Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by ts75 (Post 5404910)
The accident can be attributed to the recklessness of the trailer.

I frequent this stretch a few times a month while traveling to and from Chandigarh. This is a very small patch in an otherwise flat and empty Highway. Would barely be 400m if I'm not wrong. Most drivers would barely recognise it before slowing down since there is not much in terms of signage.

The next town has a flyover. Other towns have bypasses. Hence this is a pretty dangerous stretch in an otherwise well developed highway. Still no amount of justification can undo what happened. RIP to the pour souls.


Originally Posted by s.sriram1989@gm (Post 5406437)

This was murder.

I hope the driver is caught and is sentenced to death or life in prison for the remainder of his life.

Its heartbreaking to look at the poor kid who looked in all directions before she crossed the road. Only to have this rotten scum behind the wheel mow down so many innocent people.


Originally Posted by s.sriram1989@gm (Post 5406437)

That driver already seems to be escaping from something, notice the gentleman chasing on foot from before the car arrives at this scene, so this may only be one of multiple incidents in the sequence of events.



Originally Posted by venkyhere (Post 5406391)
Who will do that, when he is tending to the kid near the car, parked well inside a parking lot, well away from the service road of the highway, but facing the highway all the time, inorder to watch out whether some vehicle is boomeranging towards them ? I know I won't.
It was too late by the time he saw the truck, and instinctively he picked up the kid. The rest is simply muscle reflex. To see the truck that late, and then to pickup the kid, and jump out of the way, in the most optimal direction, whilst predicting the path that the truck is careening into , it will have to be a person with special forces training or a ninja.

It is simply unfortunate. Bad luck.
To suggest "had he always kept his eyes on the truck......" is invalid, IMHO.

I am saying based on what I observed in the video. He looked at the truck when it first collided with car, then he picked up the kid, turned around and started running, 3-4 steps (1-2 seconds) before truck reach him. That time was enough to get out of the way of truck or at least throw the kid away. Like how in sports, if you keep your eye on ball, you can dodge it at last moment with your reflex.

I know he had no time to do the calculations and in real time is much more difficult react than after watching video 5-10 time. Just wanted to share my observations.


Originally Posted by s.sriram1989@gm (Post 5406437)

May the victims rest in peace.

Another accident showing innocent people losing their lives, pains me deeply. This goes to show that nobody is 100% safe even when taking all possible precautions. This is murder, plain and simple, no two ways about it. Hope the driver gets the strictest sentence.

From a legal standpoint, what are the consequences the driver will face given that we have videographic evidence ? Would be good to know what the lawyers on this forum have to say.


Originally Posted by sunikkat (Post 5405579)
The audio in that clip mentions it as a brake failure.

The term "Brake failure" is thrown around too frivolously. I think the RTO needs to collect data on exactly how frequently this occurs, and mandate annual brake inspection on trucks and busses. After this, we can be sure its driver error, fatigue, distraction and such. We can also hold the owners who make drivers work without a break accountable.

People with intimate understanding of trucks and busses can correct me if I am wrong. Brake failure can be because of these Pretty much all of the above is from negligence. Brake failure - as in a modern vehicle failing to stop is very very rare. Somebody needs to go to jail every time people are mowed down like this. They cant simply declare "Brake failure" as an act of God, and move on. As though it's a lightening strike.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5406386)
A wrong side rider learnt a lesson very hard. Hope they both survived.

Don’t know what do these wrong side drivers really think - are they invincible? In this video he is clearly going against the fast moving traffic, and the result was expected. Sadly the car driver has to take the burnt too. And even worst you see these 2 wheelers riding in opposite direction on extreme right of expressways, thinking they are god.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5406386)
A wrong side rider learnt a lesson very hard. Hope they both survived.

Feel bad for the car driver here because of the post-accident hassles they will go through. The moron rider deserved the hit.

A goods carrier, allegedly driven under the influence of alcohol, hit an Omni which was parked on the correct side of the road. 2 members of a family died, and 4 others are in hospital. Reports say that the members of the family were returning home after the betrothal of their son. The accident took place near the town of Tiruppur in Tamil Nadu!

Tragic, RIP!


Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 5406479)


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 5406473)
I hope the driver is caught and is sentenced to death or life in prison for the remainder of his life.

Its heartbreaking to look at the poor kid who looked in all directions before she crossed the road. Only to have this rotten scum behind the wheel mow down so many innocent people.


Originally Posted by s.sriram1989@gm (Post 5406437)

A rickshaw driver accidentally rammed his friend’s car into three auto-rickshaws injuring seven people including three minors at a busy junction in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar (East) Wednesday afternoon. The rickshaw driver apparently hit the accelerator while trying to charge his phone inside the vehicle. At least three of the seven persons hit by the car have suffered grievous injuries, the police said.

