Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad (Post 5359535)
I wrote a similar post, using similar words like: my blood boils when I see a woman getting killed by some senseless driver. The context was a video shared here in which a speeding BMW jumped the divider and killed a woman riding a scooty, waiting at the signal to turn green. She died for no fault of hers.
The question I raised was why woman always get to ride a scooty when the family can afford a car.
The family car being used by the male counterpart in 99% of the case.

This is due to 2 reasons:
1. The man doesn't trust the woman.
2. The woman doesn't trust herself or wants the convenience of a two-wheeler.

At my home, I have a strict rule. No taking the kid on the scooter. In fact I encouraged my wife to take our son along in the car and she started becoming confident. But the moment I upgraded to a bigger car, she doesn't want to drive until She's confident on the new car. Understandable to an extent. So until such time, I am dropping them off to school and ask them to take an auto rickshaw back home.

I have been guilty of being a over critical of my wife when she drives, for driving without confidence and for being overcautious. The driving schools haven't helped her to learn basic driving etiquette like maintaining our lane when merging with traffic or taking turns. Nevertheless, I keep pushing her to take the wheels, and I am at peace when she drives alone (she avoids it mostly and takes the scooter) or when she takes our kid in the car knowing that no idiot can cause those runovers to the least. Wrenches my heart to read about someone losing an innocent kin, especially a kid.


Originally Posted by theabstractmind (Post 5359472)
Just makes me wonder what education these people received, or what education they are providing their children. This, in my opinion is the root cause of most accidents.

You are right. Education. Specifically deep education on driving, hazard perception, mitigation is required.
Two factors:
1) Even after seeing so many accidents people in India somehow believe that “it won’t happen to me” . Most people in India are never trained on Hazard Perception and Hazard prediction skills. This is due to a lack in depth of driver education
2) Indians are hard wired to “save a few bucks” or “save time” due to our upbringing. This translates into avoiding a longer U turn and going on the wrong side etc. It takes a lot of mental training to resist this urge. How many times do we tell the cab driver “I’m getting late” or someone in family tells you “We have to reach by so and so time “. The choice of the driving speed should only be done by the driver-not by anyone else. It doesn’t matter if you miss the appointment or get late

Note that Hazard perception does not come automatically or with general advanced education. I’ve known people with advanced degrees from IITs who will gladly take their kids in a car without seat belts.

Passed this accident on the L&T Bypass on NH544 a couple of weeks ago.

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View from the rear cam:

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The exact spot is here:

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Apart from driver error, bad road design coupled with non-ideal weather resulted in this accident. This has always been a dangerous spot, and this isn't the first nor the last similar T-bone accident. The NHAI or L&T hasn't taken any measures other than to erect a sign board.


Originally Posted by silversteed (Post 5360898)
Passed this accident on the L&T Bypass on NH544 a couple of weeks ago.

Not able to make out anything, except that two trucks are parked in perpendicular. Share some good pictures please.


Originally Posted by silversteed (Post 5360898)
The NHAI or L&T hasn't taken any measures other than to erect a sign board.

I've seen similar situation without an incident, near Attibele RTO on Hosur Road.

There's a proper intersection with very good lighting ( The bright lights at the horizon on the video is the intersection ), 100m away and the truck tries to merge at a gap in median just before the intersection.

When there's an intersection, why they need another gap in median so close? :Frustrati


Originally Posted by balenoed_ (Post 5360948)
Not able to make out anything, except that two trucks are parked in perpendicular. Share some good pictures please.

This is the best set of pictures I could manage with the rains and a dirty windshield - I wasn't particularly looking for this, but chanced on it while randomly playing videos from the dashcam SD card.

The Leyland 31 tonner probably came out of the side road, and the Eicher lorry on the highway hit it near the front right wheel. The Leyland's (fabricated) cabin sustained damage but driver wasn't too badly hurt. The Eicher's driver seemed stuck - that's what I could assess from those few seconds. Help was on the way quite soon, since a toll booth was just a few km ahead.


Originally Posted by chaitanyakrish (Post 5360962)
I've seen similar situation without an incident, near Attibele RTO on Hosur Road.

Ah, deja vu! Some of these incidents are caused by sheer arrogance, some by idiocy and some, because of blind spots - due to the road design and cabin design.

