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The biker's only option was to brake and hope, because swerving either left or right (esp. right into oncoming traffic) could've ended horribly. To be fair, he doesn't appear to brake at all.

Still, if you're willingly giving someone a 'brake and hope' chance of not hitting you, you aren't a good driver irrespective of how things end. I doubt the car driver would've pulled that move in front of a large vehicle.

Statutory sermon: Indicators don't give one right of way!


Originally Posted by TrailBlazer007 (Post 5428740)
Witnessed this yesterday. Sudden turn by car, biker with too delayed a reaction, another completely avoidable fender bender. Minor injuries to the senior citizen.

Something similar happened to me a while back, i was behind a Ciaz on my bike and the car took a sudden right on the intersection while keeping the rear of the car still in my lane. I braked, i swerved and still ended hitting the Ciaz at a relatively low speed and the bike fell as the speed was relatively slow while i was standing. There was no visible damage on the Ciaz, but two burly guys got out of the car after impact, so there goes my chance to ask them why they didn't use indicators. Counting my stars, I picked up my bike and apologized, and they completely understood my mistake. I went on my way with a sore shoulder and no broken bones :Cheering:


Originally Posted by TSIboy (Post 5428155)

The way the Yaris was being driven, the driver was asking for trouble.
People usually stop to help, but my guess is that the person driving Brezza or an occupant must have egged the driver to not stop, either out of shock or fear as it appears to slow down for a moment and then moves ahead.

One cannot really predict how people will behave in such situations, so it is best to avoid accidents :)

The Creta accident is sad, my colleague told a story about a similar accident he witnessed just a few meters ahead of him on the Yamuna expressway back when it was new. A Swift car overtook their car and rammed straight into the truck ahead of them. The sound, he said was a deafening explosion as the car, with windows closed acts like one giant balloon that pops. The driver was a dead instantly and the local villagers/bystanders quickly removed the gold rings from the dead person's fingers and fled the scene.


Originally Posted by TrailBlazer007 (Post 5428740)
Witnessed this yesterday. Sudden turn by car, biker with too delayed a reaction, another completely avoidable fender bender. Minor injuries to the senior citizen.

On a different note, you may want to change the placement of your dashcam. The Fastag is blocking more than half the view of the road. God forbid, if you're involved in an accident and need to refer to the video, some crucial parts may be blocked from the view. Just an advice. :)


Originally Posted by TrailBlazer007 (Post 5428740)
Witnessed this yesterday. Sudden turn by car, biker with too delayed a reaction, another completely avoidable fender bender. Minor injuries to the senior citizen.

The biker was lucky. And truly, the car turned in a hurry.

I have to often make a right turn with oncoming traffic to enter my apartment road. I always put on the indicators around 100 feet before the turn. I slow down during this period ensuring I give the tailgating vehicles some opportunity to avoid a crash. Then bring the car to a complete Standstill if required unless the oncoming traffic is clear for about 2 to 3 seconds. And slowly make the turn giving the oncoming traffic enough time. Yet, there are idiots who still drive round the nose of my car, especially two-wheelers, even when they are a hundred feet away and need to slow down over a speed-breaker. Even cars at times, of the kinds shown in the video. Only shows disrespect for others and an entitlement for self. Forget rules.

We don't have a right to turn across the path of other vehicles, but there is also such a thing as courtesy and giving way to someone who needs to do so.

In fact, I took a U-turn, only this evening, across oncoming traffic. I judged that I was not going to force anyone to stop, or seriously get in their way, or be a danger. After my turn, one guy came screeching past, horn blaring. My wife yelped; I told her, "It's ok, he wasn't going to hit me, but was giving me one loud telling off. I'd have done the same."

In this case, the reactions of the biker are slow, but that is irrelevant. The car driver had no business cutting across like that.


Originally Posted by TrailBlazer007 (Post 5428740)
Witnessed this yesterday. Sudden turn by car, biker with too delayed a reaction, another completely avoidable fender bender. Minor injuries to the senior citizen.

