out of the situation.

Whether civilised or uncivilised agitators, if you are getting in between for mediation, make sure that you have somebody to pull you out incase things get ugly . We never know , just a few loose flying words can break the hell loose.

Happened to witness the aftermath of a freak accident that happened this morning at Connaught place. Was on my way to drop parents at the railway station when I witnessed an accident between a DTC bus and a Baleno. By the time I returned, the DTC bus was already moved, can't really say for sure the conditions which led to this but I believe over-speeding and low visibility(smog) could be among other factors depending on vehicle condition. Wouldn't blame either drivers until I get more context.

Fortunately, no one died but the two passengers in the Baleno were seriously injured(according to bystanders) and taken away in an Ambulance. Attaching pictures and video for reference.

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Unless one wears some kind of body armour, I guess the passengers did really have a miraculous escape.

That Baleno is completely destroyed, I am amazed how the passengers survived. I can't visualise how it can turn into a piece of scrap like that in a place like CP where there are multiple traffic signals at short distances limiting your speed.

This is another example of pathetic build quality of MS cars, I am sure a Tata Altroz or Hyundai i20 would have fared a lot better. I hope new Baleno (presuming it was previous model) has better build quality.

During our drive to Goa and return, saw four trucks met with accident on NH-52, Hubli - Karwar section.


Originally Posted by Bhokal (Post 5430900)
That Baleno is completely destroyed, I am amazed how the passengers survived. ....

This is another example of pathetic build quality of MS cars, I am sure a Tata Altroz or Hyundai i20 would have fared a lot better.

I agree with the first point. I'm really not sure how anyone could have survived that, even if with serious injuries. That car seems so flattened, possibly further information was withheld for privacy reasons?

On the second point, Altroz is a relatively safer car though i really have my doubts if the i20 is any better than the Baleno. But irrespective of whether it's a Tata or Hyundai or Maruti car, there are certain accidents that are fatal and that's it, end of the line. Build quality and safety rating cannot exempt anyone from driving safely. I've seen the aftermath of a fatal accident involving a G-Wagen and the pillar of a flyover and let's just say the pillar easily and horrifyingly won over the 5-star Euro NCAP rated car.

But yeah, nothing of the above implies that the previous-gen Baleno wasn't kind of a luxurious tin can.


Originally Posted by MotoBlip (Post 5430505)
Wouldn't blame either drivers until I get more context.

Glad to see someone take this stance. Kudos.
Coming to the crash, it's good to know that the occupants survived the initial crash injuries. I hope they also survive the treatment without any long-term debilitation. Their injuries, especially the driver's, could be quite severe considering the intrusions.


Originally Posted by Bhokal (Post 5430900)
This is another example of pathetic build quality of MS cars, I am sure a Tata Altroz or Hyundai i20 would have fared a lot better.

I am not sure how you reached this conclusion. I don't think any similar car would have fared any better in such an impact, where it's being sandwiched between a curb and a battering ram that weighs almost 10 times as much. When it comes to crashworthiness, mass ratio and crash compatibility play a much bigger role than NCAP ratings.


Originally Posted by Bhokal (Post 5430900)
I am sure a Tata Altroz or Hyundai i20 would have fared a lot better.

The Tata for sure would have fared better for sure but I doubt the Hyundai would have. Interestingly on the global ncap website, the i20s shell is rated as unstable and not able to withstand any further loads however the Latin ncap website rates the Baleno as having a stable shell albeit scoring pretty much just as poorly in terms of adult occupants as the i20. Ofcourse these are different agencies but given how consistently poorly Hyundais have been performing in our ncap tests, even the more expensive ones (ofcourse not D-segment and above), I am inclined to believe that the i20 is just as bad as the Baleno.

Originally Posted by Rohan265 (Post 5431087)
When it comes to crashworthiness, mass ratio and crash compatibility play a much bigger role than NCAP ratings.

So true this is why nothing beats avoiding a crash like with a good relationship between driver and machine or even electronic wizardry like stability programs IMO or even plain old good planning and infrastructure on the city's behalf.

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