Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5426205)
Lane driving on hills is absolutely necessary. Especially on blind turns.
It could have been worse for the occupants. The car didn't catch fire.

It looks like a new vehicle (red registration sticker).


Originally Posted by NG_EV (Post 5426506)
It looks like a new vehicle (red registration sticker).

That's a Nepal registered Sonet. They have white on red plates numbering system.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5425567)
When that manoeuvre ended it started rolling backwards.

Just a small clarification. As soon the truck stopped, he could've shut off the ignition and put the truck in gear right? which could've avoided the backwards roll? or it's not possible like the engine braking of trucks is weak compared to it's load etc?

A small doubt I'm having since ages hearing similar story in the news and online about brake failures in trucks. I know the engine braking is not as effective as the brakes or a motorcycle but it can help slow down eventually or stop the backward roll like in this case?


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5426205)
Lane driving on hills is absolutely necessary. Especially on blind turns.
It could have been worse for the occupants. The car didn't catch fire.

Likely a case of a novice driver in the hills - the temporary registration also hints at it. New car and no experience resulting in an overtaking manoeuver on a blind turn hairpin bend…


Originally Posted by BoneCollector (Post 5426521)
That's a Nepal registered Sonet. They have white on red plates numbering system.

Even the truck appears to be registered in Nepal. The voiceover also states that the Sonet was going to Kathmandu.

Heartbroken Hyundai Creta Owner Drives Into Truck at 140 km/h

Allegedly, he was being stopped by his family from marrying the girl of his choice. Police took 30 minutes to extract the body from the car.

Saw an accident yesterday in Patna on Atal Path, Its the new hot spot for accidents in my town. It seemed that the accident happened just a few minutes before I arrived at the scene.

Came up on my YouTube feed today.
Driver trying to overtake on a curve, the overtaken vehicle moves right to clear a parked scooter. The car seems to be a toyota yaris and looks like it understeers, the driver over corrects/brakes more than needed causing oversteer and subsequent loss of control. This made we wonder how many drivers on our road know about or are educated about things like this? Our system is an assembly line pumping out bare minimum drivers.


Originally Posted by TSIboy (Post 5428155)
Came up on my YouTube feed today.
Driver trying to overtake on a curve, the overtaken vehicle moves right to clear a parked scooter. The car seems to be a toyota yaris and looks like it understeers, the driver over corrects/brakes more than needed causing oversteer and subsequent loss of control. This made we wonder how many drivers on our road know about or are educated about things like this? Our system is an assembly line pumping out bare minimum drivers.

Its unfortunate that the Brezza or the person in the cycle didn't even stop to see what happened. Hope the people in Yaris Survived.


Originally Posted by TSIboy (Post 5428155)
Came up on my YouTube feed today.
Driver trying to overtake on a curve, the overtaken vehicle moves right to clear a parked scooter.

Overtaking on a blind curve, while maintaining that kind of speed? Sheer madness!! I am glad he didn't hurt/damage anyone else in the process of learning a very valuable lesson in driving. It was strange to see every other vehicle keep moving as if there was nothing happening.

I drive in such narrow highways very regularly. Unless I can see 200m of clearance, I would never try overtaking. Hopefully, he survived to learn the lesson.


Originally Posted by TSIboy (Post 5428155)
Came up on my YouTube feed today.
Driver trying to overtake on a curve, the overtaken vehicle moves right to clear a parked scooter.

The accident was not due to Brezza moving lanes. Brezza was well within the broken white line and it's lane. The parked scooter had nothing to do with this accident.

The accident was due to recklessly driven Yaris which went off road while making the turn, thereby leading to loss of traction and overcorrection of the steering to counter the loss of control.

My sympathies are with the people inside the Yaris, but thinking that others will stop and help, when you are blatantly reckless and endangering the lives of others is very optimistic.
Had the road been straight, without any turns, even then the Yaris was clearly overspeeding, Especially when someone just turned right and it appears to be another road, from which any vehicle can enter this road.

I wish the occupants survived and will have a look at what they did, through this video.


Originally Posted by Superleggera (Post 5428163)
Its unfortunate that the Brezza or the person in the cycle didn't even stop to see what happened. Hope the people in Yaris Survived.

On the other hand, I think cycle rider was very fortunate. If he was few feet behind,
he had no chance of survival.

Witnessed this yesterday. Sudden turn by car, biker with too delayed a reaction, another completely avoidable fender bender. Minor injuries to the senior citizen.


Originally Posted by TrailBlazer007 (Post 5428740)

The biker is at fault : At 7 seconds into the video, the biker can see the car attempting a right turn, yet, he doesn't apply his brakes. Seems like he's not at all aware of what's happening around him.

Ideally, the car should have enabled the right indicator before attempting the turn, however, the biker dashes into the rear-left fender of the car, meaning the biker did see the vehicle making a right turn in front of him. The biker should have braked (in ideal conditions) OR atleast attempted a right turn-evasive manoeuvre (in Indian conditions) to avoid the collision.

All in all, another example of a careless 2-wheeler driver (nothing against the elderly rider) we see on our roads :Frustrati


Originally Posted by jigar1791@gmail (Post 5428760)
The biker is at fault : At 7 seconds into the video, the biker can see the car attempting a right turn, yet, he doesn't apply his brakes. Seems like he's not at all aware of what's happening around him.

The bike was too close to the car. Besides the car took a turn directly into the path of oncoming traffic. The biker isn't the one to be blamed. Any vehicle turning in to the direction of oncoming traffic must let them pass. It is not the right of the turning vehicle to blatantly cut across without ensuring safety. Expecting the biker to apply hard brakes to save the situation is just naive.

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