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Originally Posted by Levi (Post 5362261)
An ambulance crashing into the toll booth in coastal Karnataka region on NH-66.

Can we please get a translation of what the reporter was saying?

It seems there was an animal on the toll booth, and applying brakes on a wet surface made the matter worse - ANI Tweet here:

Still doesn't make sense why the speed was so high.


Originally Posted by Levi (Post 5362261)
An ambulance crashing into the toll booth in coastal Karnataka region on NH-66.

Looks like the rear wheels lost traction probably after going over the rumble speed breakers which are usually found before a toll booth and during the slide, once it hit the dry patch, the tyres gripped and did a tank slapper.
Driver should have slowed down for the toll booth pass. Just because he got a free pass, it looked like he wanted to fly through.

Edit- Just saw the above post and video from another camera.
Nevertheless, driver should have slowed down.


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 5362313)
Still doesn't make sense why the speed was so high.

Aren't ambulances carrying patients expected to travel at high speeds?


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5362318)
Aren't ambulances carrying patients expected to travel at high speeds?

Correct, within vehicle physics limits though, right? What doesn't add up - the driver must have slowed down earlier (gradually) seeing the toll booth (usually there are speed breakers before tolls), and tried panic braking too late. Can't expect the vehicle to react well to the wet surface as well.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5362318)
Aren't ambulances carrying patients expected to travel at high speeds?

No, Just steady speed and a clear path.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5362318)
Aren't ambulances carrying patients expected to travel at high speeds?

As fast as the traffic conditions will allow, with others making way for the ambulance. To save a patient in the ambulance they can't create accidents and more patients.

No brakes were applied, this is a clear case of hydroplaning.
High speeds, water logging and may be poor tread depth of the tire.

Just read on the news. 4 people died in that Ambulance crash - the drive, 2 attendants and a toll booth employee. It's horrific. NDTV also mentioned that the driver lost control due to aquaplaning.


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 5362329)
What doesn't add up - the driver must have slowed down earlier (gradually) seeing the toll booth (usually there are speed breakers before tolls), and tried panic braking too late.

Actually - the other CCTV visuals show a cow getting up and walking away from the toll lane on the egress side.

Edit: Nevermind, this video - - makes it clear that the vehicle was aquaplaning long before it reached the toll lane.


Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5362349)
No brakes were applied, this is a clear case of hydroplaning.


Originally Posted by VVN (Post 5362354)
4 people died in that Ambulance crash - the drive, 2 attendants and a toll booth employee.

Brakes surely are applied, that is the primary cause of the drift. And he lost control probably due to hydroplaning. He didn't account for the cow and applied brake after seeing it lying there.

The driver succumbing looks surprising as not sure how much impact it did to him. I don't think he passed away. Poor toll booth staff. I wish the Ambulance lane could have been kept opened always and we had a disciplined road users who wouldn't misuse it.

Quite sad. It is just an accident. No point in blaming the Ambulance.

Looks like an untrained driver, or at least one who wasnt awake to the road conditions. Sad accident, esp for the patient & the family. :unhappy


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5362318)
Aren't ambulances carrying patients expected to travel at high speeds?

* Conditions apply.

Surprisingly, the adjacent lane/booth was empty and even the other ones too seems to be empty. Not sure why the ambulance driver chose this one which was blocked.


Originally Posted by balenoed_ (Post 5362387)
Brakes surely are applied, that is the primary cause of the drift.

The images from the drift doesn't show that brakes were applied. No brake lights were visible on seeing the video at 0.25x speed. Now, if they were not working, then it is a different case. I doubt that, as lights are a critical component of Ambulances.

Regarding cow, the drift started when the toll gate staff was trying to move the barrier. There was still a lot of space for the driver. But, he was already drifting when he could see these things. If he braked, he would have done it for the toll gate support staff moving barriers and not for a sitting cow, which is barely visible.

This driver was too fast for the water logged road, but he was exceptionally well aware about the drill as per the protocol; must have crossed this toll gate many times already. Even the support staff were so well coordinated, who will move which barrier and who will move the animal. Not like Lagaan cricket match, where everyone is trying to run behind the ball. The driver knew which lane to go to and what speeds he can go with. Unfortunately, he hydroplaned this time.

@others, I am empathetic towards the driver, who went above and beyond the capabilities of the vehicle to save a soul. Heavy vehicle drivers are much more capable and experienced than 90% of the people writing on this forum, including me. These guys hold the steering more than I hold my laptop and mobile clubbed together. Hence, please don't blame the driver, who endangered his life in the line of his duty. Not like a PSU bank cashier; the late the better, the lesser the customers to attend to.


Originally Posted by bejoy (Post 5356477)
I am wondering what could be a deterrent for these blind overtakes? Honking? ....


Originally Posted by Meph1st0 (Post 5356852)
... Honking is very important in Indian conditions where people overtake on blind turns. Forget overtaking, people can't take decent turns by staying in their lane...

Its a common practice for drivers to go into the opposite lane while on a curve going to their right. This allows them to take that curve without cutting down much on the speed.
If you question them, the immediate response is "well the curve is empty so whats the harm in stepping into the opposite lane and shortening the curve"

Its an unfortunate and dangerous practice. This is the number one cause of collisions. On our roads, always expect another vehicle directly in our path on curves.
The only way to stay safe is deliberately go slow and cautious and to honk for sure on curves and hope it deters the opposite vehicle from coming into your lane.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 5357702)
I think its bizarre how a safety feature is now used in such a way that it would rather increase the risk of collision.

Our road conditions are not good enough for driver aids like ADAS to be effective. Situations like a dog/pedestrian suddenly jumping across will lead to panic braking risking the possibility of rear endings.
Forget ADAS, even basic driver aids like cruise control definitely disengages the driver to varying degrees and reduces the situational awareness. One has to be consciously extra alert while using driver aids.


Originally Posted by raycers_honda (Post 5358272)
...Also another thing is driving in the wrong lane. These offenders should be jailed ....Its not just the commercial vehicles but also educated people ...tend to drive in this fashion. ... Can anyone decipher this kind of driving habit and what is the science that leads to driving like this ?


Originally Posted by theabstractmind (Post 5359472)
.... The indiscipline you see is a result of lack of civic education. All other reasons are just excuses. ...

Wrong lane driving should be made a criminal offence. This is a very common offence being committed on our roads with dangerous consequences to other innocent road users.

Unfortunately, our education system has no safety and civic sense subjects in its syllabus. All the indicipline we see is because of plain ignorance, people can't be really blamed. The safety conscious awareness has to be brought about. Circulating such traffic violation videos among road users and its consequences can bring in better awareness.

The "educated folks" have not really received any safety related education. In fact commercial truck drivers are among the most disciplined lot on our roads by experience.

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