Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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The road belonged to the car and the biker was merging into it.
The main fault is with the biker. However, an alert car driver could have easily avoided the impact of this proportion.
As someone pointed out, he may have been blinded momentarily due to the A pillar, but a last minute braking may have prevented the impact altogether as the biker was quite fast.

Mistake 1. The biker entered from the far left into the road.
Mistake 2. There was a full car space on the right of the accident spot. Even if he made mistake 1 due to ignorance, on seeing that the roads are merging, he should have moved right.
Mistake 3. The car driver didn't do ANYTHING. He had space on the left. He had brakes.
Mistake 4. There must be a merging road sign somewhere behind on both the roads. Both the driver and the rider ignored the warning.


Originally Posted by Nalin1 (Post 5422426)
Yet another completely avoidable bang!


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5422457)
The road belonged to the car and the biker was merging into it.
The main fault is with the biker. However, an alert car driver could have easily avoided the impact of this proportion.

The classic oblivious two wheeler user of roads we encounter often, too often. I have often wondered what combination of mental faculties leads to these riders riding the way they do. Even if we assume they are untrained, which most are, there is a basic human instinct for survival that translates to precautionary common sense in dozens of activities through life, road driving being only one of many. What combination of presumptiveness, arrogance, karmic faith do people like the two wheeler rider operate from? this has often foxed me. Maybe they think that it is the neck of the bigger vehicle on the line of blame so why bother; maybe they assume a truck or car can stop on a dime like a 2-wheeler; maybe they believe that as a 2-wheeler they have right if way regardless?? Would love to hear the inputs and observations of others.


Originally Posted by V.Narayan (Post 5422466)
I have often wondered what combination of mental faculties leads to these riders riding the way they do.

This takes me back to the first lesson I learned after getting my driving license.

A fatherly figure was sitting behind me on an LML Vespa NV scooter and we both were going somewhere.
I just made a 90 degree left turn without looking at the right first.
The fatherly figure asked me: what did you do just now?
I said, I took a left turn.
He said: You should have stopped, observed traffic on the right side and then took this turn.
It struck me that how ignorant I was.

All we need is that fatherly figure sitting behind these two wheelers for an hour or two. That would be enough. Unfortunately, he is no more, but he gave me a lesson for life.

To answer your quesrion: It is pure ignorance. Had the biker just thought about it, he would have corrected it. The problem is, he doesn't know that he has to think about it until someone tells him or he learns the hard way.
Now we have so many other ways of learning it. The videos from YouTube, WhatsApp etc can easily educate the ignorant. Even driving license exams have become tough. Previously, the exam was easily passed if we learn the traffic signs. The road test was also easy.

The Two-Wheeler Head Lock

Immediately after mounting the bike, the rider becomes completely unable to move his head to right or left, even by a very tiny amount. Why? How? I don't know, it is a mystery. But it means that in every situation where they should be checking on traffic anywhere else than dead ahead, they do not.

In a case of fatal accident, all 4 occupants of fast driven BMW were killed.

It is confirmed that they were overspeeding and crashed into a container truck, case has been registered against the truck driver. Also threat of cases against Road maintenance officials. What pathetic laws.
In my opinion, the accident may be considered as 'Suicide' and all Insurance payments be stopped to the beneficiaries.

Regarding the BMW accident, the police is now looking for the absconding container truck driver. We have a really sad state of law affairs where even the police works without using their common sense.


Oughtn't this to go to the Accidents thread?

In any case, without mincing words, this kind of speeding is simply asking for it. The occupants though deceased should be charged with rash and negligent driving.

No reason to charge the container lorry driver. And yes there should be an investigation on the road conditions and all as a matter of course, but, in this case, all the prima facie evidence points to sheer over-speeding.

This is sad. In the video you could see the passengers encouraging the driver to hit the 300 mark! It's definitely a case of a rash driving. It's an open invitation for a disaster.

What makes it worse is that these folks are not only risking their lives but also they would most possibly harm some other innocents on the road (lorry driver in this case)

Felt really disappointed while watching this video. From the conversations, these guys appeared to be in their full senses.

Multiple failure points. The driver flouting the speed. Other three guys either encouraging or concurring by being silent. Even if one guy had put their foot down, the tragedy could have been averted. This may not have been the first time they may have done it.

But this is human nature, and we will always have a small percentage of people who are.wired to take extreme risks, not just on road, but in life as well (examples researchers, entrepreneurs, or even us in different spheres of life).

A reminder that its not a good idea, but still there are lots of people who are consciously flouting good practices inspite of awareness or the lack of it.

There's something called contributory negligence, these 4 wild fools were not just negligent towards themselves but also reckless towards other road users.

Find it hard to sympathise for the lot, as they're just out to prove Darwin was right.


Originally Posted by ajayc123 (Post 5422549)
...From the conversations, these guys appeared to be in their full senses.

A senseless fellow, even in his full senses, can do plenty damage.

Multiple failure points.
Single failure point - foolishness. Its not immaturity, its wild foolishness.

But this is human nature, and we will always have a small percentage of people who are.wired to take extreme risks,
This wild behavior is anything but human nature.

Not just on road, but in life as well (examples researchers, entrepreneurs, or even us in different spheres of life).
That is very very different.

The most shocking thing is that the one driving was a Doctor! :Shockked: According to news article: "Dr Anand Prakash, a 35-year-old professor in a private medical college in Bihar's Rohtas, was apparently at the wheel when the BMW hit 230kmph amid the excited chatter of his co-passengers in the background, police said."

How on earth can a Doctor do that? His profession was to save people's lives! This is unbelievable. That's why controlling speed and road safety education in school should be the topmost priority. Simply clapping and praising 5-star rated cars doesn't change a damn thing on Indian roads. :Frustrati

You responses just reiterate the point that I said, that each of us are wired and think differently. Your reactions are very different from my impressions about the topic, and I respect this diversity without feeling the need to agree or disagree with you. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

In their senses: read did not appear to be under influence of alcohol/ drugs based on their conversation.

Multiple failure points: All 4 failed (hence multiple) in adhering to the rule of law (speed limits), even if one had objected vehemently , the outcome could have been different.

Taking high risks, even criminals are taking high risks by flouting the law.

In other spheres of life (other than road), you will always find people like Nick Leeson, or Harshad Mehta, no different from reckless risk takers like these guys. I don’t see it as any different, but you may.

Finally, English is a funny language, what I think may be slightly different from what Inwrite, and may be slightly different from what others comprehend. Even two people will comprehend the same thing differently.


Originally Posted by CarNerd (Post 5422557)
The most shocking thing is that the one driving was a Doctor! :Shockked: According to news article:

Doctors are humans too. They also walk on the same earth as you and me. When insanity takes over, or one is in the company of insane, disaster is likely to happen.:crying

A request to Mods to please merge earlier posts in this thread.

In fact there are many more posts following my first post #36527 dated 15/10/22 (12.19 pm) on this topic in the thread "Accidents in India" .

Recently our transport minister said you will be
able to drive from Bengaluru to Bombay in 5 hours when the new expressway is built.

Hope no one tries once it's done. :Frustrati

There is absolutely no enforcement of speed limits on our highways. It's present in some form within our cities.

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