Watching the video at the highest quality gave me a better clarification.
The biker was on the far left side of the road, the car takes a sudden turn and car seems to have slowed down the speed during the turn. When the car takes a sudden turn, the biker had exactly 2 seconds to react, the impact seems to have happened at 3 seconds. Delayed reaction of biker? Maybe. Poor brakes? obviously. The only option the biker had was to slam on the brakes and take the chances of skidding and falling down, or take a swirl right (like the teen kids do on dio scooters in traffic) which i dont think this biker had the skills to do so.

The car guy is at complete fault here, he has not followed the basic traffic rule of putting on the turn indicator for a right turn with oncoming traffic, he didnt even wait for the oncoming traffic and he had extremely poor judgement of the speed of the oncoming vehicles, he drove rashly by taking a sudden turn like that. Turn indicators are there for a reason, come-on they are just the basics of driving.

I cannot remember how many accidents I have seen because of people not using turn indicators to take a turn, and how many times I have yelled at people for not using the turn indicators.


Originally Posted by TrailBlazer007 (Post 5428740)
Witnessed this yesterday. Sudden turn by car, biker with too delayed a reaction, another completely avoidable fender bender. Minor injuries to the senior citizen.

Car had its indicators on, but did not have right of way to turn. He should have waited a bit more until lane is clear. One safe 'desi' way I have experienced is drift inch-by-inch while driving on single narrow lane slow town roads to give adequate warning to bikes and autos to squeeze past you and finally some larger car/tempo/truck will find it impossible to squeeze past and the you have a safe passage. Purely desi, but call it extreme defensive technique.


Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 5428794)

Statutory sermon: Indicators don't give one right of way!

Right of way principles are paramount. Indicators are so your movement is predictable to people around you. Indicators do not, contrary to popular belief of many half trained / untrained drivers, magically transfer title to surrounding real estate exclusively to your name.


Originally Posted by jigar1791@gmail (Post 5428760)
The biker is at fault : At 7 seconds into the video, the biker can see the car attempting a right turn, yet, he doesn't apply his brakes. Seems like he's not at all aware of what's happening around him.

Ideally, the car should have enabled the right indicator

The rule of the road states that the person cutting the dividing line must wait in his lane with his/her right indicator flashing till he can see no oncoming traffic. Only then is he/she supposed to take a turn. In addition if there was a double continuous divider line it means that no right turns can be taken.


Originally Posted by sudeepg (Post 5428767)
The bike was too close to the car. Besides the car took a turn directly into the path of oncoming traffic. The biker isn't the one to be blamed. Any vehicle turning in to the direction of oncoming traffic must let them pass. It is not the right of the turning vehicle to blatantly cut across without ensuring safety. Expecting the biker to apply hard brakes to save the situation is just naive.

Only supports the fact that the driver in the car should have waited till there was no traffic and then turned right.

I had a crazy (but not rare at all) experience this morning. I had given my right indicator to turn into my office compound. A young man on his scooter tried to go past my car on the right side. Luckily I saw him and braked. Else he would have hit my car and be dragged onto the compound wall. Then he casually drives off. I chased him and made him understand his folly, hope he learns what not to do.


Originally Posted by Axe77 (Post 5429068)
Right of way principles are paramount. Indicators are so your movement is predictable to people around you. Indicators do not, contrary to popular belief of many half trained / untrained drivers, magically transfer title to surrounding real estate exclusively to your name.

I do agree with this.

But I have to highlight a rather irritating & dangerous behavior I have noticed on Indian roads, both in the city and on the highway. Consider this scenario. When trying to change lanes to overtake a slower vehicle in front me, I have seen cars behind me accelerate that much harder to just not allow me to do my pass of the vehicle in front of me.