The incident, which was captured on a couple of CCTV cameras, took place around 12.40 pm at Pushp Vihar junction in Ghatkopar East.

The accused has been identified as Raju Yadav, 42. He has been arrested on charges of rash and negligent driving, and for causing grievous injuries.

A police source said, “The accused is friends with a tourist car driver. While the driver was sipping tea nearby, Yadav got into his car to charge his mobile phone. He started the car engine to charge his phone and accidentally stepped on the accelerator due to which the vehicle went awry. As per the visuals, the white car moving behind the rickshaw hit it and as the driver was unable to stop the car it went speeding for 50 meters and on the way hit two more rickshaws and pedestrians at the busy junction injuring seven persons.”

The injured persons have been identified as Rajendra Bindvay, 49, Sapna Sangare, 35, Aditya Sangare, 9, Vaishnavi Kale, 16, Jairam Yadav, 46, Shraddha Sushvirkar, 17 and Bharatbhai Shah, 65.

“Two to three persons have suffered fractures. All the injured persons are said to be out of danger,” Ravidatta Sawant, senior inspector of Pant Nagar police station, said.


Originally Posted by venkyhere (Post 5406399)
You mustn't forget that this is India, and this is NHAI with it's monumental inertia of babudom with it's own gravity field of corruption. It doesn't matter if there are a few righteous or bright or scientifically/logically aware people in the pyramid, the inertia of 'that will do' is too much. Are you seriously expecting "let's review the accidents, is there a design fault, which if it is, needs to be corrected" thought process from an Indian govt organisation ? Maybe if it was Japan or Israel or Germany or some such country, where they are willing to learn from mistakes. But this is India, 'luck' and 'fate' are the root cause of 90% of problems that it's citizens face.

Very nicely put. I have a slightly different take. NHAI's political masters, media and citizens (us) measure it by the length of highways a minister can 'dedicate to the nation' in every election cycle.
Like there was a time when a railway minister and media judged the railways by the number of new trains they could announce in every budget.

The result is the same - safety is an afterthought, at best. Not so much of a function of competence, but outcome of an intrinsic Indian trait - follow the orders, not your judgement.

Road users like us, and media have a crucial role to demand a higher priority for safe designs. That is how all other countries have matured as well. So, for sure rant against horrific accidents in this thread, but also give your valuable suggestions on what could have been a safer design.

And promote initiatives which do exactly what you referred to - study accidents and implement safer roads scientifically, like this.

Drive safe regardless.


Originally Posted by s.sriram1989@gm (Post 5406437)

The young lady with the mask crossing the road, realized the situation at the nth moment, probably if she had stayed or backed a bit, she could have avoided taking a hit.

Always stop or take opposite direction, better not to hurry in the direction of the event hoping to miss it.


Originally Posted by GutsyGibbon (Post 5406550)
The term "Brake failure" is thrown around too frivolously. I think the RTO needs to collect data on exactly how frequently this occurs, and mandate annual brake inspection on trucks and busses. After this, we can be sure its driver error, fatigue, distraction and such. We can also hold the owners who make drivers work without a break accountable.

Totally agree with you on this.

Brake failure is a definitely not an situation that happens suddenly. There are lot of indications that need to be ignored for a brake to fail and all these will not happen at the same time. The owner is responsible for the upkeep of the vehicle and they are responsible for any such brake failures.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5406386)
A wrong side rider learnt a lesson very hard. Hope they both survived.

Wonder when this horrible phenomenon will stop. You may be on the side of the road for all that matters but there's a reason why it's called "wrong" side when you are driving towards traffic! It's even more scarier when trucks do this :Frustrati


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5406410)
Found one more video:

Don't have airbags? No problem, we have sand bags for you and your car!

Stupid guy saved by luck. Should have gone and bought a lottery ticket after that incident. So many things could have gone wrong there.


Originally Posted by s.sriram1989@gm (Post 5406437)
Horrible hit and run in Mumbai

That was one busy (read chaotic) junction. So many things happening it was very suspenseful trying to figure out where the accident is going to happen from.


Originally Posted by GutsyGibbon (Post 5406550)

People with intimate understanding of trucks and busses can correct me if I am wrong. Brake failure can be because of these
  • Brake pad worn out
  • Overheated brake pad (from coming down hill)
  • Damaged/worn out rotor
  • Leaked hydraulic fluid, ruptured brake fluid lines
  • Overloaded vehicle

These are problems that can occur with hydraulic brakes in cars, and mini commercial vehicles.

In case of pneumatic brakes in trucks and buses the issues are different.
The below are common.Other issues can be Rahul

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