Passed this accident just a while after it happened and since it was close to my village I decided to stop and take a look just in case any help was needed. From what eye witnesses mentioned, the Tiago jumped the median and got battered by an oncoming bus belonging to a nearby factory. The driver of the Tiago passed away while passenger had severe head injury. Driver of the bus escaped unhurt but supervisor sitting in the bus had some head injury. Was a sad sight to watch especially to hear about the supervisor.

Overspeeding can be ruled out since this is just after an area with barricades and its impossible for this car to have crossed legal speeds. Its a rather new car so perhaps not a chance of tyre burst. This is a fat median with a good amount of plants(sadly no metal barrier) and the car must have really jumped suddenly to have landed in the opposite way. What was also interesting was that the rear hub of the right side was cut in a bad way and the wheel was somewhere away. Not sure if I have to really draw a conclusion from this but we can join the dots. Attaching pictures:

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Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 5361672)
Overspeeding can be ruled out since this is just after an area with barricades and its impossible for this car to have crossed legal speeds.

Considering the damage height on both the bus and the car, and the scratches on the car, it looks like the car was already rolling over when it hit the bus. The right rear wheel could have been knocked off during the impact.

What is the legal speed here? Considering that the vehicle probably yawed, hit the median curb, rolled over, and crossed to the other side, it must be doing a considerable speed. Can you clarify what kind of barricades are present that make it impossible to cross legal speed limits?


Originally Posted by Rohan265 (Post 5361684)
What is the legal speed here? Considering that the vehicle probably yawed, hit the median curb, rolled over, and crossed to the other side, it must be doing a considerable speed. Can you clarify what kind of barricades are present that make it impossible to cross legal speed limits?

Around less than 300m from here, there are a series of speedbreakers in order to slow down vehicles since there is a T junction. With my Slavia 1.5 and accelerating medium aggressively I had reached 80-85kmph by here. So its not like this car was doing some 100+kmph to sound like a high speed. And neither is the Tiago so eager to do such speeds. So I can safely assume the speed in with this car was going will be not too high. The car hasn’t rolled over the median but directly in the opposite lane since the median had a narrow area where plants were damaged in a curve. That’s why I felt it was a sudden movement and as you say the car might have already started rolling over by the time it hit the bus.

A, B & C-Pillars didn't withstand the impact/roll over. Could it post accident damage to rescue the passengers from the cabin?


Originally Posted by ~Zombie~ (Post 5361713)
A, B & C-Pillars didn't withstand the impact/roll over. Could it post accident damage to rescue the passengers from the cabin?

There was nothing of that sort done. The roof has folded inward and both the edges of the roof have been crushed during roll over. As for the occupants the driver was dead immediately due to severe bleeding. Copax was pulled out of the windshield as the car was on its side.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 5361692)
Around less than 300m from here, there are a series of speedbreakers in order to slow down vehicles since there is a T junction. With my Slavia 1.5 and accelerating medium aggressively I had reached 80-85kmph by here. So its not like this car was doing some 100+kmph to sound like a high speed.

Thank you for confirming. A speed of 80 kmph is more than sufficient to cause this crash. I have seen such crashes even at speeds of 60 kmph. I thought the legal speed limit was much lower in this section and that is why you mentioned overspeeding.


Originally Posted by ~Zombie~ (Post 5361713)
A, B & C-Pillars didn't withstand the impact/roll over

I don't think there is any car whose pillars will not fold on impacting a heavy vehicle during a rollover. The pillars of most cars can't even handle ground impacts during rollovers.

As a frequent user of that stretch of road, the death toll doesnt surprise me at all. I have been caught in hour long jams multiple times due to an accident. If there is no jam, there is atleast one crumpled vehicle to be found. Its mostly an overturned truck.

Does anyone know if the truckers in India follow the load limits? There are deep ruts in the road due to the overloaded trucks. I have a feeling that if truck load limits are strictly enforced, the accidents would come down.

An ambulance crashing into the toll booth in coastal Karnataka region on NH-66.


Originally Posted by Levi (Post 5362261)
An ambulance crashing into the toll booth in coastal Karnataka region on NH-66.

What was the driver thinking, is he driving an Ambulance or a sports car?

I think a patient or stretcher in green cloth fell out of the rear door during the crash. Hope he gets an exemplary punishment and his licence is taken away for such a shameful act of misusing an Ambulance for driving in such high speeds.

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