It's almost like seeing the indicator lighting up on a vehicle in front flips a switch that makes them floor it, with flashing lights (like 5, 10 times), honking, revving up the engine, trying to squeeze past me near the median. 9 of 10 times, I yield and go back to my lane.

And the worst ones are those that overtake me at high speed, only to cut in front and reduce speed because they couldn't overtake the vehicle in front of me as well. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by asmr (Post 5429160)
I do agree with this.

But I have to highlight a rather irritating & dangerous behavior I have noticed on Indian roads, both in the city and on the highway. Consider this scenario. When trying to change lanes to overtake a slower vehicle in front me, I have seen cars behind me accelerate that much harder to just not allow me to do my pass of the vehicle in front of me.

Oh absolutely agree with this too. No end to such examples and there are several such practices. For instance on inner single lane B road highways, if someone wants to overtake me, I’d just move over to the side and slow down a little so he can quickly pass me by. Even facilitating such overtakes is important if you know there is a “slightly” faster vehicle behind you. An overtake completed sooner is ultimately safer for both vehicles involved - rather than forcing the vehicle behind to accelerate dramatically to be able to move forward.

Then again, sometimes there are two vehicles driving slowly at almost the same speed side by side and blocking the better part of the width of the road for anyone else to move past. If you’re alongside another vehicle for a prolonged period, just fall behind it or briefly accelerate and move ahead of it. I’ve never understood side by side cruising at a slow speed for a protracted duration.


Originally Posted by N.A.GTC (Post 5428897)
On a different note, you may want to change the placement of your dashcam. The Fastag is blocking more than half the view of the road.

Duly noted and changed good sir. :thumbs up

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 5428794)
Statutory sermon: Indicators don't give one right of way!


Originally Posted by Axe77 (Post 5429068)
Indicators are so your movement is predictable to people around you.


Originally Posted by revvharder (Post 5428808)
Something similar happened to me a while back


Originally Posted by m3t4ph0r1c (Post 5428980)
Delayed reaction of biker? Maybe. Poor brakes? obviously. The only option the biker had was to slam on the brakes and take the chances of skidding and falling down,


Originally Posted by theabstractmind (Post 5428913)
I always put on the indicators around 100 feet before the turn. I slow down during this period ensuring I give the tailgating vehicles some opportunity to avoid a crash. Then bring the car to a complete Standstill if required unless the oncoming traffic is clear for about 2 to 3 seconds. And slowly make the turn giving the oncoming traffic enough time.

Aptly put.
This I believe is the safest and the only way to make such legal turns. Make your intentions known well in advance, then transition from normal speeds to a rolling stop to a complete stop whilst yielding to oncoming traffic. Here is the back camera view of the same incident:


Originally Posted by jigar1791@gmail (Post 5428760)
The biker is at fault : At 7 seconds into the video, the biker can see the car attempting a right turn, yet, he doesn't apply his brakes. Seems like he's not at all aware of what's happening around him.

Ideally, the car should have enabled the right indicator before attempting the turn, however, the biker dashes into the rear-left fender of the car, meaning the biker did see the vehicle making a right turn in front of him. The biker should have braked (in ideal conditions) OR atleast attempted a right turn-evasive manoeuvre (in Indian conditions) to avoid the collision.

All in all, another example of a careless 2-wheeler driver (nothing against the elderly rider) we see on our roads :Frustrati

The question here is not who is right or wrong, but about the preference for the way. Vehicles going Straight have preference over vehicles that turn. This is in our rule book, but unfortunately, 99.9% of people don't know and don't follow it.

Here the car should have put an indicator to turn, instead, it steered very quickly, and didn't leave response time for the biker to break.

How to cross this road?

My suggestion would be to either close this road or put barricades such that traffic slows down while approaching this intersection. The zebra crossing is no deterrent either.

With such fast moving traffic, there is no way the driver can judge traffic in both the directions. He has to protrude dangerously to slow down traffic before moving further.

The reason why this CCTV is facing that direction is understandable.

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